View Full Version : Good Friday Solo S.W.A.T. Morning Session... and it WAS "Good!" 4/22

04-22-2011, 02:55 PM
Got back in town late last night and was driving home from the airport when I get a call from Mikey "Exfactor". Mikey says that he might pop out there somewhere on Saturday to fish. I told him that there might be a chance that I can join him Saturday, but most likely, the only day that I can get out there is on Good Friday. Placed a call to Lieutenant Bones, but apparently he has gone AWOL in a remote location and didn't have cell service. :Wink:

Mikey says to me, "You know it's a good moon for Bass..." I was like huh...??? http://elouai.com/images/yahoo/a11.gif
Now, how the heck does he know these things...?!? But of course he does... Mikey is the Yoda of the Sea and I continue to learn from the Jedi Master.
Indeed it was, the Bass was definitely ON THE CHEW. You da man Mikey. http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-cool11.gif

A solo session it will be... It would have to be a short session as I had some church obligations with the family this afternoon. In and out mission in the South Bay, fished from 6:00am grey light until about 9:30am, hopped on the 405 North by 10:00am heading back to the Valley.

Mission objective: To get a legal Halibut for Good Friday dinner.
Mission status: Failed. Did not secure the package. :Neutral:
Conditions: Cool and slightly overcast morning. No wind, minus low tide, moderate swells 1-3 feet, water clarity fair, no baitfish presence, moderate salad, water tempt. feels warmer than it has been.

For the S.W.A.T. Crew. The location of the AO code word is "Pea Soup" :Secret:

Fish count (All released) 6-Species!
(7) Calico Bass
(4) Sand Bass
(5) Short Halibut
(1) Barred Surf Perch
(1) Yellow Fin Croaker
(1) Cabezon

Arrived to an outgoing low tide and had a wealth of structure from which to fish, love it. Wading in slowly and carefully along the rocks and kelp line and working the LC thru all the obstacles in the surf. The first fish absolutely hammered the LC in the grey light. :Shocked: My drag wasn't set tight enough and the fish shot right into the kelp mass. After a few minutes of giving it line to see if it will free itself, I had to snap it off. There goes one of my favorite LC's. :mad: Hopped up on a boiler and tied on another one, tightened up the drag and let it fly again... Three casts later I get stopped again. A smaller fish and made quick work of it. A little Calico to get on the board, nice. The Bass bite was off the hook for the first hour. The Bass were extremely active and I could see them chasing and taking swipes at the LC in between the kelp line. I was really surprised that there were some grumpy Sand Bass in the mix too, they're usually not this close to the surf line. But I guess they were hanging tight with the structures. Got some really nice Bass up to 18" and lost at least 4-5 in the fast & furious action. Even coaxed a small Cabezon out from between two big boilers to take the LC. That was cool to see it shot up between the rocks and nail the lure. :EyePop:
About 8:30 or so, the sun started to peep through the overcast. As soon as the first ray of light hit the water, the Flatties woke up. I caught three in less than 15 minutes up to 21". The Bass bite shut off and I managed a couple more short Halibut, a BSP and a YFC before I packed it up and hiked back out. Not bad for a short morning session even though I didn't get that legal Hali for Good Friday dinner tonight.
A six species day in the surf is a good day! :Big Grin:
Going to see if I can extend the mission tomorrow... :Wink:

Have a Happy Easter everybody. While you are enjoying the Easter Egg hunt, eating chocolate bunnies and having fun with the family. Remind yourself and each other of what Easter is really all about. "He has risen..." :Cool:

Arthur (Wingnut)

"Easter proves that you can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there."

Here are some pics of the solo session...

Lots of structure.












This guy got hooked from the outside in... lol




Having fun with some underwater pics... Got smacked in the head by a wave while trying to get one of these shots. :LOL:




Fat YFC (for Cangler) :Envious:



Spring time slendor.



While driving home, I felt some irritation on my thumb... Bass thumb from the surf, gotta love it! :Envious:

Parting shot.
It's tiring chasing those Easter Bunnies around... :LOL:

trail blazer
04-22-2011, 03:02 PM

Your probably getting tired of eating HALLB, any way W,NUT,,,,,,,LOL,,,,,,,,,,,,Not hardly hu!

Great job out there,,,,GREAT POST, THANKS


04-22-2011, 03:26 PM
For most thats a day of a life time, great report.

04-22-2011, 03:27 PM
That's a nice chunky YFC .. Thank you !

04-22-2011, 03:30 PM
Awesome Session Arthur!! You made short work with those fish!!
I'm liking the markings on the bass in the 10th picture, very cool looking.
Hopefully I'll be seeing you at the drop zone tomorrow!

04-22-2011, 03:52 PM
Slayage !! Man your location has done you well !! Thanks for the report ! S.W.A.T 0WNZ !

04-22-2011, 03:53 PM
I totaly like reading your post as you always are on top of what needs to be done to catch fish . I had a Abalone trip planned for the northern Fort Bragg area YESTERDAY AND TODAY but we got busy at work and oh well , theres next month . Your pics are making me wanting to get wet , ha Good job WN , And it kinda looks like those Pugs caught those bunnies . // db

04-22-2011, 04:48 PM
Nice slay on the bass if you are doing any weekday sessions give me a buzz i am game. I downloaded a pretty cool fishing app it tells you peak fishing times, sunrise, sunset, moon phase, how good the day is going to be its pretty awesome its called FISHING ADVISOR. But with your skill and luck you probably will not need it.

04-22-2011, 05:35 PM
Hi WingNut,

Very nice report.



04-22-2011, 08:38 PM
Commander WN,

Your timing to hit the surf is always impeccable but your timing of text messages for a pre-report while I am at work makes it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand for the rest of the day!

Poseidon will reward you tomorrow and I know you will come through and bring home that Halibut Steak for Mom's meal on Sunday!

Very nice variety of species today!

Disappointed that there were no Torpedoes in the mix. It is my new theory that they can eat one of them in 1 bite! Well at least the bigger models we are looking for can.

Good luck out there tomorrow.

Steve http://planetsmilies.net/person-smiley-1122.gif

murrieta angler
04-22-2011, 08:39 PM
Man Arthur, 7 species in a few hours is awesome. Loved all the pics and the report.
It's nice to get out by yourself once in a while, isn't it?!
C-Ya Manana,

04-22-2011, 08:54 PM
Sick report Art. That's a lot of species. :Shocked: You sure are making up for loss time.
Too bad that legal hali eluded you today, that would have been a perfect Good Friday meal. :Big Grin: Good luck on the SWAT second strike tomorrow. :Twisted:
I'm leaving on a week cruise tomorrow morning, see ya in a week!

04-22-2011, 09:03 PM
AWOL ='s Another Wild Obsessed Lady ! :ROFL:
Just prepping for Topanga Earth Day Brotha !!

Tomorrow is going to be a long and WILD day! Geritol my azzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!
There is definately still PLAY for Mr. Grey !

Awesome report Arthur as always. We are going to get mom that legal tomorrow.

I LOVE PEA SOUP......Got any cornbread?

Tara loves her new phone brotha.......Now if I can just get her to stop texting me every 5 minutes I'll hit the hay for the assault tomorrow.

04-23-2011, 05:34 AM
Good job Arthur, 7 species is pretty darn cool.
Live Barely Legal Halibut on Redondo Pier accross from Tony's for $35 a pound. LOL

04-23-2011, 08:02 AM
Thanks for the report. Love the photos. Dig the pugs. Great job as always.

04-23-2011, 02:32 PM
Now that, is a report! :Shocked:

Awesome job brotha! Multiple species in a matter of hours is insane. Nice size ones too :Cool:
The water actually looks pretty good and the structure seems like its holding massive amounts of fish :EyePop: and you just happened to find them! awesome job. The commander knows exactly where to locate our enemies and devastate their battle field, thats for sure.

I wish I could have joined you guys for the Saturday assault, but I had some family issues I had to deal with along with some clients. :Crying: Hopefully it went just as good as Friday if not better since there were more members present for the attack :Guns:, cant wait for the report. Bring it home S.W.A.T :Cool:

04-23-2011, 02:58 PM
Good Friday was Good indeed Arthur.
I haven't hit the surf for half a year .. I was able to go once about couple weeks ago but it was too windy I couldn't cast. The lure would fly right back at me so I went home :). Happy Easter bro

04-23-2011, 04:23 PM
Hey bro, forget the Halibut, that Calico and Cabezon tastes better. :LOL:
Should have brung them home for your Good Friday dinner. :Big Grin: Not a bad solo mission, you still got it dialed in dude. Another great report and some cool pix. :Thumbs Up:
We got a poker tournament coming up in a couple of weeks, i'll let you know the details once its finalized. We missed the shark at the table. :Wink:

04-23-2011, 05:58 PM
WTG, Arthur. After the 12 hour drubbing I took up at SB I figured I'd just mope around, host a pity party, and wait til the water hits 60 before risking humiliation again....Then I see your report and it put the fire right back in my ample belly...Thanks and yeehaw!!
Sid Ficous

04-23-2011, 08:32 PM
Nice mix of species for just a few hours of fishing. Very impressive. I'm still trying to figure out the best time and tide to hit the surf for a particular area.

04-23-2011, 08:48 PM
Wow .... Way to put a hurt on'em.

Congrats on another successful mission !!

Fat Tony
04-23-2011, 09:04 PM
Great job wingnut you aways make it look easy....

04-24-2011, 12:14 AM

Your probably getting tired of eating HALLB, any way W,NUT,,,,,,,LOL,,,,,,,,,,,,Not hardly hu!

Great job out there,,,,GREAT POST, THANKS

Thanks TB, I keep a Halibut once in awhile, they are good, but like Stripers! :Twisted:
Talking about Stripers, good luck defending your Striperfest trophy, a lot of people are out to get ya! :Envious:

For most thats a day of a life time, great report.
Lol, I doubt that... it was just a better than average day. :Wink:

That's a nice chunky YFC .. Thank you !
Anytime... :Cool:

Awesome Session Arthur!! You made short work with those fish!!
I'm liking the markings on the bass in the 10th picture, very cool looking.
Hopefully I'll be seeing you at the drop zone tomorrow!
You missed the bite by a day John... :Neutral: We'll knock em' dead next time. :Twisted:

Slayage !! Man your location has done you well !! Thanks for the report ! S.W.A.T 0WNZ !
What are you doing over here in the saltwater sections Armando? Lurking?!? Hahahaha
I don't have a S.W.A.T. shirt in your size dude, we're all in good shape... lol jk :LOL:
You still want that Boost phone? :Wink:

I totaly like reading your post as you always are on top of what needs to be done to catch fish . I had a Abalone trip planned for the northern Fort Bragg area YESTERDAY AND TODAY but we got busy at work and oh well , theres next month . Your pics are making me wanting to get wet , ha Good job WN , And it kinda looks like those Pugs caught those bunnies . // db
Abalone diving... that's something that I haven't done. :Wink: Good luck & be careful out there Steve, you are quite an outdoorsman. :Cool:

Nice slay on the bass if you are doing any weekday sessions give me a buzz i am game. I downloaded a pretty cool fishing app it tells you peak fishing times, sunrise, sunset, moon phase, how good the day is going to be its pretty awesome its called FISHING ADVISOR. But with your skill and luck you probably will not need it.
I've been out of town on week days lately Jonathan. Flying back and forth like a madman.
I've seen that fishing app, very cool, informative and useful. :Cool:
I need all the help I can get! :Envious:

Hi WingNut,

Very nice report.


Thank Ron. :Cool:

Commander WN,

Your timing to hit the surf is always impeccable but your timing of text messages for a pre-report while I am at work makes it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand for the rest of the day!

Poseidon will reward you tomorrow and I know you will come through and bring home that Halibut Steak for Mom's meal on Sunday!

Very nice variety of species today!

Disappointed that there were no Torpedoes in the mix. It is my new theory that they can eat one of them in 1 bite! Well at least the bigger models we are looking for can.

Good luck out there tomorrow.

Steve http://planetsmilies.net/person-smiley-1122.gif
I actually had a Torpedo on for a second Steve, saw it flopping around before it came off. That would have been 7 species and tied by record! :!!!: Let's fish together soon!

Man Arthur, 7 species in a few hours is awesome. Loved all the pics and the report.
It's nice to get out by yourself once in a while, isn't it?!
C-Ya Manana,
I like to fish by myself once in awhile, but it's more fun with company. Kinda get tiring talking to myself and laughing at my own jokes sometimes... :LOL: Good fishing with you on Saturday buddy, hope we can do it again soon. :Cool:

Sick report Art. That's a lot of species. :Shocked: You sure are making up for loss time.
Too bad that legal hali eluded you today, that would have been a perfect Good Friday meal. :Big Grin: Good luck on the SWAT second strike tomorrow. :Twisted:
I'm leaving on a week cruise tomorrow morning, see ya in a week!
Have fun on the cruise Phuong, dinner at Chaya on me when you return. :Cool:

AWOL ='s Another Wild Obsessed Lady ! :ROFL:
Just prepping for Topanga Earth Day Brotha !!

Tomorrow is going to be a long and WILD day! Geritol my azzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!
There is definately still PLAY for Mr. Grey !

Awesome report Arthur as always. We are going to get mom that legal tomorrow.

I LOVE PEA SOUP......Got any cornbread?

Tara loves her new phone brotha.......Now if I can just get her to stop texting me every 5 minutes I'll hit the hay for the assault tomorrow.
Man, I thought that you would put fishing before a booty call Lieutenant. :Wink: Geritol...? Nah, you mean those little blue pills don't cha? :Big Smile: jk.
Good to fish with ya on Saturday buddy, maybe I'll see ya this weekend. :Wink:

Good job Arthur, 7 species is pretty darn cool.
Live Barely Legal Halibut on Redondo Pier accross from Tony's for $35 a pound. LOL
That's good to know... please give me the address in case I need to resort to Plan B next time. :LOL:
I wonder if you release one of those Halibut in the surf, they would survive? lol

Thanks for the report. Love the photos. Dig the pugs. Great job as always.
Thanks, it was a fun day. :Big Grin:

Now that, is a report!

Awesome job brotha! Multiple species in a matter of hours is insane. Nice size ones too :Cool:
The water actually looks pretty good and the structure seems like its holding massive amounts of fish :EyePop: and you just happened to find them! awesome job. The commander knows exactly where to locate our enemies and devastate their battle field, thats for sure.

I wish I could have joined you guys for the Saturday assault, but I had some family issues I had to deal with along with some clients. :Crying: Hopefully it went just as good as Friday if not better since there were more members present for the attack :Guns:, cant wait for the report. Bring it home S.W.A.T :Cool:
A variety of species always make any day in the surf interesting Frank. :Big Grin:
Hope everything is okay at home buddy and hope we can fish together soon. :Cool:

Good Friday was Good indeed Arthur.
I haven't hit the surf for half a year .. I was able to go once about couple weeks ago but it was too windy I couldn't cast. The lure would fly right back at me so I went home :). Happy Easter bro
Damn dude, what happen to you? The girlfriend got you on lockdown? job? You still stuck in the desert?
Good time to get back out there right now. :Wink:

Hey bro, forget the Halibut, that Calico and Cabezon tastes better. :LOL:
Should have brung them home for your Good Friday dinner. :Big Grin: Not a bad solo mission, you still got it dialed in dude. Another great report and some cool pix. :Thumbs Up:
We got a poker tournament coming up in a couple of weeks, i'll let you know the details once its finalized. We missed the shark at the table. :Wink:
Never eaten a Calico or Cabezon... :LOL: Sand Bass & Sculpin yes, probably tastes similar huh?
Yeah, let me know about the poker tourney, If my work schedule permit it, I will be there! :Twisted:

WTG, Arthur. After the 12 hour drubbing I took up at SB I figured I'd just mope around, host a pity party, and wait til the water hits 60 before risking humiliation again....Then I see your report and it put the fire right back in my ample belly...Thanks and yeehaw!!
Sid Ficous
I was wondering how your Northern trek go. Sorry it wasn't what we had expected for you, but there will be plenty of other successful outings for you. You're right, water temp. has been on the rise and there will be a lot of great things to come! :Big Grin:

Nice mix of species for just a few hours of fishing. Very impressive. I'm still trying to figure out the best time and tide to hit the surf for a particular area.
Time on the water Jason, you will know by spending time in the surf buddy.
The next time that you guys decide to head out, shoot me a PM on the location. I'll give you my 2 cents on the area... if that's worth anything, lol :Wink:

Wow .... Way to put a hurt on'em.

Congrats on another successful mission !!
Thanks buddy, successful indeed! :Big Grin:

Great job wingnut you aways make it look easy....
Not so easy Tony, most of the time, you guys only see the good stuff. :LOL: :Wink: :Envious:

04-24-2011, 01:17 AM
Well done my Friend! Not much time to fish but that didn’t stop you from capturing lots of fish (suspects) and lots of variety.. Even if you didn’t catch a legal you had stellar outing. I wish I could have joined you guys today. I’m long overdue for a (some) mission(s).


Which Way Out
04-24-2011, 09:46 AM
Impressive. All that and you had time to take pic's, Very Impressive..

04-27-2011, 11:09 AM
Well done my Friend! Not much time to fish but that didn’t stop you from capturing lots of fish (suspects) and lots of variety.. Even if you didn’t catch a legal you had stellar outing. I wish I could have joined you guys today. I’m long overdue for a (some) mission(s).

You are overdue for a mission Jerry. Weather getting better, water temperature on the rise... Hope we can set something up soon buddy. :Cool:

Impressive. All that and you had time to take pic's, Very Impressive..
Hey, next time I head North, I'll give you & Roy a heads up and we can meet on the sand somewhere. :Wink: Tell him congrats on the 25" Flattie at "MY" spot! LOL :Envious:

04-27-2011, 04:31 PM
Looks like that YFC forgot his hard hat and eye protection (ouch). Nice fish.

ghetto dad
04-27-2011, 05:33 PM
wth..i thought i replied on this!!

omg!! NICE JOB man....its ridiculous (in a good way) how much you guys ALWAYS kill it up there and when you fish...

great job man


04-27-2011, 09:22 PM
Same here GD . I thought I replyed here too .:LOL: Anyway nice going !! Thanks for the report :Cool:

04-28-2011, 09:44 AM
Arthur, that's one fantastic outing! Glad to hear that the bass bite was ridiculously good. I need to get out there and hit it up with some bigger baits to see if there are some bigger guys in the mix. Sorry that you didn't secure the package for Mom, but at least you had a good time out there. 6 species in one day is very impressive, and not many people can say they've done it. Looking forward to getting out there with you again soon!