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View Full Version : Tilapia in Imperial County

04-14-2011, 12:53 PM
Hello Everybody,

One thing that I've been wondering for many years is, besides the Salton Sea and some drains, I know there's tilapia around, but I just don't know where to go catch them...I've heard of some smaller canals in El Centro having some...then back in 2003, we went to a small canal somewhere I can't recall, in El Centro and we saw a hell of a lot of Tilapia...I want some for dinner...Keep in mind that I know about the drains having loads of tilapia, but there's concentrated levels of tail-water fertilizers in there, so I'll avoid those...and here in the southern shores of the Salton Sea, the tilapia are not around....I know the north end right now everybody's catching tilapia like nothing...then comes summer time, Obsidian Butte is a good place to hit for good-sized tilapia to fill your coolers...

Let me know...THANKS!:Envious:

04-14-2011, 11:37 PM
i was hunting one of the fields in El Centro for Pheasant there was a canal that ran next to it had a lot of Tilapia in it. i will send you the place by pm.

04-15-2011, 04:35 AM
red hill marina has alot of them...the canal north of the el centro walmart, the alamo river, ponds at wister wildlife refuge(you can fish there), any canal that feeds or drains from finney or ramer lake has them too....T

04-15-2011, 08:16 AM
Thank you so much....that's big help...I hope there's some big ones!