View Full Version : Protect my fishing hole!

03-28-2011, 04:56 PM

Oppose unfair licensing requirements and costly regulations

After more than 30 years, the California Department of Fish and Game is trying to require recreational fishermen to purchase a fishing license to catch privately stocked fish on private property as well as at private fee for fishing lakes – and proposing, unnecessary and very costly regulations that will be mandated for every fresh water hatchery, fish farm and nearly anybody that purchases and stocks fish in California.

Such regulations will put small business owners who stock fishing holes out of business – and deny access to recreational fishing! Without affordable local fishing, how long will it be before all the fish in California are GONE?

Please contact Governor Jerry Brown and the Department of Fish and Game today. Let them know that California’s economy can’t afford this plan! To do this, visit CARF’s “Take Action” page - http://www.savecalfishing.org/take-action. Your voice needs to be heard – it’s quick and easy – and VERY IMPORTANT!

To learn more how these new plans threaten your favorite fishing hole and jobs, visit www.SaveCalFishing.org.

PS: Attention fee for fishing lake operators - visit the “Take Action” page to learn how you can help too.

03-29-2011, 09:52 AM
Please guys and gals, go visit the 'Take Action' page! Even though you don't fish stocked lakes, HELP!

03-29-2011, 10:06 AM
Im in. Should I just copy and paste the letter? Im thinking of just paraphrasing. Pinche! puto cabrones.....f2q5rn Bit#$!es

03-29-2011, 10:09 AM
Im in. Should I just copy and paste the letter? Im thinking of just paraphrasing. Pinche! puto cabrones.....f2q5rn Bit#$!es

Serio! Que bueno que no saben las malas palabras en español. HAHAHA!

03-29-2011, 10:13 AM
puro cabola. Im just going to copy and paste and maybe through in my personal experiences and how fishing kept out of some trouble when I was a kid.

03-29-2011, 11:39 AM
This is DEAD SERIOUS STUFF that not only threatens the private lake that you enjoy fishing, but freshwater fishing as a whole, the fishing economy as a whole, AND THIS ENTIRE STATE'S ECONOMY AS A WHOLE! Do you enjoy fishing SARL, Irvine Lake, LNL, Corona Lake, Jess Ranch, etc etc? Then you should send an email! Do you enjoy hitting DVL for the stripers and/or the Lloyds after a fresh plant of trout?? Then you should send an email!! Do you enjoy fishing the local parks for trout, catfish, and the mega bass that eat these fish? Then you should send an email!!!! Do you enjoy fishing the Sierra for Alpers trout in the summertime? Then you should send an email!! And if you don't want to live in a state where private businesses are unable to conduct themselves according to their constitutional rights without having the government run it into the ground via some new invented form of bureaucracy, THEN YOU SHOULD SEND AN EMAIL!!!

Read up on this stuff. http://www.savecalfishing.org/. It is really scary to see the bad decisions that only a few people in positions of power can make that will have a REAL and LASTING impact on what you and I love to do...FISH!!! The saving grace is that by doing EVERYTHING in our power, we have the ability to make a real impact and stop this out of control freight train.

My letter is sent. In my tendency to write ridiculously long "novels", I personalized things and feel good about what took me a bit of time to write. But if you click on the links provided by Donna, you can contribute a letter to the governor in seconds and when we set things straight, you can rightfully feel like you were a part of the outcome! Think of this as an opportunity to guarantee many more great days on the water at that time when you're stuck in front of a computer screen!! Thanks Donna for posting this up!

03-29-2011, 12:39 PM

How does CaDFG have jurisdiction over private bodies of water?

How about they actually patrol public waters before trying to stick their foot into private land.

I'll make sure next time I win the Lotto, I'll make a private pond in my backyard and stock it with northern pike, quagga mussels, and snakeheads.

03-29-2011, 12:50 PM
puro cabola. Im just going to copy and paste and maybe through in my personal experiences and how fishing kept out of some trouble when I was a kid.

That's exactly what I did. The whole situation is ridiculous.


03-29-2011, 01:00 PM
working on my letter to send We all need to band together on this so lets do this fishing peeps

03-29-2011, 01:04 PM
I just finished. I had trouble finding the senate part though. Thats how blind I am when it comes down to politics dont even know who represents my area 90033. I printed some of the attached letter and will have people sign them. Also, I will register for CARF once I make sure I have the funds for the week.

PS..it does feel good to do something right....sometimes LOL

03-29-2011, 02:15 PM
I just finished. I had trouble finding the senate part though. Thats how blind I am when it comes down to politics dont even know who represents my area 90033. I printed some of the attached letter and will have people sign them. Also, I will register for CARF once I make sure I have the funds for the week.

PS..it does feel good to do something right....sometimes LOL

Hernandez, Ed

100 S. Vincent Street
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 430-2499

14403 E. Pacific Ave.
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 337-2760

De León, Kevin
617 S. Olive Street
Los Angeles, CA 90014
(213) 612-9566

See Chris Fish
03-29-2011, 03:48 PM
Now they know my opinion.

Please post up when you've sent the letters.
Let's make some noise.
Politicians only listen when they're told something. If nobody says not to do this, they believe that we're ok with it.

03-29-2011, 08:17 PM
Done and now I'm just pissed!

03-31-2011, 01:24 AM
Now this just tears it. Forcing someone to obtain a fishing license for private lakes?

Let's face it. This state is run by some of the most corrupt bastards on earth. They wont be playing fair, and neither should you.

California is just trying to wrench all the money from us. our "officials" know damn well california is about to become Detroit-2, so they're trying to tax the living crap outta us.

You gotta play hardball. You HAVE to. You have no choice.

Social Darwinism has no care for love, peace, or the law.

04-18-2011, 05:57 PM
I think everyone should get invovled in this. Not enought people take fishing or fisherman seriously. And a lot of fisherman dont get involved enough into politics. Time to do something, not just seperately but as a whole. Us fisherman need to band together.

07-09-2011, 09:23 PM
I think everyone should get invovled in this. Not enought people take fishing or fisherman seriously. And a lot of fisherman dont get involved enough into politics. Time to do something, not just seperately but as a whole. Us fisherman need to band together.

"And a lot of fisherman dont get involved enough into politics."

There in lies one of the biggest problems next to misinformed voters. Too many people look the other way when either voting, or not taking the time to vote. Ask yourself, "who are the politicians and special interests that want to take away our private rights?" What political party's agenda would call for such a thing, and why? It's the same one who wants to take away your hunting and weapons ownership rights as well. Yet here in Cali, we put them in power over and over again (30+ years in the legislature). Why? Their record speaks for itself. More private ownership rights, and more public land use has been taken away by one political party than all others combined in the history of this country.

This will not go away, and in fact will get worse unless we the people wake up, and wake everybody else up to what's taking place in the "big picture", a political agenda that wants to create a massive central government. To do that, they need to control every aspect of our private lives and business matters. Even fishing. I truly cannot believe we put Brown back in office. Those of us who are old enough knew exactly what this clown is all about. He will not stand up to federal intervention into state sovereignty rights. Obama, his administration, and green special interest groups are who is truly behind this legislation. If you do not change that in 2012 and beyond, this type of legislation will endlessly occur. All these bills are small battles that are costing us billions to fight, and billions more to fund the massive bureaucracy if we lose. Why not vote smart, and get these eco-communist, leftist lunatics out of our government and save the headaches, our recreation rights, the taxpayers money, and in many cases, their livelihoods. Remember, they'll promise you everything to get elected, then once they do, they take way your rights, one by one, while you're not looking. VOTE them out, so this doesn't happen anymore...

Sorry about the rant guys and gals, but sometimes the truth hurts...

kelly k
09-18-2011, 12:21 PM
"And a lot of fisherman dont get involved enough into politics."

There in lies one of the biggest problems next to misinformed voters. Too many people look the other way when either voting, or not taking the time to vote. Ask yourself, "who are the politicians and special interests that want to take away our private rights?" What political party's agenda would call for such a thing, and why? It's the same one who wants to take away your hunting and weapons ownership rights as well. Yet here in Cali, we put them in power over and over again (30+ years in the legislature). Why? Their record speaks for itself. More private ownership rights, and more public land use has been taken away by one political party than all others combined in the history of this country.

This will not go away, and in fact will get worse unless we the people wake up, and wake everybody else up to what's taking place in the "big picture", a political agenda that wants to create a massive central government. To do that, they need to control every aspect of our private lives and business matters. Even fishing. I truly cannot believe we put Brown back in office. Those of us who are old enough knew exactly what this clown is all about. He will not stand up to federal intervention into state sovereignty rights. Obama, his administration, and green special interest groups are who is truly behind this legislation. If you do not change that in 2012 and beyond, this type of legislation will endlessly occur. All these bills are small battles that are costing us billions to fight, and billions more to fund the massive bureaucracy if we lose. Why not vote smart, and get these eco-communist, leftist lunatics out of our government and save the headaches, our recreation rights, the taxpayers money, and in many cases, their livelihoods. Remember, they'll promise you everything to get elected, then once they do, they take way your rights, one by one, while you're not looking. VOTE them out, so this doesn't happen anymore...

Sorry about the rant guys and gals, but sometimes the truth hurts...

This was the question I was going to ask "Where did this start from" Thanks and kudos to you, HawgZWylde for pointing this out. I think the DFG is the puppet of the people in "Sac" and they are taking the heat for this mess, Correct me If I'm wrong!!!


09-19-2011, 07:50 AM
This was the question I was going to ask "Where did this start from" Thanks and kudos to you, HawgZWylde for pointing this out. I think the DFG is the puppet of the people in "Sac" and they are taking the heat for this mess, Correct me If I'm wrong!!!


Absolutely correct Kelly. Lol, someone finally responded to my post. It kind of confirms what I said about people not wanting to get involved. Sad. We all need to get involved, or the politicians will walk all over us...