View Full Version : Live crawfish

03-29-2011, 07:24 PM
Anyone know where I can buy live crawfish?
Sport Chalet in Rancho used to carry them but, not anymore.

Any info would much appreciated


03-29-2011, 07:26 PM
I have bought them at a few different Vietnamese restaurants in Westminster. I have had no luck using them, any tips?

03-29-2011, 07:32 PM
i know where u can near perris lake

03-29-2011, 07:54 PM

03-29-2011, 07:59 PM
ok its a liquor store the cross street's are perris and ramona express way i believe but i could be wrong its been a while i think there a buck a piece.. just found this online LAKESIDE MARKET
Phone: (951) 943-4364

03-29-2011, 08:37 PM
I have bought them at a few different Vietnamese restaurants in Westminster. I have had no luck using them, any tips?

only use the green ones for fishing. small hook in the tail. small weight to get it down. i used to like fishing them on rock shelves where they could make noise on the rocks.

03-29-2011, 08:47 PM
Anyone know where I can buy live crawfish?
Sport Chalet in Rancho used to carry them but, not anymore.

Any info would much appreciated


Look for creeks near your house you might be able to get them in there it will save you a lot of money. I have a few creeks near my house load with them.

03-29-2011, 09:52 PM
Oh hey angler.. lake fulmor or big bear have loads when the weather gets warmer..

03-29-2011, 10:12 PM
Oh hey angler.. lake fulmor or big bear have loads when the weather gets warmer..
Yeah BBL has them but they are the size of soda cans.

03-29-2011, 11:17 PM
Look for creeks near your house you might be able to get them in there it will save you a lot of money. I have a few creeks near my house load with them.

Let's go load up, we can get a personal stash to fish with but they would ileagal to sell
It's a lot of work but fun when you get a couple good in the net.
Call me if you want to take me to your spots, and we can work out a trip on the boat.
Cool, Dave

03-31-2011, 01:13 PM
Let's go load up, we can get a personal stash to fish with but they would ileagal to sell
It's a lot of work but fun when you get a couple good in the net.
Call me if you want to take me to your spots, and we can work out a trip on the boat.
Cool, Dave

They aren't too hard to keep either, keep in a tub and feed them lettuce otherwise they go canibal and eat each other...

One thing to note when storing them or even keeping them for the days fishing.

ONLY put enuff water to submerge them halfways (where their heads can be above water level)...do not add too much water over their heads or they will suffocate themselves from their carbon minoxide discharge (minoxide/dioxide-not sure but you get the point).

Keep them fed with the lettuce or those suckas are ruthless and eat each other up..

I've kept them for weeks at a time back in the day..

04-01-2011, 03:37 AM
http://scienceblogs.com/strangerfruit/upload/2006/03/r75406_212846.jpg Dear lord!. That's a freakin CRAWFISH!!!

Damn, its like it was eating radioactive cajuns!

Look at that thing!

04-01-2011, 06:06 AM
Dayum.. they should make a B horror movie with that..

04-01-2011, 09:11 AM
I met a guy at the Pudd who had caught seven bass that day and an eight pounder a couple of days back, all using crayfish. He had some in a bucket. He explained that he and his friend go halves to buy them from a place in Louisiana. The whole thing came to about $47.00 including over night shipping, and each of them got 175 crayfish a piece. He bought a little kiddie pool at Walmart for them to live in, and he said they last him all season. He says they really kill 'em, at least at the Pudd. Here's the link to the place he got them. Seems like a good deal.


Let us know if you decide to try them and how they do.

04-01-2011, 09:39 AM
If you know someone who works at a park with a lake...
My brother and I used to get juvenile ones, like an inch long up to like 3 inches, from the outlet covers at a local regional park lake. A buddy of his would unlock the covers and let us get what we wanted. They kinda give me the heebie-jeebies, though. Viscious little monsters.

04-01-2011, 10:10 AM
A lot of help and info from all, thanks.

I should've told you all what I'm going to use them for, catfish. Don't get me wrong, I do fish for bass but, not with the crawfish.

This thread, really, tells me this IS a bass fishing forum. AND there's nothing wrong with that.


04-01-2011, 11:51 AM
I just ordered aprox 225 live dads for 55 bucks and pad an additional 15 for saturday delivery. I plan to fish them sunday and monday.

Sunday I will fish them at Castaic. If anyone wants to use a few there, hit me up. :).

Thanks for the Link!

04-01-2011, 12:30 PM
I just ordered aprox 225 live dads for 55 bucks and pad an additional 15 for saturday delivery. I plan to fish them sunday and monday.

Sunday I will fish them at Castaic. If anyone wants to use a few there, hit me up. :).

Thanks for the Link!


You're welcome, Mike. Let me know how it turns out. Of course cats like the crawdads. I have heard carp love them. Makes sense that bottom feeders would be used to eating such tasty morsels.

04-01-2011, 12:38 PM
A lot of help and info from all, thanks.

I should've told you all what I'm going to use them for, catfish. Don't get me wrong, I do fish for bass but, not with the crawfish.

This thread, really, tells me this IS a bass fishing forum. AND there's nothing wrong with that.


'Dads over riprap are deadly for cats.
I have heard that large trout like baby crawdads, not sure how true that is though.

04-01-2011, 12:50 PM
For the Kitty's...if U don't get bit on it live, try just the tail

Occasionally the stripers eat the cradwads too, I've only found them a few times in the stripers guts at pyramid but pretty regularly at San Antonio...

Don't think I've found them in the stripers guts at Castaic yet (probably relative to the abundant food chain)

04-01-2011, 12:51 PM
Let us know how this works out please

I just ordered aprox 225 live dads for 55 bucks and pad an additional 15 for saturday delivery. I plan to fish them sunday and monday.

Sunday I will fish them at Castaic. If anyone wants to use a few there, hit me up. :).

Thanks for the Link!

04-01-2011, 03:38 PM
how do you rig the 'dads for the kitties?


04-01-2011, 04:19 PM
carolina rig, hook them in the tail, pull a leg off so, they don't dig into bottom. I, usually, hit them on the head to stun them first.

04-01-2011, 04:26 PM
Dead crawdad tails are the best catfish bait. Let them sit outside in the sun and rot for a bit (few days?). Leave shell on.
Gnarly smell but works awesome.

04-01-2011, 04:28 PM
Otherwise use whole uncooked unshelled shrimp with all the appendages, dead, fresh from grocer.

04-01-2011, 06:52 PM
Let's go load up, we can get a personal stash to fish with but they would ileagal to sell
It's a lot of work but fun when you get a couple good in the net.
Call me if you want to take me to your spots, and we can work out a trip on the boat.
Cool, Dave
I'm going to get crawfish tomorrow so i can have some for my trip on Sunday at the Pudd.

04-01-2011, 06:57 PM
I met a guy at the Pudd who had caught seven bass that day and an eight pounder a couple of days back, all using crayfish. He had some in a bucket. He explained that he and his friend go halves to buy them from a place in Louisiana. The whole thing came to about $47.00 including over night shipping, and each of them got 175 crayfish a piece. He bought a little kiddie pool at Walmart for them to live in, and he said they last him all season. He says they really kill 'em, at least at the Pudd. Here's the link to the place he got them. Seems like a good deal.


Let us know if you decide to try them and how they do.
I met a guy last year at Perris Lake and then a Pudd his name was David and he got the crawfish with a friend to use. I bet it is the guy because he did the samething.

04-03-2011, 08:35 PM
Well, let's just say the trip didn't go as planned. First off, I received the dads on saturday like planed all stuffed in a bag and packaged in a box. All were alive. My cousin picked em up and through them in his 150 gallon tank. I told him little water and rocks for them to climb. He was convinced he could throw all 250 in a full water tank. WRONG. Most of them suffocated being all stacked on each other. Later on saturday almost all were dead. Only 3 dozen were moving.(Barely) Soooo.... There went that plan.

Today, we worked it at castaic to no avail. Not even 1 strike. Hmmm. Not my usual experience there with them. So after 3-4 hours of working the points I decided I'm gonna fish the drop shot. After 15 min. I get a great hit and swing. Fish on and drag going. Ohoh I'm stuck, I work it out soon and my big mistake, I let it jump out of the water. Sawweet fish, but bye bye!! Hook spit. :( I couldn't get another bite the rest of the day.

I will never complain about spending the day on the water even if I get the big stripe down my back. I will get em next time. But wow that lake is slow now. Water levels real high, water temps 58. And hardly anyone there. I can see why.

I learned my lesson with the dads!! Next time do it myself. Hehe. My experience has always been very well when there lively and these were not from being suffocated the night before. I will definitely order from this company again.

Til next time

04-03-2011, 08:44 PM
Well, let's just say the trip didn't go as planned. First off, I received the dads on saturday like planed all stuffed in a bag and packaged in a box. All were alive. My cousin picked em up and through them in his 150 gallon tank. I told him little water and rocks for them to climb. He was convinced he could throw all 250 in a full water tank. WRONG. Most of them suffocated being all stacked on each other. Later on saturday almost all were dead. Only 3 dozen were moving.(Barely) Soooo.... There went that plan.

Today, we worked it at castaic to no avail. Not even 1 strike. Hmmm. Not my usual experience there with them. So after 3-4 hours of working the points I decided I'm gonna fish the drop shot. After 15 min. I get a great hit and swing. Fish on and drag going. Ohoh I'm stuck, I work it out soon and my big mistake, I let it jump out of the water. Sawweet fish, but bye bye!! Hook spit. :( I couldn't get another bite the rest of the day.

I will never complain about spending the day on the water even if I get the big stripe down my back. I will get em next time. But wow that lake is slow now. Water levels real high, water temps 58. And hardly anyone there. I can see why.

I learned my lesson with the dads!! Next time do it myself. Hehe. My experience has always been very well when there lively and these were not from being suffocated the night before. I will definitely order from this company again.

Til next time

Cant say i ever had real success in castaic. in the upper lake been there only three or four times and nothing, granted fished the same spot like three out of those four, but that was because the times of year i went people at the bait shop said fishing was slow and that was the only point where people were catching fish if they caught them. never even a nibble in the upper lake. lower lake my grandfather hooked into big trout on our first time and i hooked into a decent one. second time we both hooked into largemouth we each got one. third time we took my mom for her first time. NADA. fourth time nada.

04-04-2011, 04:21 PM
Well, let's just say the trip didn't go as planned. First off, I received the dads on saturday like planed all stuffed in a bag and packaged in a box. All were alive. My cousin picked em up and through them in his 150 gallon tank. I told him little water and rocks for them to climb. He was convinced he could throw all 250 in a full water tank. WRONG. Most of them suffocated being all stacked on each other. Later on saturday almost all were dead. Only 3 dozen were moving.(Barely) Soooo.... There went that plan.

Today, we worked it at castaic to no avail. Not even 1 strike. Hmmm. Not my usual experience there with them. So after 3-4 hours of working the points I decided I'm gonna fish the drop shot. After 15 min. I get a great hit and swing. Fish on and drag going. Ohoh I'm stuck, I work it out soon and my big mistake, I let it jump out of the water. Sawweet fish, but bye bye!! Hook spit. :( I couldn't get another bite the rest of the day.

I will never complain about spending the day on the water even if I get the big stripe down my back. I will get em next time. But wow that lake is slow now. Water levels real high, water temps 58. And hardly anyone there. I can see why.

I learned my lesson with the dads!! Next time do it myself. Hehe. My experience has always been very well when there lively and these were not from being suffocated the night before. I will definitely order from this company again.

Til next time
MikesoceanYou can easily fit 250 crayfish in a 150-gallon tank, provided it has a good cascade filter. 150 gallons is alot. They died because they were taken out of the water for too long.

The main screw-ups here, were that the crayfish were stressed to death. And poor filtration. You cant just use an aerator, you need a filter!

Especially if you're trying to keep signal crayfish, which require colder water, and current.

04-04-2011, 05:13 PM
Sorry to here they all rolled on you, I hoped it would work out for you, but it's been a problem with the dads coming from the south all along, from what I've been told the first couple of shipments don't transition well, I know gallions has lost two batches and he has stop ordering from his supplier.
Bobs bait in Bakersfield doesn't have them as well.
Will have to see what comes in in the next couple of batches that is if anyone even orders any.
The crawdad bite will be wfo very soon.
I went out today and picked up a fresh batch for my guide services...