View Full Version : 4-15 at the Vine - time to troll and see what comes up

04-17-2011, 05:44 PM
So it's been 3 weeks since I sunk the old Sears here, I figured I should launch the new splurge at least one time before the trout season's done. I'll post pics when the computer's working better...
Got in line at 5:30, not too busy. Tried to prepay and buy some pinched crawlers but the computers were down, so I had to use up my cash on the gate fee since that's all I brought enough for. First boat launched, (I think) and got right to it down the west shore. Set up my downrigger (my first time using one) and it was surprisingly easy. One rod toplining a little xrap, the other on the DR. Last 2 times I got all my fish on the west shore, no go today. Had to mix it up and finally got a nice DR hit around 7:45 somewhere on the southeast side just north of Santi Flats. Woohoo! 3lber. Whacked another one on the DR a few minutes later kinda by Trout Is. just north of the docks. Got one more at 8:45 on the topline rod and muscled in a 4lber on 3lb test. They were all about the firetiger colors today, and didn't hit any lures that had garlic smelly jelly...weird. Plain ol lure trolled quick did the trick. By 9am it was already hot and the fish disappeared. Metered a bunch of crappie in Santi Flats from 20-30'. Called it a day at noon. Spotted even more slabs right on the launch ramp. Slow day for the shore guys and the boaters seemed to be slow too. First time I ever caught a fish on a firetiger lure too, and all 3! And I always read these reports on the "reliable CD3 or 5 firetiger rap" being the best bet, man I dragged one of those almost all day for nothing. 10 mins after I put the buoyant on the topline, it was hit hard. hmmmm...

04-18-2011, 05:30 AM
Nice post and thanks for the info. Did you get the water temp from last Friday??

04-18-2011, 10:46 AM
Sounds like a fun day out there. I hear ya on that smelly jelly. It usually is great stuff. Props on mixing it up.

04-18-2011, 02:44 PM
Water temp (surface) was 63 at 6am, 65 by noon. Not bad. I want to know what it is today after such a scorching weekend though...

04-19-2011, 04:26 PM
good job jag, next step is stacking a second line off the dr,the secret to that is put the bottom line out farther than the one above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,T/O,,,,,,,,,,

04-23-2011, 09:46 PM
Thanks Bob, Gonna have to hit you up for a striper mission at DVL when I get a day off.
Cant wait to lay hate to those trout at the Vine next season!