View Full Version : Corona report 03-26

phishin phool
03-26-2011, 05:24 PM
Got to the lake about 5:30 and the line was at the turn. Not too bad foa a sat. Launched the tube about 6:30 and fished from stock tube to dam for about 3 hrs for a couple tailwakers, one about 2#on chart. Worm and one about 3 1/2 on a orange/white mouse tail. Was actualy pretty slow for us in the water. The shore guys were doin good from stocking tube to dam. Had to make a pit stop at the porta-potie and the headed over to east side and fished just north of the inlet area for alot better action!! Fished there from around 10-2 and caught about 8 more,(released all lip hooked fish) almost all caught on orange white mouse tail.(see photo) overall dam area was kinda slow, except for shore guys and inlet area was pretty good with most guys fisin worms/jigs gettin fish fairly regular. Left with my five weighing in at 13lbs. 29215 once again another blessed day at my favorite phishin hole. Peace.

phishin phool
03-26-2011, 05:27 PM
29216Oops wrong picture, that was from two weekes ago. Heres todays poke.

Piss on Myspace
03-26-2011, 05:32 PM
noice!!! congrats on the limit and thanks for the nice detailed post...ive had pretty good luck using the mouse combo as well....cheers!

03-26-2011, 06:57 PM
Nice job! I'll be there tomorrow tubing with my son...How do you like your Fenwick?

phishin phool
03-26-2011, 08:54 PM
I love it! I use two of them. Good luck!! It was better on the east side.

03-26-2011, 09:24 PM
how do you rig the mouse tail I've hear a lot of problems about missing bites?

03-26-2011, 10:17 PM
I have to agree with you phishin phool about the slowness of the bit today. My son and I only took two TailWalkers home with a rental motor boat on the back side of the lake. First one was about 7:30am and the other one was about 10am. After that not one bite. Also using the mouse bait setup. With only getting one each, it doesn't seem worth it to rent a boat and pay the cost of fishing totaling $94 for three pound of trout.

I noticed on the shore with the wind blowing towards it, the ones who were using sliding bobbers had a hard time keeping their lines out. Anyone know the trick to keeping them out when the wind is against you?

03-27-2011, 01:43 AM
Those are some nice looking fish, great report with a good ammount of detail and looks like it was a fun day out on the tube. What model Fenwick is that? and if you dont mind me asking drop shot or "C-rig" on a slow troll? for the Power Worm/Power Mouse?

03-27-2011, 05:28 PM
... Anyone know the trick to keeping them out when the wind is against you?

You're slow-trolling them. Reel in and cast again.

03-27-2011, 05:41 PM
I have to agree with you phishin phool about the slowness of the bit today. My son and I only took two TailWalkers home with a rental motor boat on the back side of the lake. First one was about 7:30am and the other one was about 10am. After that not one bite. Also using the mouse bait setup. With only getting one each, it doesn't seem worth it to rent a boat and pay the cost of fishing totaling $94 for three pound of trout.

I noticed on the shore with the wind blowing towards it, the ones who were using sliding bobbers had a hard time keeping their lines out. Anyone know the trick to keeping them out when the wind is against you?

Don't take this the wrong way but if you want meat then take your $94.00 to the store and buy meat. As far as fishing goes this is the way it works. Ask Bass guys about how much money they have invested in swimbaits alone, and then how many days you go and throw them for not even a single bite. I'm sure you and your son will slay them next time you go just be patient.

phishin phool
03-27-2011, 06:35 PM
rabbit77, I use a size 8 mosquito hook(10 is to small forn mouse tail,imo), its takes a little patience and practicte to thread them thru the head and worm, but after a few tries it get easer.
Angerling41, yeah, it was slower than two weeks ago, but you gotta keep moving, if your not gettin bit anymore-move. i cant count how many time at corona i have move just about 25-50 feet and had way better action. and if your in a boat the east shore near the inlet usually produces better than dam area. and as for spending big bucks and feelin let down, i've been there, ive had many days at corona like that, but ive some of the best fishin ever there too. after time you get to know the spots and methods. dont get too discouraged it happens to all of us.
zodiacon my tube, i cast one out, put my pole in the holder and drag it as i drift, or just let it sit, with a crank of the reel every few minutes, the other one i fish the same way you fish a regular power worm.
good luck and tight lines fellas, peace.

03-28-2011, 12:28 PM
The reason the tubers do better with the mouse than people who dead stick them, is movement. That's it. Slowly retrieve it in with a twitch here and there and cast it back out in a fan pattern. You'll get bit.

03-28-2011, 01:32 PM
Thanks for the report phishin phool!
I will second that on the #8 mosquito hook with the mice tails. First time I used them was with a #10 and missed quite a few fish. I switched to a #8 and have had no problems. And it still floats because of the egg.

Nice Job and great report!