View Full Version : April 1st,,,,MID RECON/,,,C,mon STRIPER FEST

trail blazer
04-02-2011, 08:06 AM
Well heres my recon report,,,,,,,,,,,,Was tough! But doable////

5hrs on bait and wait,,,,,,,,,,,,3 hrs on the troll=8 stripers from 1 1/2 to 3 lbs / 1 SMB Maby 2lbs/1 kitty abought 2lbs

Basicly coverd the whole lake,,,,,,

All but 1 striper was cought on the SUPER TUPER top secret BAKO trolling rig,,,, sorry guys,,,,,,,,,only 1 fellow FNNer has seen the SUPER TUPER top secret BAKO rig<BeMorWise,,yesterday>

And he swore secrecy :Secret:>,,,,,He also found some success using a completely diferent type of rig,,,But thats for him to share<<<<<was great to meet ya bro,,,NICE little boat!

The BIG SUPRISE was that i found no fish around the island,,,,,,,,,or by the hwy

Yellowbar and the channel was the only place i could find the schools

25 to 30 feet of water suspended abought 20 feet deep seem,d to be the pattern

The channel wes extremly muddy,,,,,,,,all the way out to the channel opening at the 1st big white bouy

ALSO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,while i was trolling by I spoke with some shore fishermen that were fishing off the ROCKS by the swimbeach and they said they had 6 on the stringer ,,this was abought 2pm,,,,,,,,,,,,,Said they were using sardines

Thats my RECON report

Lets keep,m coming


Double A
04-02-2011, 08:26 AM
good looking out TB

at least you guys found some

i might give the duct a rest one day and do a bank recon

... c'mon stripefest !!!!

watch out for the bank guys... baNko boyz ;)

Piss on Myspace
04-02-2011, 06:03 PM
nice job on the fish and for sharing your information....good luck out there!

04-02-2011, 07:03 PM
Trail Blazer,

You know what you needed on that boat that would of guaranteed you limits?

trail blazer
04-02-2011, 07:15 PM
YEP=======The other half of THE BAKO BOYS!!!!!

Really it was a great time with my brothers down there,,,,,,,,,,Wind was blowing kinda hard out on the main lake though,,,,,,,,made it a little tough to bait and wait,,,,,,,,,,

But we had a great time


trail blazer
04-02-2011, 07:18 PM
I wonder how GARY and BREEZE 71 did today???

I wonder if it was tough for them also?

If we can get some of those BREEZE 71 costome TROLLING RIGS to go with our TOP SECRET trolling rigs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we will O W N !!!


04-02-2011, 07:51 PM
Good report Scottie!

trail blazer
04-04-2011, 06:11 PM
good looking out TB

at least you guys found some

i might give the duct a rest one day and do a bank recon

... c'mon stripefest !!!!

watch out for the bank guys... baNko boyz ;)

Did you see bobs and carys info,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,more access from shore,,,,,,,,NICE!

04-05-2011, 10:11 AM
nice work Brutha man.....way ta get out and get on 'em....

It should get even better when water conditions get better....

Way ta go
Congrats : )
