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View Full Version : Surf fishing this week, advice needed

04-17-2011, 04:22 PM
Been a freshwater fisherman my whole life. Friend took me surf fishing once a few years ago, and I'm looking to get into it. I fish purely for sport, meaning CNR only.

Another friend, who is just getting into fishing, and I are going Tuesday or Wednesday. Have had terrible luck lately and looking for a change of pace. Been doing my reading on the subject, checking out the threads here and learning how to fish. I do artifical lures only, no live bait.
My only problem is I'm stumped where to go.

If someone could be so kind as to give me a decent area to fish or street to park in the L.A., Long Beach area, where I wont get robbed in parking fees, I would really appreciate it. Maybe what type of fish I could except. Would be driving out from the valleys/L.A.

I don't expect anyone to reveal their secret hot spots, but maybe point me in the right direction or PM me a location where my friend and I can catch and release a few and get hooked on the surf. Thanks in advanced.

04-19-2011, 05:50 AM
There is alot of spots with free parking. LAX/PDR, Dockweiler, Pier J LB. The Peninsula at LB towards Alamitos (rocks)area. Used to be free around Sunset, Topanga. Redondo avenues (side streets).

Try Berkly Gulp Camo Sandworms. That is the best bait for sure, carolina rig, 1/2 oz, #8 worm hook, 2" piece of worm or sandcrabs. 4 - 6# trout rod will work
Kroc, Kastmaster, LCs for casting Halibuts, Perch (use a heavier rig for bigger lures)

PS, You don't need to get wet to fish Perch. All these guys in waders are trying to get the LC's out farther in the deeper halibut zone.
Good Luck, DR

04-19-2011, 11:32 PM
Hmm... Seems my post didn't go through.
Thank you very much DockRat. Very valuable info.
Will mark the spots you gave me on my map and will check a few of them out this week if health permits. Been looking at google maps marking possible spots.
I will grab some Camo Sandworms.
Didn't plan on getting wet, or wading in the water for too long if I did, but thanks for the info. Will have to dust off the waders if I get hooked on hali fishing.

04-23-2011, 06:52 AM
oban sorry to resopnd so late.pick up some bass trix ,and small flukes ,plastics,and drop shot them, just like at the pudd.if you ever want some company we can go down together and save on gas,i live in la verne,see you at the pudd sometime.......mike the pmb.....

04-24-2011, 01:58 AM
Thank you Mike. I am in Covina/San Dimas, few blocks from the 57. I plan to hit up Pudd shore next week a few times and hopefully going back to the beach at least once.

04-24-2011, 05:09 AM
Hmm... Seems my post didn't go through.
Thank you very much DockRat. Very valuable info.
Will mark the spots you gave me on my map and will check a few of them out this week if health permits. Been looking at google maps marking possible spots.
I will grab some Camo Sandworms.
Didn't plan on getting wet, or wading in the water for too long if I did, but thanks for the info. Will have to dust off the waders if I get hooked on hali fishing. That's not immediately necessary. Often, a suitable trench will form quite close to shore.

All the dudes like wingnut, and his fishing buddies are often wading to get to rocks in the water, which are difficult to reach from the shore.

Just keep in mind, that the surf zone is ever-changing. Good structure can literally appear out of nowhere, and fish can suddenly appear in areas that were barren just minutes before.

An excellent time to go surf fishing, is when hurricanes are present around the central and south central pacific. These generate strong waves, which can make very deep trenches-- bigger trenches are hospitable to bigger fish!

05-08-2011, 02:25 PM
Watch the surf! Do not let it knock you down! And rinse all your gear also bring a knife. Be sure that there is no valuables in your pocket and other cavities.