View Full Version : Easter Day Natives

04-24-2011, 02:45 PM
Decided to take the family on a hiking/fishing trip Easter morning. So we were up kinda early and headed out to the chosen spot, which was local for us in the San Gabriel Mtns.

The morning started off like this.

Thats ok, we are hardcore and a little drizzle cant hurt.

The destination is up there!

Arrived at the parking lot and started hiking just before 0800.

A snap shot and break during the hike.

Off the pavement and on the trail now....It is so green!

After about 1.5 miles of hiking, we finally arrived at the stream.

Becky was the first one to get one, as usual.

Then Aaron followed up.

And Becky again.

And Aaron.

Anthony was not really into fishing yet as he was tending to his buddy "Duke".

Aaron again.

I think Anthony was just waiting for the right spot, because when he decided to give it a try, he got this nice native which was the biggest so far.

I decided to throw a few myself.

What do you mean you lost the keys? J/K, random photo makes me look Po'd.

Anthony was getting them steady now.

Not too long after the last spot we decided to start the hike down the canyon for our afternoon plans, not sure but I think it was around 1130. All in all we got at least 20+ natives.

Family photo on way out.

Humping it out the trail.

My three fisher peeps!

We were pretty close to the parking lot on the way down when I spotted a nice spot down stream from the dam, there was a road posted "No Tresspassing", but I think I was still outside the "Tresspassing Zone" when I got this one.

Becky called it "Illegal Fish", so the big fish of the day goes to Anthony.

Happy Easter All!

PS, watch out for snakes now. We encountered a baby rattler as we started the trip down, it was wounded from where we had stepped on it under a log on the way up!

04-24-2011, 06:12 PM
Cool day fishing with your family . Don't get any better than that . Nice going on the trout .

04-24-2011, 06:25 PM
what were you using at "bait" some nice fish there ... i was in the san gabriels also but EASTSIDE got 18 most on dry fly and some dry/wet presentations ...

ghetto dad
04-24-2011, 08:22 PM
very nice day with the family brother...those trout look bitchin man....great job


04-24-2011, 09:41 PM
What a perfect way to spend Easter Sunday with the family.
I haven't hiked up that way in years. Excellent report and pics Eddie. :Big Grin:

04-25-2011, 09:35 AM
Great report, good job on the quality time with the fam., and the fish

04-25-2011, 12:51 PM
Canyon and fish are looking good. I remember one of your stream fishing posts from a few years ago. The boys have sure grown. Excellent post!

04-25-2011, 05:01 PM
Thanks for the read and what a great way to spend Easter fishing with Family

04-26-2011, 08:39 PM

I was thrown for a loop when you first started talking about your freshwater post at today's work session.

That location is the only stream that I have not fished in the area or have I ever thought about it other than the pool just above the Dam! I was just up there last summer as you know on a work related issue that might have saved that area from some potential damage like what happened to "My Backyard" of old.

Great find thanks to old friends and comrades from the past.

Great to see the family out again and it reminds me of our New Years trip a about 2 years back when we got "Stealth'ed by the Bomber", except for the fact that it will not be long before you are again the shortest "Hesbro's "in the family again!

Some nice looking Wilds from another precious but vulnerable place that hopefully will stay the same for years to come!

Thanks Aaron, Anthony and your buddy Duke, Becky & Eddie for putting some sunshine in my week!

Steve http://planetsmilies.net/person-smiley-1122.gif.

04-27-2011, 08:38 AM
Great report and pics! Nothing like catching some very nice looking fish!


trout masterson
04-27-2011, 02:42 PM
nice report. great pics. dude that last trout in the report was a toad for that area.. nice work