View Full Version : sturgeon at seccombe lake

04-14-2011, 03:52 PM
was at seccombe today fishing for bass and seen something moving slowly through the water at first i thought it was a carp.... anyways a guy that was up there ended up snagging the fish almost had it in and he line broke it was at least 15 - 20 lbs crazy wonder how it got n there

ps. a couple weeks ago i seen a smaller one thought it was a bass but now i think it was a sturgeon too it looked to big to be a bass

04-14-2011, 04:07 PM
Maybe someone caught some from Hesperia and brought them down?

04-14-2011, 04:35 PM
thats what i was thinking anyone know how to catch them

Frequent Flyer
04-14-2011, 04:42 PM
@kotton909: u can catch them with shrimp, mackeral, nghtcrawlers are the most common. also dropshotting a black trout worm

04-14-2011, 04:56 PM
You can catch them with powerbait too..

I see guys at Hesperia do it all the time.

04-14-2011, 08:23 PM
Today at Hesperia some Asian guy fishing with two of his buddies netted a 15-20 pound sturgeon out of the lake on the north shore. It was lollygagging the sidelines and he scooped it up. His buddy took a million pictures of him holding it with a TOWEL. F-cking fruit cup got away with it as he ran it to his truck and telling people he caught it on shrimp. Cheatin sons a b*tches. people always netting fish over there at that mudhole.

04-14-2011, 08:27 PM
Hey Hesperia is not a mudhole! It's just filled with Geese crap.....

04-14-2011, 08:33 PM

04-14-2011, 08:38 PM
Could have been someone's pet or dinner. :ROFL: I know of markets that sell live sturgeon and pet stores that also carry them.

04-14-2011, 08:39 PM
That's crazy Kotton! Mestre909's probably going to catch it on a wackied watermelon senko. A guy I met at Ford swears that he saw someone reel in a sturgeon from the lower lake. Maybe he wasn't bs-ing. It was great meeting you at Perris. We'll have to meet up again. I'll probably hit up Secombe tomorrow after work. Maybe I'll se you and Mestre there?

04-14-2011, 10:45 PM
Wow, I would like to see a sturgeon from there.

Ghettobasster, were you at ford today? I was at upper pond, watching a family keep a stringer of undersized bass. Thought I saw you fishing lower pond for a bit?

04-14-2011, 11:34 PM
Wow, I would like to see a sturgeon from there.

Ghettobasster, were you at ford today? I was at upper pond, watching a family keep a stringer of undersized bass. Thought I saw you fishing lower pond for a bit?

Unfortunately no. Haven't been able to fish for two weeks for various reasons. I have to live vicariously through everyone else. Yeah, a sturgeon from there would be wild. I wish DFG was there to school that family. I hate hearing about or seeing things like that. See you out getto bassing soon. Keep up the great blog.

04-14-2011, 11:58 PM
Could have been someone's pet or dinner. :ROFL: I know of markets that sell live sturgeon and pet stores that also carry them.
Wat markets? Lol....have to be azn rite?

04-15-2011, 12:00 AM
Wat markets? Lol....have to be azn rite?

Yup. The sturgeon are farm raised, but I'm not sure where in the US though.

04-15-2011, 12:11 AM
Today at Hesperia some Asian guy fishing with two of his buddies netted a 15-20 pound sturgeon out of the lake on the north shore. It was lollygagging the sidelines and he scooped it up. His buddy took a million pictures of him holding it with a TOWEL. F-cking fruit cup got away with it as he ran it to his truck and telling people he caught it on shrimp. Cheatin sons a b*tches. people always netting fish over there at that mudhole.

Why didn't you say something? Nothing worse then some idiots netting fish that they can't catch with their rod and reel. Should have let Pete know. He kicked 6 people out last week when I was there for that stupid shiz. Ain't cool but people could care less about integrity anymore in todays society.

Here's the number for the lake. Program it in your phone and next time you see something like this call the office and let them know so they can get those jack-offs outta there. 760-244-5951. Nobody needs to know that you called, be discreet. If no one says anything these jack-offs will continue to take fish that they don't have any skill to catch-straight posers..

04-15-2011, 07:34 AM
Why didn't you say something? Nothing worse then some idiots netting fish that they can't catch with their rod and reel. Should have let Pete know. He kicked 6 people out last week when I was there for that stupid shiz. Ain't cool but people could care less about integrity anymore in todays society.

Here's the number for the lake. Program it in your phone and next time you see something like this call the office and let them know so they can get those jack-offs outta there. 760-244-5951. Nobody needs to know that you called, be discreet. If no one says anything these jack-offs will continue to take fish that they don't have any skill to catch-straight posers..

It is the lakes responsibility to police. If they don't want to make the effort to negate the activity then why should the fisherman be tasked with policing when they are just there to fish and have a good time? My opinion is based on years of observation out there, some employee's care others do not. I know Ed cares and glad to hear Pete is doing his thing and in the afternoons when I sometimes go for a stroll (don't fish Hesperia much anymore) the number of snaggers that don't even have a permit seem to have diminished.

But many times I have seen the netting crew out doing there thing and the patrols just pass them by, had to have seen them. No reason to get all worked up at a Pay to fish lake if the staff doesn't give a damn!

04-15-2011, 08:34 AM
I agree with both of you to some extent. You hate seeing it and at the same time it isn't my job either to play patrol man...was an awesome day out and I was just chillin and enjoying the day and you see this crap going on..I decided not to interfere and let that c@ck smoker be a c@ck smoker... someone did let pete know about it but,he strolled along..hahaha...must of been an off day for him??

Agent,thanks for the phone number though.

04-15-2011, 09:49 AM
It is the lakes responsibility to police. If they don't want to make the effort to negate the activity then why should the fisherman be tasked with policing when they are just there to fish and have a good time? My opinion is based on years of observation out there, some employee's care others do not. I know Ed cares and glad to hear Pete is doing his thing and in the afternoons when I sometimes go for a stroll (don't fish Hesperia much anymore) the number of snaggers that don't even have a permit seem to have diminished.

But many times I have seen the netting crew out doing there thing and the patrols just pass them by, had to have seen them. No reason to get all worked up at a Pay to fish lake if the staff doesn't give a damn!

That's your right to have the I don't give a damn attitude either. I on the other hand can't stand idiots with five treble hooks or a big ol' net. Personally I have told guys myself about doing things they shouldn't. I think it is everyone's responsibility to care though and try to educate those who don't know and get rid of the ones who just don't give a damn. You are your own man and can do what you want.

I agree with both of you to some extent. You hate seeing it and at the same time it isn't my job either to play patrol man...was an awesome day out and I was just chillin and enjoying the day and you see this crap going on..I decided not to interfere and let that c@ck smoker be a c@ck smoker... someone did let pete know about it but,he strolled along..hahaha...must of been an off day for him??

Agent,thanks for the phone number though.

It's not always just an easy thing to deal with for the lake staff. That's about all I can say about that but if everyone cared just a little bit things could be better.

04-15-2011, 11:48 AM
That's your right to have the I don't give a damn attitude either. I on the other hand can't stand idiots with five treble hooks or a big ol' net. Personally I have told guys myself about doing things they shouldn't. I think it is everyone's responsibility to care though and try to educate those who don't know and get rid of the ones who just don't give a damn. You are your own man and can do what you want.

Not giving a damn is nowhere near what I was writing. But I've been up here for over 10 years now and have seen it and got pissed at it and gotten involved many times, at some point if they can't, or won't clean up the problem then I sure as hell am not going to be able to change it. There's a few reasons I don't fish there much anymore, but even at my beloved Silverwood there's many issues, especially in the summertime, and I'm sorry but I go out to fish, enjoy mother nature and have a good time not get stressed out and pissed off. I do my part and know the Rangers well and when problems exist I try and take care of them so Angry Agent (appropriate name) I do my best.

04-15-2011, 04:41 PM
Lemme tell you somethin. They aint no stugeon in that place. So yo all take yo poles an go home!

04-15-2011, 10:50 PM
Not giving a damn is nowhere near what I was writing. But I've been up here for over 10 years now and have seen it and got pissed at it and gotten involved many times, at some point if they can't, or won't clean up the problem then I sure as hell am not going to be able to change it. There's a few reasons I don't fish there much anymore, but even at my beloved Silverwood there's many issues, especially in the summertime, and I'm sorry but I go out to fish, enjoy mother nature and have a good time not get stressed out and pissed off. I do my part and know the Rangers well and when problems exist I try and take care of them so Angry Agent (appropriate name) I do my best.

Nothing wrong with that, just burns me when people take advantage you know. I too have fished that lake for over 10 years and I bet you that if we were to see each other you would probably recognize me, I used to fish that lake 4-5 days a week for a few years. It definitely wasn't a shot at you more just my frustration at nobody else standing up and taking a stand against bozos like that. Although you did make it seem like you had given up on Hesperia. I love fishing period and guys like that wreck things for the rest of us.

04-18-2011, 09:31 AM
Went with Cotton909 on Friday and saw first hand a teenage almost land the fabled sturgeon again! That thing was easily 3 1/2 or 4ft in lengh!

Skyler is back...
04-18-2011, 10:01 PM
Those "sturgeon" in Seccombe are just overgrown plecostomus' that people have thrown in after they got too big for their tanks. I've seen 'em up to 24" in there, and from above they do resemble a sturgeon.

04-18-2011, 11:08 PM
well i got it on video and also saw it on its side looks just like a sturgeon to me but i guess ill have to catch it for anyone believe me lol

04-19-2011, 12:03 AM
Post the video! Can't wait to see it!

04-19-2011, 08:39 AM
Not giving a damn is nowhere near what I was writing. But I've been up here for over 10 years now and have seen it and got pissed at it and gotten involved many times, at some point if they can't, or won't clean up the problem then I sure as hell am not going to be able to change it. There's a few reasons I don't fish there much anymore, but even at my beloved Silverwood there's many issues, especially in the summertime, and I'm sorry but I go out to fish, enjoy mother nature and have a good time not get stressed out and pissed off. I do my part and know the Rangers well and when problems exist I try and take care of them so Angry Agent (appropriate name) I do my best.

Im with you. At some point people are going to have to do there job, and fisherman just have to bite there tongue sometimes. We have to many people that ruin a good day of fishing for others because they want to tell somebody off for catching too many fish. People often come here to vent about someone catching too many fish and say those guys are the problem. But you dont here of these over limit people causing a disturbance, its always the people who feel the need to tell them off who cause the disturbance. Im not trying to side with poachers or whatever you call 'em, just trying to say if someon catches there limit dont fly off the handle report them if you feel the need, or just ask them if they know the rules. Especially if its a family they might not know the rules. Before someone goes off on me about not knowing the rules is no excuse and bla bla, Im not saying its an excuse but especially here in california the rules can be a little confusing, especially for catching a limit of fish. Because it seems like every lake has a different rule for a limit on fish and finding the rules can be difficult. Lets remember one thing to not let little things ruin fishing, like seal said, fishing is to release stress not cause it.

04-19-2011, 09:06 AM
I guess you missed the part where I said the thing was 3 1/2 or 4ft in length. Plus it has been caught before in the Lake and released again. I was about a couple of feet away from the thing and saw it, it's a sturgeon. Stop trolling.

04-19-2011, 09:51 AM
I guess you missed the part where I said the thing was 3 1/2 or 4ft in length. Plus it has been caught before in the Lake and released again. I was about a couple of feet away from the thing and saw it, it's a sturgeon. Stop trolling.

was that to me. i wasnt talking about the sturgeon just the other matter we seemed to go off on. sorry if i contributed to ruining this thread.

04-19-2011, 10:18 AM

Sorry man. That wasn't for you. It was for Guest (aka Skyler is back) saying that the fish wasn't a sturgeon. When infact, both Cotton909 and myself saw the thing first hand. Plus it's been caught and released before in the same lake.

04-22-2011, 01:17 PM

Sorry man. That wasn't for you. It was for Guest (aka Skyler is back) saying that the fish wasn't a sturgeon. When infact, both Cotton909 and myself saw the thing first hand. Plus it's been caught and released before in the same lake.

Guest, lol? I've out for awhile in the Sheriff's Academy and haven't had any time to fish. I was having trouble with my login and was using a temp. Anyways, I wasn't trolling, dude. Maybe it is a sturgoen. I was just saying that I've seen some massive plecos in that lake and they do look similar. What color was it?

04-22-2011, 02:11 PM
No worries man. It's been caught a couple different times and released back. It was kinda grayish in color, grayblue maybe. Thing was insanely long! at least 3 1/2 ft, maybe 4.

04-22-2011, 02:28 PM

04-22-2011, 03:10 PM
No worries man. It's been caught a couple different times and released back. It was kinda grayish in color, grayblue maybe. Thing was insanely long! at least 3 1/2 ft, maybe 4.

Probably not a pleco then. They are darker brown, and I doubt they get four feet long. A friend of mine caught one about 20" there though. He said it put up one hell of a fight.

04-22-2011, 03:39 PM

"German" grass carp? They don't look anything like a sturgeon.


Grass Carp (lol):

04-23-2011, 08:54 PM

04-23-2011, 09:50 PM
Secombe park lake full of JIGS...

04-24-2011, 07:19 PM
Secombe park lake full of JIGS...

Translated, alot of tweekers over there.

04-24-2011, 10:10 PM
lol im not fishing for tweakers so i dont care who is up there. lol ET could be there and it would'nt matter to mee as long as the bass are there thats all that matters. ;)

04-29-2011, 06:15 PM
Went there today. Couldnt even see a damm thing in the water.A compleate dead zone. Think this place is toast.

05-04-2011, 01:43 AM
Was there yesterday and caught a for to five pound bass