View Full Version : Lytle creek on the fly

04-09-2011, 05:41 PM
After driving up the freeway to what looked like DARK RAIN CLOUDS, I was surprised to see sunny but WINDY conditions at my first stop. The wind was blowing about 25 knots. I decided to take my 2.4M tenkara pole out from its container and rig up some 3 wt line with a hand twisted leader 2lb test with some 5x tippet and of course my go to Wulff fly pattern. Headed down to the stream or creek ... more like a river today but still searched out the eddies and pools. After walking and casting to no risers. I went downstream to the most obvious pool so far. First presentation my fly finds its demise to a waiting rainbow. I soft set and miss him. Next cast i presented in different area and pulled the fly underwater this time. SUCESS felt a bite and " FISH ON " no pics yet im balancing on a small rock like a SEA WORLD SEAL begging for fish snacks. Went down stream more and found some still water near the opposite shoreline. I love high sticking across fast water in those small motionless pools. FISH ON after the 2nd cast. PIC this one ... I forgot my fish box ..dammmm


same fish with my finger for some size proportion


Caught 1 more fish just downstream
then walked all the way upstream and got 1 more fish ..and 3 more hook bites but no landing .... GREAT DAY again
in the San Gabriel EASTSIDE mountains


04-09-2011, 06:01 PM
nice job like always chuck.see you mon.

Troutcz swimbait
04-09-2011, 06:33 PM
Nice job see you Monday too.

04-09-2011, 06:37 PM
Beautiful trout VIVID FLY
Great pics

04-09-2011, 06:41 PM
Cool outing man, i enjoy your reports

04-13-2011, 12:28 PM
beautiful native : )


It's been years since I been up there fishing but your pics bring me right back...

Nice report..

Sweet : )
