View Full Version : went trout fishing but...

04-03-2011, 08:34 PM
went to dvl on saturday april 2. we where shore fishing and started off at a cove that always is good but the water level has risen from last year and that made the cove not to good. so when the sun got up over are heads we walked around looking for bass,trout, anything. There where bass everywhere so i put on a blue pee wee worm and my dad put on a a smoke jig with a white pee wee stinger and we ended up catching about 30 bass between the two of us (which where all relesed in perfect condition) 5 crappie, 4 trout and 4 bluegill all relesed. i also lost 2 bass that where over 8 pounds because of the 2 pound line that i was using. not to bad of a day using are trout gear and walking the shore, catching alot of nice bass and four different species of fish all on pee wee baits. Also seen some rattle snakes around so watch ur step out there.:EyePop:

Frequent Flyer
04-03-2011, 08:58 PM
good job sounds fun on the 2 lb

04-03-2011, 11:56 PM
nice.i wanna get out there soon!!

04-05-2011, 07:36 AM
Way to go fishinkid! Sounds like the bass are spawning mode? Great time with your dad! Keep it up!