View Full Version : Zuma Perch Get on the Good Foot. PICS

City Dad
08-05-2007, 03:27 PM
Got up early and went to Zuma. Arived at around 6am and had the beach to myself.

I'm no surf expert so, I can only describe the water as pretty "wavey" but clean. Didn't find any beds, but started with the same little rubber-backed sand crab that worked the last time.

Thought I could see fish in the foam and after a while managed to get a couple casts on target - nothing. As I've mentioned, I'm pretty new to fishing the beach and I figured I must be looking at a piece of kelp or something. I kept casting, working my way down the shore.

I noticed that the "kelp" appeared to be moving to the NW ,parallel to the beach - not washing toward the sand as I'd have thought a patch of kelp would do. I switched to an orange Warf Rat and hooked a couple little perch.

I could see larger fish out there and got several casts to them, but only connected on smaller fish. Being a man of faith, I had to ask myself WWJD?" or "What Would James Do?" The passing of the God Father was a loss indeed, but the upshot is that I now have him riding co-piolet in my head. The God Father said to me "City Dad, if your hair ain't right, somthin' wrong witcha!" Then he said "Gold is for honey and green is for money."
Yeah, I'm like that with Mr. Brown. Fortunately the Invisible Force had moved my hand the night before. I was tying up a batch of flies for the morning - orange Newport Specials, orange Clousers, etc., when suddenly, as I reached for more orange marabou, something made me jump back. My eyes were drawn to the packet of chartruse marabou my daughters and I had bought the last time we walked to the fly shop ... maybe I needed to try a brand new bag... In a few minutes I'd come up with a fly which looked like St. Patricks Day on acid.

I reached for one of these no-name flies now. It was Chartruse and Krystalflash with a green and white body - good colors for a funky jump suit and perfect colors for frothy green water. The pictures will attest to that.

These fish are a friggin' blast on a fly rod.
I can't thank the folks who post here enough. I would have never occured to me to try the surf, but I'm having a blast out there now.

This is the last fish I caught. Do you believe in reincarnation?
What the heck are these fish called anyway?

I saw corbina, and even felt a few as they crashed into my legs, but the grey ghosts still elude me. If you are ever awakened in the greater LA area some Sunday morning by a loud, fairly girlish scream, that will be me celebrating my first slider.

Fished until 10, but didn't catch anything else after around 8.

Here are the flies that worked.
I don't name my flies, but I'm thinking maybe I should start. Any suggestions?

08-05-2007, 03:33 PM
I don't name my flies, but I'm thinking maybe I should start. Any suggestions?

Booger, and Bloody Booger.

If you don't know what it is, just tell everyone you caught a WSB.


City Dad
08-05-2007, 03:45 PM
Booger, and Bloody Booger...

Naw. That's what my mom called my brother and me.

08-05-2007, 03:49 PM
That is a Walleye, CityDad.


clem de la clem
08-05-2007, 06:21 PM
nice fish... sliders like the crabs though. especially the soft shell with roe...

perch fishing is always fun.

thanks for the post.


08-06-2007, 01:49 PM
Perch Power and Bleeding Perch Power.

08-06-2007, 01:57 PM
Nice report City Dad. I gotta try surf fishing one of these days.

08-06-2007, 02:06 PM
Ha ha!!

Nice report and pics!

God job on tying the Sex Machine Green flies!!!

City Dad
08-06-2007, 02:27 PM
... the Sex Machine Green flies!!!

Good God, that's it!

08-07-2007, 05:02 AM
I would call them bad apples. :D

You could even have a spiffy logo for em- A perch biting an apple but with this painful terrified surprised look.

In granny smith, and Washington. Gala if you swing -that- way.

Dang if only that walleye were just a few inches longer..