View Full Version : Another slow day at Skinner 4-14

04-14-2011, 10:09 PM
Got off early today and took the family to Skinner on the Trophy. Launched around 2:30, went straight for the inlet. Water was running, no fish in sight. Wait, boils, ?!?! Damn, ORANGE boils. Pretty nice size carp started blowing up all over the place just south of the inlet rope. No signs of stripeys though. Trolled raps around the east end and ramp 2 area for nothing. Lake's greener than it was last month for sure, lots more algae and weeds. Gave up at 6:30 after a last ditch drift from the dam headed east with the wind. Beautiful day though...
Damn I gotta get some electronics for this boat!

ghetto dad
04-15-2011, 06:26 AM
Sorry about the slow day jag...

yeah the day you fished is the day my daughter and I left...we camped a couple nights...and thursday (of course cuz we were leaving) the weather was beautiful....cold and windy the 2 days before....

that water is NASTY right now...


El Weirdo
04-15-2011, 09:02 AM
water is that way...because the lake has flipped into it's summer condition..it will do this again to the end of fall.in a few days it will be back ...was there last Tuesday give it time it will come round.
