View Full Version : weekly pudd report!!

04-24-2011, 08:10 AM
even thou the lake is in full alge bloom and very nasty i had decent week considering, with 4 bass averaging 2lbs.all on the 8wt.heavy action fly rod ,free lined 4.5 inch robos.8ft leader,weedless,and large indicator.i probubly would have caught more ,but the urge to start catching big red ears ,with the 3 wt.with tapered leader,6ft tippet,and #14 flash back hares ear bead fly.the 4wt rigged same way ,with an upper dry with bead below,6ft. from indicator.finally have a somewhat successful week catching a few hand size red ears.friday after robert took off(10.30am) after trying all our spots for no bites. decided to find a bite,at one more location, and i was fortunite enough to get lucky, and started catching one after another,all big ones.they fight like no other fish.i also caught some trout,which compared to the red ears. didnt even compare as far as fighting.total for friday around 20 red ears,4 trout.total for the week 4 bass,around 40 red ears.all, and all my season is starting to produce.now im waiting for the surface dry fly bite, for pan fish ,and of course the big bass popper top water bite on the 8wt. hope everyone had a good week,..god bless and peace out mike the pmb.....

04-24-2011, 08:45 AM
Cool Mike! Yeah you are right about the fight that good-sized Redears can put up. Those guys can really move when hooked! Hey do you get Redears to hit dry flies on the surface, or just Bluegills?

04-24-2011, 08:59 AM
if you notice at the pudd there these tiny white knats, with a little green coloring.the pan fish ,and shad feast on them.i throw the smallest adams, i can find.the redears, and bluegills hammer them.also the floating black ants they have at glendora sports chalet ,and the exspensive smaller brown crickit flys ,with the awesome detail at bps used as an indicator, and a bead dropper.i caught bigger red ears last year on those crickets.it gives you a double chance with the bead below...we need some warmer weather and the surface bite will go off.

Troutcz swimbait
04-24-2011, 09:03 AM
Time to get back out there for those reds,about time dammmmmm.

04-24-2011, 10:18 AM
even thou the lake is in full alge bloom and very nasty i had decent week considering, with 4 bass averaging 2lbs.all on the 8wt.heavy action fly rod ,free lined 4.5 inch robos.8ft leader,weedless,and large indicator.i probubly would have caught more ,but the urge to start catching big red ears ,with the 3 wt.with tapered leader,6ft tippet,and #14 flash back hares ear bead fly.the 4wt rigged same way ,with an upper dry with bead below,6ft. from indicator.finally have a somewhat successful week catching a few hand size red ears.friday after robert took off(10.30am) after trying all our spots for no bites. decided to find a bite,at one more location, and i was fortunite enough to get lucky, and started catching one after another,all big ones.they fight like no other fish.i also caught some trout,which compared to the red ears. didnt even compare as far as fighting.total for friday around 20 red ears,4 trout.total for the week 4 bass,around 40 red ears.all, and all my season is starting to produce.now im waiting for the surface dry fly bite, for pan fish ,and of course the big bass popper top water bite on the 8wt. hope everyone had a good week,..god bless and peace out mike the pmb.....

WTG, Mike!!! That is incredibl!. The water temperature is such that the readear should be biting, but I guess I've been fishing in the wrong spot. I was there Friday, and I got one bite. Were you using those little flies when you caught those 40 readear? Do you think they would work as well using float n fly? I'm not going to ask, but I sure wish I knew where you were fishing. You told me you would be killing those pan fish with those flies. You were right.

04-24-2011, 06:23 PM
Nice action on friday ... will be there monday with some ZEBRA MIDGES

04-24-2011, 07:39 PM
thanks guys.cartman im sure you can understand ,why i cant mention the spot ,or every local regular bait fisherman, with there with there 3 rods, and attack that spot like flys on @@@@paper,and fish it out quick loading up there baskets.shoot me a pm....chuck when robert left,old steve showed up, and like always,started nailing big *** red ears, in a spot you woulnt believe.see you out there tommorrow.....mike the pmb.....

04-24-2011, 07:55 PM
You wouldn't happen to be the mike that works at a HVAC company, would you?

04-24-2011, 08:06 PM
it depends on whos asking.pm me///