View Full Version : WHAT a Day!

04-14-2011, 12:16 AM
Headed to DVL in hopes of getting a piece of the so-called "WFO" bass bite. Well what a day it was!!!!

Started the morning throwing a 8" Swimbait. And that was the best decision of the day. For you skeptics reading this, feel free to jump ahead a few paragraphs because I'm sure you are not going to believe the fish that inhaled this bait.
After about a dozen casts, I was slow rolling the bait when I was hit by a freight train. This fish hit so hard I almost fell into the water. I get to fight this thing for about 20 seconds until this easily 10lb Largie went airborne and shook my bait. I could not believe that I could not capitalize on this once in a lifetime opportunity...catching a HUGE Largemouth on the swim. This miss seemed to have just as big of an impact on the rest of the day. Here are the bullet points.

- 3 casts after the miss, my swimbait gets caught under a rock. the line breaks after 20 minutes trying to get it out. $25 down the drain.
- my little bro loses a 5lber at the boat
- my little bro's shimano compre breaks in half, fishing 4lb test
- Lunker Punker snaps my braid...good thing it floats
- BBZ snaps braid...this one sinks! (another $25)
-rental boat has a defective trolling motor; it does not collapse when stowing away; dvl rep had to force it down...they didn't give me any discount, nor another boat, and told me to have a good day
- get a phone call from mom while fishing...she is in ER with chest pains (tests were clear thank GOD)
- heard that friend of mine has cancer (remaining hopeful...caught it very early)
- when we got home, my neighbor knocked on my door and said she just crashed into my lil bro's car that was parked in front of my house (are you kidding me?...NOPE!) Front quarter panel...done!

-Finally....caught about 10 largemouth; all about the size of MY HAND.....WTF?

I swear that this post is 100% accurate. Surely it could have been worse, but all in all, a pretty tough day.

04-14-2011, 07:33 AM
One of those days you can only laugh to keep from crying ... at least no one got hurt, or worse. Tomorrow will be better brah.

04-14-2011, 08:41 AM
Man, I feel for you. Keep your chin up, but when bad stuff happens it happens in bunches. Hope at least talking about it helps. Better luck next time for sure.


04-14-2011, 09:21 AM
Now that is a little bad luck for sure , but at least you got to fish , I had to work ! You probably used up all your bad luck in one day , lol

04-14-2011, 09:38 AM
Well at least you got to get out on the water and get a line wet. I lost a grip load of tackle last time I was out there. Just replaced it at tacklewarehouse 50.00, and as soon as I left the marina the motor on our rental was all messed up, but they gave me a new boat. Personally I think all of the troll motors and fish finders our outta wack on those boats.

Pete Marino
04-14-2011, 09:43 AM
Sorry about the bad luck yesterday...

Hooking a big bass like that is a serious rush... When you hook one of those swimbait fish you need to grind into them and not stop...even when they come to the surface you need to ski them accross the surface... grind grind grind is the name of the game with swimbait fish... otherwise they will shake the bait free.
Live and learn and put the next one in the boat... you WILL have other chances just be ready when it happens again. Dont let this trip get you down...It happens..
Using 20-25 lb line allows you to man handle them....

If you are using braid... remember to put a drip of super glue on the knot and that will keep it from slipping..

Youll get them next time..

The big females at DVL have pulled off the bank...Only the males are returning to the shallows for the most part. This weather made them all pull back... but the males are returning and the females will follow in the next few days..

I was there yesterday and had 3 eleven year old boys with me and we were just looking for numbers ...we had like 38 bass...but most were small, nothing over 3 1/4 lbs....but they didnt care about size so it was cool.
I did get bit myself on the swimbait 3 times but they never hooked up... :mad: so feel fortunate that you had the big bites you did..:Wink:

Im glad your moms tests came out clear.. and that your friends cancer was caught early...
Losing fish is so insugnificant compared to those things that matter most..

Youll get them next time bro!!!


04-14-2011, 09:54 AM
Haha....that's great! See what happens when you go fishing without the one you learn everything from? Look at the bright side of things instead of being such a downer...................

A) Maybe you don't catch any fish (Like normal)
B) Your brother's car is smashed up when you get home and no one tells you who did it (Hit and Run)
C) I'm fishing with you and I land a 10 LBER and you don't (Which normally happens)
D) Your main engine takes a dump rather then the trolling motor and you get stranded.
E) I go fishing while you are stuck at home getting bossed around by your wife.

Look at the bright side.....................these are all positives you should be looking at. Until next time.

04-14-2011, 06:13 PM
reading this cause im going to DVL sat bad day sorry guy.

04-14-2011, 11:46 PM
Sorry guy, but look at it this way: a bad day of fishing beats a good day at work.

04-15-2011, 01:54 AM
Pete hit it dead on. Don't fight Hudd fish. Set the drag for the line right, 7'6"-8' XH stick, and grind'em up. The drag will kick in if they decide to go on a run boatside, because if they get a chance to really head shake with that 5 ouce Hudd on their lip, game over. You'll get'er next time dude. Just gotta keep pushin'

04-15-2011, 04:01 PM
thanks for the support FNN members. Regarding the big one that got away, I was grinding away on that fish. I had 50lb braid and an 8ft heavy rod, i knew it wasn't going to break off. I was just unlucky.

Oh well, maybe next time!

04-15-2011, 11:01 PM
As Vg tells me,
"Get back out there and get that fish!"

I know how you feel bro.
I lost an 8lb on the 6" bbz this season already lol. thank god I hit a four the same day on same bait or I would be crying.
Not at DVL either.
He gained advantage of me on the float tube despite me grinding as hard as I could.
Nothing you can do but go back out there and get her back :Wink:

Swimbaits own.

trail blazer
04-16-2011, 08:33 AM

my little bro's shimano compre breaks in half, fishing 4lb test


Well,,,,,,,,,,,,one thing is for sure,,,

SHIMANO fans get ALOT of use out of that return and replace policy!!,,,LOL


Congrats on hooking up on your P,B!

Even though you lost it the momory will be burn,d into your brain forever,,,,GOTTA LOVE THAT!

You,l be back and hunting for that pig for sure!!!!!!!!!,,,You know where he<SHE> lives now,,,,,,,GOOD HUNTING!