View Full Version : Mixed Bag On A Hot Day 4/16/2011

04-18-2011, 06:43 PM
Saturday 4/16/2011
Location: Lake Mission Viejo

A few weeks ago I planned a fishing outing at LMV with a friend and his dad. I'm ready to go bass fishing more so than the trout. The lake still has a lot of trout in it as anglers switch over to bass fishing. This transition leaves less anglers pursuing the trout. The trout fishing here will be good all the way in late June or July like last year. My friend and his dad fished with me last year in April at Finisterra Beach in 40-45ft of water. This is where I lost a trout to a huge bass in the range of 16lb-19lbs. It was the biggest bass yet I've seen in this lake. I lost a few other trout last year in another spot too. So far for this year I have yet to lose a trout to a big bass.

We got a start on the lake after 7:30am and I was joined by Glenn after a electrician canceled on him Saturday. So why do nothing and twittle thumbs all day? He wanted to go fishing. Got my friend his rental boat and off we go.

Spot #1 was outside the north swimbeach:

My friend missed their first 2 fish. One pole was set up with powerbait and the other with inflated crawler. Glenn caught 2 bass on nightcrawlers and myself nothing after a 1/2 hour of fishing. So we made a move.

Spot #2 was opposite end of north swimbeach in the corner where the 3 house property flag poles are. The fish in this are being picky and want inflated crawlers. I couldn't get fish over here with the powermouse, lure, or powerbait. They wouldn't touch it.

We anchored 40ft off of the boat docks and used inflated crawlers on a 3foot leader. We casted out to deeper water as my friend went nearly straight down. Trout were boiling all over on the surface eating white flies. The bite was literally wide open here on BIG bluegill and trout. Glenn couldn't catch a trout to save his life here. I caught a few trout/bluegill with crawlers before we made a move after 1.5 hours. I knew of a spot from last week that held bigger fish.

Spot #3 was in front of the restaurant nearly sitting in 40-45ft of water at mid lake. Casting in all directions. Fish were were not picky and biting everything.

First cast with a (powermouse) cheese powerworm and a fl yellow poweregg, it I was picked up within a few minutes. Set the hook and missed the fish. On my next 2 casts I caught fish and ended the day with a 4 fish limit. Glenn then got on fire and caught up fast and caught his 4 fish limit. It was getting hot outside so we ended the day. All four of us went home with 4 fish limits. A guy/daughter in a boat were also fishing in this area but were not catching anything. We pull up and were done in no time. Don't ya just hate that when other anglers do that? I showed him what I was doing and gave him some tackle. He hadn't fished the lake in 25 years so I will send him an email with info about trout fishing the lake. He wants to hook up and go fishing with me. He was so grateful for helping him out before we left. Nothing is more cool than showing a newcomber a few tricks to fishing.

4lb or 6lb line to catch these fish worked just fine for me and Glenn. My rookie friend brought a bunch of rods/reels spooled with line that looked like anywhere from 10lb - 15lb. And believe it or not they outfished me and Glenn with it. His dad left the line on the reels as he goes bass fishing at times. 15lb line for trout fishing? Wow! I helped them rig up for trout and inflate the crawlers for them. It was quite a bit of work I'll say!!

We were greeted by a big bass at mid lake that hung underneath our boat the entire time. It made the day interesting by watching my rookie friend trying to keep the caught fish away from the bass. Here are the pics.

Look how big these bluegill are!!! His rod was hit like a freight train from this bluegill.
My friend and his dad were in another boat doing well catching bluegill and trout.
This 9lb – 12lb largemouth bass hung around under our boat to the comfort of the shade and live trout being caught. It was 90 degrees outside on Saturday!! We had to keep every fish we caught away from it. I’ve tried dropping in a trout imitation swim bait to these huge bass quite a few times with no success. All they do is look at it. They want the live fish.
If you don’t reel in the trout fast enough it will be engulfed and swallowed by the bass.
My friend Larry caught this 9lb largemouth bass last week on Saturday a day after the cold front passed through. He used a 4-inch plastic worm while drop shotting in 20ft of water.

Frequent Flyer
04-18-2011, 06:50 PM
wow ther r some huge bass in that lake. i no wer imma liv and fish wen i grow up

04-18-2011, 07:39 PM
wow ther r some huge bass in that lake. i no wer imma liv and fish wen i grow up

damn right thats whit im saying

Socal Bassman
04-18-2011, 08:13 PM
Those are some nice fish there for sure. Good job out there and thanks for the great report.

04-19-2011, 08:47 PM
Sounds like fun. I may have to spend a weekend at the lake sometime soon.

04-19-2011, 09:38 PM
Nice bag!

That freshwater lake looks like my favorite NPH with the crowded shores!

Steve http://planetsmilies.net/person-smiley-1122.gif.

04-19-2011, 10:30 PM
Nice report.... I miss that lake.. Residents only, super cheap boat rentals, and no poachers... Lived there for a couple years before moving back to the scv last summer. Now I'm stuck with measly old Castaic lol....

Those bass are not shy at all, they'll purposely follow your boat trying to pick off your fish and since the lake is strict on C&R only, they're everywhere..It's almost like they're taunting you. All the kids there use live bluegills even though its illegal, but they always release the bass anyways and bluegill are like ants at the lake.

Any word on the redears? They got bigass ones there too and it is warming up... Also have you ever tried tube jigs for the trout? A lot more fun than bait and easier to quick release so you don't gotta go home so fast with your limit.

04-20-2011, 10:14 AM
Ive got to check that place out. Chat me any info you guys have about this place. Is it private?

04-20-2011, 04:31 PM
Its private bro. Gotta be a resident of Mission Viejo or you gotta know someone from there.