View Full Version : SARL help!!

Trout Chaser1
04-04-2011, 11:36 PM
So this up coming weekend I'm hoping to go to SARL for my first time since I just got my Bite-on-Garlic in the mail today. So what's the best lake for trout and what baits/lures/plastics work best there? I'm hoping me and a buddy can hook up on some monster trout cause all he says is how "trout are tiny and have no fight bringin them in"

Any tips and tricks will be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks guys!

04-04-2011, 11:53 PM
well to tell u the truth the trout bite iz dying down. its gettin tougher to catch them lately. i think there going deeper cuz there not really biting from shore anymore. got skunked the last 2 times i went. b4 that i wuz catch each time i went. so i dont think im got 2 SARL for trout anymore. jus guna wait till the catfish start biting

Trout Dude
04-08-2011, 01:17 PM
It's true that the bite is slowing down as the weather is starting to heat up and they are going to be transitioning to catfish soon. However, I'd still go because fishing is still a lot of fun and you probably will get some bites and hopefully land a few nice ones.

It's been strange as even though we are late into the season sometimes the trout are very close to shore (maybe 15 feet out and use a 6" leader) or a good cast out (30 yards out and use a 18" leader). Most of our bites are on green powerbait and rainbow would be second. Shaping your PB is good idea or rig a powermouse as it will help. I have also found that using a 2lb leader in these last few weeks has made a difference in getting a lot more bites.

They often have been planting before noon at Levitz corner which is the corner of the lake on the back side. You can see the back of Starbucks and El Pollo Loco on the back side. As you face the backside fence, the big building on the left used to be Levitz (hence Levitz's corner). Good luck, I think the weather will be perfect.