View Full Version : S.W.A.T. From the Shores of South Bay to the Waves of Crystal Cove...4-23-11

murrieta angler
04-24-2011, 01:01 PM
After seeing Commander Wingnuts report from Friday I thought that it would be a great time to head North for a fishing assault.
Well it wouldn’t be a thought but a reality!
I got the message from the Commander, around 9:30ish, that there would be an attack, at 0600 hours from the East, and to bring my ammuniton…:Cool:
When I arrived at the rear HQ, Commaner Wingnut was already there and I could see the look in his eyes that it was going to be an all out bloody massacre…:Twisted:
While we were waiting for the rest of the troops to arrive, the Commander was giving me some secret intel from the previous day.
It was getting past gray light and the Commander was wondering where Lieutenant Bones was, he said he had communication with him and that he was about 20 mikes away.
Right then LT pulls up and right behind him was Colonel Klocked ( I like the way it sounds…:Big Grin: )
This would be all the troops for the day and we would see what destruction we would cause.
But first a picture for the Commander;

As we arrived at the battle site conditions were not looking the same as yesterday, per the Commander. The swell was up, the water was not as clear, no baitfish present and clearer skies.

The end of our trek;

It would be only 4 casts into the mission when we would have out first casualty. Here I am in rod to fish combat;

…and the first casualty of war;

Of course, the Commander would be documenting our battle for the history books;

After the Commander decided to put down his camera, it was time for business and this would be the next casualty;

The grenade used for the capture;

The casualty was just a ¼” shy of the 22”, set by the Geneva Convention ( DFG );

It seems the enemy would be using it’s intel, from the previous day, and the enemy were
toying with us.
As we made our way North, into heavy enemy territory, it was becoming evident that they were gaining the upper hand on us….until the Commander reminded them that he had a few tricks up his sleeve.
There would be no pictures for the next two events, as the events were just to grizzly for the weak at heart ( I got my camera soaked and ruined it ).
The Commander brought in a short Sand Bass, farmed a few, than brought in a nice healthy 15-17 inch Sand Bass.
We were starting to get the upper hand, as I joined the Commander at his locale, and was greeted with this casualty;

While at this location, I would surrender 4 LC’s and the Commander would give up one himself.
We decided to move back South and try to flank the enemy. This seemed to work out, but for only a short time, as the LT would pull one out with a WODSD ( Weapon Of Drop Shot Destruction );

We would be calling it a day around 1000 hours, as members of our unit had previous commitments.
It turned out to be a less than victorious day as the enemy would use all they had to keep us at bay.
At times during the battle the enemy would call on the water infantry and they would soak the Commander from toe to head;

Well, it was time to head out;

but I had informed the others that I would be working my way further South and re-coning drop zones for future battles.
Bonus pics of the days battle;

Colonel Klocked;

The danger zone;

WARNING: Do not attempt these types of maneuvers without the proper training!!
See General Team 57’s ( Dana’s Surf Fishing Post ) Technical Manual.

After I said my farewells for the morning, I decided to head to NPH and see if I couldn't get me some SBB. After I stopped for some lunch I arrived at NPH at around 1:00.
I would stay till around 4:00 or leave sooner , if I ran out of swimmies...:Smile:
Well, the latter would be the case. I only had 4 of them and I still need some practice casting in between the boats and decks...:Surprised:
It would be only a few minutes before I landed my first of the afternoon. It was a juvenile, around 8 inches, and I took a picture then let it go.
At the very next dock, I get a fish on the line, but it doesn't grab and run, like other SBB. It simply grabs it and starts to swim away, all casual like...:Confused:
I let it go for a couple of seconds then decide to load up and bring it in. CRAP!!!!
This fish is a bigger model and is pulling drag, even though I have it tightened all the way. I am reeling it in, then my line goes limp...:Angry:
That sucker got off, don't ask me how, it just did...:Embarrassed:
Off to the next dock and I get hit again, as soon as the bait hits the water the fish grabs it and jumps out of the water...:Cool: This is not good!
My line was wrapped around a cleet and it tightened it up.
Now the fish is still on the swimmie and can't go no where, so I decide to jump up on the dock and untangle my line, mind you it is a 3 1/2' high tide and I'm already up to my chest in water.
I get the line untangled, bring the fish towards the houses, by the way, this fish is good size and most likely my PB, I put my rod down, grab onto the landing and lower myself into the water.....all the way into the water...:Shocked: Apparently it was a little deeper than I thought and I got water down my waders and I soaked my camera, my non-waterproof camera...:Angry:
I get the fish to a spot where I can measure the fish and it tapes out at 15".
Dang, I have no picture of it! So I let the fish go and proceed to fish.


As I was getting ready to head back to my truck, to get my cell phone, this nice yacht is cruising by and on the bow of the boat there are 2 platinum blondes with their tops off. They were 2 hot young ladies and they looked at me and waved. Well, that did help things out, just a little...:Big Grin:

Back to fishing.
After retrieving my cell, I decide to go back to the spot where I got slammed and see if the creature would take a diiferent colored swimmie.:???:
After just my first cast, WHAM!!!! Fish on and I aint losing him this time...:Wink:
After a short battle I was rewarded with my NEW PB SBB;



16 1/2" of Pure Adrenaline...:Big Grin:

This would be my last fish at NPH, I ran out of swimmies, it was 3:30 and time to head to San Onofre for an evening re-con/ fish slay.
I ended farmimg 3 and catching 3 total....:Cool:

As I was driving down PCH, towards San "O", I was checking out the shore line at the different beaches. It was when I was driving by Crystal Cove that I decided to change my plans and finish my day off there.
By the time I hit the sand it was close to 4:30. It's a pretty good looking beach and I thought I was gonna have some success there....well that wouldn't be the case.
There was a ton of salad in the water and every cast produced some kelp or eel grass.
Still, I was going to stay and check out the beach from South to North. I think I ended up walking close to 4 miles and tossing my line most of those miles.
Although I didn't get even a nibble or bump, I believe that beach will hold some great fishing in the future at the right time.

It was another long one for me, day started at 4:20 on the road and back at my casa at 8:40.

Thanks to the guys for fishing with me and those that couldn't make it, hope y'all had a good day.

Happy Easter & God Bless everyone on this day that He arose from the grave.

p.s. Steve, I heard the encouraging words. COOL.

04-24-2011, 01:54 PM
Well, the mop up mission wasn't as productive as we would have liked, but fun nonetheless. :Big Grin:
What a difference 24 hours make. Stronger wind, bigger swells, murkier water, more salad... the enemy took advantage of these conditions and went into hiding. We still managed a few pretty decent combatants and had a blast doing it. Robert, Mike & John, thanks for joining me out on the second strike assault, good times!

Robert, you followed me out to the danger zone to face the enemy at close range and captured some scrappy fighters. But it was not without a steep price... you lost FOUR LC's and I lost one to the heavily fortified enemy bunkers. :mad: But that comes with the territory when you dare to engage them in their own turf. :Wink: I almost got rolled a couple of times in the surf and took on some water. Too funny, one big swell snuck up on me and I was caught in between deciding to fall back or stepping forward and hopping over it. I decide to move forward, but realized that it was too big to jump. Now it was too late to fall back or it would crash on top of me and get rolled so I dove under it. :Shocked: Came out soaked but with everything intact. :Envious: Gave you guys a good laugh out of it, I can't believe my cap stayed on. :LOL:

Excellent job on the extended mission Robert and bummer about the camera. Time to upgrade to a S.W.A.T. proof model. :Wink:

Until we meet again my friends... Happy Easter everybody! :Cool:

Here are some more pics...


Fish on!

Fortifed enemy bunker.


Grumpy Turd Roller.


Went on a little exploration to check out the local neutral inhabitants.








I found a pile of these empty Sea Urchins. Did they get harvested? Used for bait? Any ideas...? :Shocked:

Went up to the hills above the shore also.



Got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic going home on the 405N. :Evil:

This is why... :Neutral:

04-24-2011, 01:57 PM
Man I'm jealous. Way to go Robert. That looks like a lot of fun. Nice SBB


04-24-2011, 02:05 PM
These posts crack me up and are a big part in what made me want to start casting into the surf. Great job out there

04-24-2011, 04:44 PM
hi, if you don't mind me asking.. where is this place at? i want to try it out. thanks!

04-24-2011, 04:49 PM
Hey guys,

Do you ever get ANY of those LC's back ? Just crazy to think there aren't some up at the really super high tide line sometimes on some of the tide pools.


04-24-2011, 06:03 PM
great report. thank you

04-24-2011, 06:15 PM
Nice report Robert! Colonel Klocked? lol! I don't deserve that rank yet, Colonel Bones sounds good although I know this is all in fun! This is still kind of wierd though seeing as my younger brother just made colonel in the air force after 21 years of service. I'm very proud of him!!

Even though I wasn't able to capture a single enemy, I had a great time with you guys. Can't wait to do it again!!

04-24-2011, 06:24 PM
Not exactly the easiest shore in the south bay to fish from lost alot of lures and have left there stinkin a number of times good job on scraping a few up great diving spot though

Which Way Out
04-24-2011, 06:30 PM
Good job guys. Sounds like you might need reinforcements:Wink:

04-24-2011, 06:48 PM
Nice report thats my back yard i havnt fished it in a while .but you will loose tackle

04-24-2011, 08:41 PM
great day on the water(and in the water WN)to say the least.

@Wingnut "unibutter" is made from crushed up sea urchins( would be deadly at that spot.) so maybe it was some one making there own :mad: thats messed up.

04-24-2011, 09:28 PM
Wow solid fish action and blondes?!?! That's a nice way to spend a day, WTG guys!

04-24-2011, 10:10 PM
WTG guys looks like another fun outing. Sorry to hear about the lost LC's. I've only lost one LC so far and I'm still having a difficult time getting over it. LOL Robert, you put in some hours and some. Congrats on the PB spottie. That's a pig for sure. :Cool:

04-24-2011, 11:20 PM
Man, that's hardcore M.A., a full on assault in the morning and two other missions after. No doubt you belong in the SWAT crew. :Death2Above:
Too bad nobody got a video of the commander going under the wave, lol :Twisted:

04-24-2011, 11:22 PM
Man, you guys are killing me!

Robert, awesome report, great pics, sweeeet S.W.A.T. lingo lol :Cool:
I'm amazed myself at how the conditions changed within 24 hours, it’s a trip. But, sometimes it’s not about the fish, it’s about the people you spend the time with my friend. With Arthur, Mike and John there I can only imagine how good of a time you guys had. Nice fish brotha, especially that PB SBB….it looks massive :Shocked:. I might be coming down to where you are stationed bud, I’ll let you know soon.

Arthur, you got a visit from the infamous wave that comes out of nowhere as well? lol :LOL: The same thing happened to me last week. It was either jump forward or try to make a run for it, but there was no way I was going to be able to run from it, so I decided to man up and jump my highest. Well, let’s just say it picked me up and tossed me like a rag doll. I’ve never been manhandled to that degree in my life! lol
Nice Hali and turd roller bud , the structure looks way different from last time we visited “Pea Soup”, it looks dangerous! Just the way we like it! :Wink: hahaha.

Lt. Mike, nice fish…on the dropshot too! Very nice. :Big Grin:

John, what happened bud? You have to stop hanging out with Robert man; his swing N miss technique is contagious. :Farmer:

Hope to fish with you guys soon, it’s been too long! Great job out there guys, awesome day for sure. :Thumbs Up:

04-25-2011, 08:18 AM
Way to go Robert.. way to get some fish... I texted you the other day but never heard back from you

04-25-2011, 12:35 PM
nice one! looked like plenty of fun :)

04-25-2011, 04:31 PM
Nice slay session, nothing like a whole day in surf. After taking a few too many over the head, I've picked up a wetsuit for the next mission, hoping to make it out a bit farther for the high tide spots. Keep it up.

04-25-2011, 09:44 PM
Great report Robert!

The original plan for me was to join you guys out there, but as you know, a higher priority in life came upon my family this past weekend. :Sad:

Looks like the smaller "SWAT" gathering was successful as usual with lots of exciting action even though the fish were not cooperating. You all managed a few of the enemy targets but it is always tough to mount a surprise attack when the solo recon force put a big hurt on the previous day!

You put in a solid day my friend and glad to see you made a full day of it after the rest of the crew had to go on their way with other weekend commitments!

As for your NPH adventure!

At the very next dock, I get a fish on the line, but it doesn't grab and run, like other SBB. It simply grabs it and starts to swim away, all casual like...:Confused:
I let it go for a couple of seconds then decide to load up and bring it in. CRAP!!!!
This fish is a bigger model and is pulling drag, even though I have it tightened all the way. I am reeling it in, then my line goes limp...:Angry:
That sucker got off, don't ask me how, it just did...:Embarrassed:

The "NPH Playground" has many a species that will act and feel very different and surprise you with a fast run or something unusual and just spit it back into your face if you are ill prepared like, at least you did not end up like this poor guy on his first NPH trip a few years back on his trip aboard the "Spotted Fever!" :???: :Razz:

Good thing he brought a backup setup or his day was done!

You have a long way to go before we come up with a new "NPH Farmer" name for you!

Sounds like a usual session of frustration before you handled that "Big 16+ Inch"

Referring to the fish there Robert! :whistle:


Thanks for the invite and understanding!


Looks like you have grown and become the tallest member of SWAT! I miss hitting the waters with you but we will work something out soon!


You will get them next time with a vengence!

Steve http://planetsmilies.net/person-smiley-1122.gif.

04-26-2011, 07:03 AM
Cool Report. WTG

Probably someone taking the Urchin Eggs. It's ok. Feel free to crush and kill Sea Urchins since they eat the kelp root and are a menace.

Nice report thats my back yard


04-26-2011, 09:12 PM
Another great report fellows .

And congrats on the PB Bay Bass , murrieta marathon angler :Big Grin:

04-26-2011, 10:34 PM
Robert - you're watching to many damn war movies.

NICE report though bra - i love the pics. Can't get those kinds of pics on a boat. Thanks for the update man.

04-28-2011, 10:28 AM
Sorry to hear that you guys didn't match the prior day's count, but a day out in the surf with SWAT is always a good time. That location looks like it's got some serious potential for the bass kind, so I plan to visit it with some heavy ordinance very soon to see if I can capture some enemy officers out from their bunkers. Once I'm done with these finals, I'll be out there with you guys again!

murrieta angler
04-28-2011, 01:00 PM
Well, the mop up mission wasn't as productive as we would have liked, but fun nonetheless. :Big Grin:
What a difference 24 hours make. Stronger wind, bigger swells, murkier water, more salad... the enemy took advantage of these conditions and went into hiding. We still managed a few pretty decent combatants and had a blast doing it. Robert, Mike & John, thanks for joining me out on the second strike assault, good times!

Robert, you followed me out to the danger zone to face the enemy at close range and captured some scrappy fighters. But it was not without a steep price... you lost FOUR LC's and I lost one to the heavily fortified enemy bunkers. :mad: But that comes with the territory when you dare to engage them in their own turf. :Wink: I almost got rolled a couple of times in the surf and took on some water. Too funny, one big swell snuck up on me and I was caught in between deciding to fall back or stepping forward and hopping over it. I decide to move forward, but realized that it was too big to jump. Now it was too late to fall back or it would crash on top of me and get rolled so I dove under it. :Shocked: Came out soaked but with everything intact. :Envious: Gave you guys a good laugh out of it, I can't believe my cap stayed on. :LOL:

Excellent job on the extended mission Robert and bummer about the camera. Time to upgrade to a S.W.A.T. proof model. :Wink:

Until we meet again my friends... Happy Easter everybody! :Cool:

Here are some more pics...


Fish on!

Fortifed enemy bunker.


Grumpy Turd Roller.


Went on a little exploration to check out the local neutral inhabitants.








I found a pile of these empty Sea Urchins. Did they get harvested? Used for bait? Any ideas...? :Shocked:

Went up to the hills above the shore also.



Got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic going home on the 405N. :Evil:

This is why... :Neutral:

That sucks about the traffic heading home Arthur.
If it's any consolation, it was smooth sailing for me the whole day....:Big Grin:
Always fun fishing with you and all the other people who have fished with me these last 2 years.

Man I'm jealous. Way to go Robert. That looks like a lot of fun. Nice SBB

Thanks Ryan,
I had a blast catching that big ol sucka...:Smile:

These posts crack me up and are a big part in what made me want to start casting into the surf. Great job out there
Hey Oban,
That is my intention of the post, not just to share what was caught, but the fun I have doing it.

hi, if you don't mind me asking.. where is this place at? i want to try it out. thanks!
I am not at liberty to let that info out, but I will give you a general area.
I will send PM.

Hey guys,

Do you ever get ANY of those LC's back ? Just crazy to think there aren't some up at the really super high tide line sometimes on some of the tide pools.

Hi Ron,
I have only ever gotten one back, but if I'm ever there again at a -2 ft low tide, I know where they are at. Heck, if the water warms up more I just might swim out and get them...:Cool:
Take care,

great report. thank you
My pleasure Koi.

Not exactly the easiest shore in the south bay to fish from lost alot of lures and have left there stinkin a number of times good job on scraping a few up great diving spot though
Hey GB,
There were some guys there diving just North of us. I might purchase soem diving stuff this year and start in the shallow areas.

Good job guys. Sounds like you might need reinforcements:Wink:
Hey Bill,
That would be up to the Commander Bro.

Nice report thats my back yard i havnt fished it in a while .but you will loose tackle
Howdy Hometown,
Don't you know it!!

great day on the water(and in the water WN)to say the least.

@Wingnut "unibutter" is made from crushed up sea urchins( would be deadly at that spot.) so maybe it was some one making there own :mad: thats messed up.
Hey LFF,
The water felt good when the outside temp got up to around 70.
I was crushing so many of those sea urchins, they got thick in some spots.

Wow solid fish action and blondes?!?! That's a nice way to spend a day, WTG guys!
Thanks Bro, but watching the blondes was my pleasure...:Surprised:

WTG guys looks like another fun outing. Sorry to hear about the lost LC's. I've only lost one LC so far and I'm still having a difficult time getting over it. LOL Robert, you put in some hours and some. Congrats on the PB spottie. That's a pig for sure. :Cool:
Hey Jason,
Yeah, it does suck about the LC's but that's part of the game.
May is just a few days away..:Cool:

Man, that's hardcore M.A., a full on assault in the morning and two other missions after. No doubt you belong in the SWAT crew. :Death2Above:
Too bad nobody got a video of the commander going under the wave, lol :Twisted:
Hey Badbeat,
Oh, I have a mental video of it, he was right next to me when the one wave went over his head.....and he didn't lose his hat either...:ROFL:

Man, you guys are killing me!

Robert, awesome report, great pics, sweeeet S.W.A.T. lingo lol :Cool:
I'm amazed myself at how the conditions changed within 24 hours, it’s a trip. But, sometimes it’s not about the fish, it’s about the people you spend the time with my friend. With Arthur, Mike and John there I can only imagine how good of a time you guys had. Nice fish brotha, especially that PB SBB….it looks massive :Shocked:. I might be coming down to where you are stationed bud, I’ll let you know soon.

Arthur, you got a visit from the infamous wave that comes out of nowhere as well? lol :LOL: The same thing happened to me last week. It was either jump forward or try to make a run for it, but there was no way I was going to be able to run from it, so I decided to man up and jump my highest. Well, let’s just say it picked me up and tossed me like a rag doll. I’ve never been manhandled to that degree in my life! lol
Nice Hali and turd roller bud , the structure looks way different from last time we visited “Pea Soup”, it looks dangerous! Just the way we like it! :Wink: hahaha.

Lt. Mike, nice fish…on the dropshot too! Very nice. :Big Grin:

John, what happened bud? You have to stop hanging out with Robert man; his swing N miss technique is contagious. :Farmer:

Hope to fish with you guys soon, it’s been too long! Great job out there guys, awesome day for sure. :Thumbs Up:
Well thanks for the kind words Frank...:Rolls Eyes:
Swing & Miss, who you been talking to...
I'm always down for a visit to the beach!

Way to go Robert.. way to get some fish... I texted you the other day but never heard back from you
Have you been going out?!
Where have you been. Is that a new cell number?
Call Me, don't text!

nice one! looked like plenty of fun :)
Hi Tomah,
It was fun, those guys are good people.

Nice slay session, nothing like a whole day in surf. After taking a few too many over the head, I've picked up a wetsuit for the next mission, hoping to make it out a bit farther for the high tide spots. Keep it up.
Hey Chris,
I can't wait till the water is 68 and i can go in just my shorts and flip-flops..:Razz:

Great report Robert!

The original plan for me was to join you guys out there, but as you know, a higher priority in life came upon my family this past weekend. :Sad:

Looks like the smaller "SWAT" gathering was successful as usual with lots of exciting action even though the fish were not cooperating. You all managed a few of the enemy targets but it is always tough to mount a surprise attack when the solo recon force put a big hurt on the previous day!

You put in a solid day my friend and glad to see you made a full day of it after the rest of the crew had to go on their way with other weekend commitments!

As for your NPH adventure!

The "NPH Playground" has many a species that will act and feel very different and surprise you with a fast run or something unusual and just spit it back into your face if you are ill prepared like, at least you did not end up like this poor guy on his first NPH trip a few years back on his trip aboard the "Spotted Fever!" :???: :Razz:

Good thing he brought a backup setup or his day was done!

You have a long way to go before we come up with a new "NPH Farmer" name for you!

Sounds like a usual session of frustration before you handled that "Big 16+ Inch"

Referring to the fish there Robert! :whistle:


Thanks for the invite and understanding!


Looks like you have grown and become the tallest member of SWAT! I miss hitting the waters with you but we will work something out soon!


You will get them next time with a vengence!

Steve http://planetsmilies.net/person-smiley-1122.gif.
Hey Steve,
Again, my Prayers are with you and your family.

Cool Report. WTG

Probably someone taking the Urchin Eggs. It's ok. Feel free to crush and kill Sea Urchins since they eat the kelp root and are a menace.

Thanks DR.

Another great report fellows .

And congrats on the PB Bay Bass , murrieta marathon angler :Big Grin:
Thanks chuck,
Next up is that 18" SBB...:Wink:

Robert - you're watching to many damn war movies.

NICE report though bra - i love the pics. Can't get those kinds of pics on a boat. Thanks for the update man.
When are you gonna hit the surf Dude?!
I have extra rod and reels if you want to head out.....LMK

Sorry to hear that you guys didn't match the prior day's count, but a day out in the surf with SWAT is always a good time. That location looks like it's got some serious potential for the bass kind, so I plan to visit it with some heavy ordinance very soon to see if I can capture some enemy officers out from their bunkers. Once I'm done with these finals, I'll be out there with you guys again!
Hey Marc,
You and Nick need to get out there and do some damage to them fish.
Just make sure to post a report when you do...:Big Grin:

05-02-2011, 10:01 PM
Wow.....You SWAT fellas are AWESOME....:ROFL:

See what happens when you are getting old and someone throws a hand grenade in you foxhole!
Sorry for the delayed input guys......Life went upside down for a week or so but I survived the storm!
It was awesome to just get together for some good old fishin and SWAT recon with the boyz. It's going to be a good year!

05-04-2011, 12:23 PM
I remember last year when a bunch of us SWAT members hit that spot. Man, the waves were pounding that day. Love that area, lots of cool structures and the LC's are constantly in the danger zone, i've lost a couple there myself Robert. :Neutral: Hey, that comes with the territory right bro? :Wink:

05-04-2011, 08:23 PM
Robert, Awesome Report and Pictures!

Every time I have taken my wife to The Beachcomber I've wished I had my gear with me. I'm glad to read a report of that area and I may just have to give that area a try sometime soon.

Great job out there guys and keep the reports coming!:Cool: