View Full Version : Rainy Lake Perris

03-25-2011, 10:47 PM
Fished LP today with "Skunked Again". A cold, breezy morning greeted us when we arrived around 6:30, and once we were on the water, the rain started. Water temp was still a little on the cool side for an active Bluegills bite. The lake had temperatures from 56 degrees in deeper water, and slightly warmer of 58 degrees in 6 to 15 foot depths. Although we only caught one nice crappie, a nice trout, and two Bluegill, we still considered the trip a success because we found and recorded some new spots with the help of SA's great electronics aboard his boat and a tip from FNN fellow member "Flying" (thanks buddy). Hopefully these new spots will produce good fishing when the water temp picks up. Also noticed that it seems that groups of Bluegill follow schools of shad suspended 30-40 deep in 50 feet of water. Sorry no pics. Thanks SA for a great day! Sorry about your juice and cups.....

03-25-2011, 11:35 PM
when your a shad, they'res no where to hide.

03-25-2011, 11:44 PM
Thanks for the post, Fishmounter. I was considering fishing the shore this weekend at Perris, but I think I'll wait until we get some better weather.

03-26-2011, 09:39 AM
Graet weather is on its way this next week.....I can't wait!!

03-26-2011, 10:42 AM
Thanks for the info Fishmounter. I am going to hit the perris tomorrow. I need to get out and get fresh air. Kinda on the fence about going. But may go anyway.

03-26-2011, 10:46 AM
Jeff how did you like john's boat? pretty slick eh i wanna c the new fish finder he's got. how big was the trout you caught?

03-26-2011, 06:38 PM
Steve- The boat is really nice and his new Lowrance/GPS system is awesome. John caught the approximately 14 inch Rainbow, and it hooked itself in the tail! Although we primarily were trying to find some new Bluegill spots, we did fish for bass here and there, and neither one of us even had a strike. Have a few warmer days in a row, and the fish will go shallower and the spring bite should be on.

Coach D'
03-26-2011, 09:35 PM
Thanks for the info Fishmounter. I am going to hit the perris tomorrow. I need to get out and get fresh air. Kinda on the fence about going. But may go anyway.

On the fence... I jumpin the fence tomorrow to go fishin. get up early and creep creep ever so quietly out the house n over the fence I go. LOL

Good job for theis time of yr Fishmounter!

My buddy was out there and got 23 redear

03-26-2011, 11:19 PM
when your a shad, they'res no where to hide.

no kidding........................................... ..........................


Natural Lefty
03-31-2011, 09:11 PM
That's why shad, and other prey fish, swim in schools -- safety in numbers.

I am glad you were able to get back out there, Fishmounter. I am planning to go shorefishing at Perris tomorrow.

Natural Lefty
03-31-2011, 09:16 PM
Oh yeah, I am glad you caught something too, despite the weather. The fish should be biting better tomorrow with the current heat wave.

03-31-2011, 11:44 PM
Good luck Robert. I am expecting one of your "novel-length" reports... Ha! I'll meet you out there one of these days.

Natural Lefty
04-01-2011, 01:51 PM
I got to Perris Lake around 10 this morning, but came back for lunch, then I will be heading back there again. It's nice to live so close to the lake. I don't know if I will have a chance to report on today's fishing when I am through, but fish were much in evidence, yet they weren't biting much this morning. I was greeted with beautiful blue skies, squirrels, roadrunners, a veritable fish-watching show, and lots of exercise as I checked out the launch ramp, marina and the little fishig pier in Sail Cove. I talked to Richard who I know from Puddingstone when I got there, and he had only one missed bite in the launch ramp from 7-10 a.m. Strange. I tried there for awhile, without a bite, then headed for the marina. Lots of fish in the marina, mostly small Bluegills, and 15 inch variety Bass that were stalking the Bluegills and chasing them around, yet few fish biting. I managed to catch one small Bluegill which the guy next to me wanted for bait. I told him that was illegal and put the juvenile Bluegill back to grow up. Oh, there was a teenage gal there in a bikini who was getting sunburned, and she caught an undersize Bass. A guy who had been fishing in the pay area on the end of the dock walked past me with a large Crappie in the 13 inch range, but apparently not much else was caught out there. I was heading home when I noticed the pier in Sail Cove with people on it, so I checked and there were massive numbers of fish lounging around, mostly small Bluegills, Redears and Bass but they didn't seem to be biting. Nonetheless, I plan to head back there in a bit. It's been a long time since I have fished there and at the very least it looks entertaining with all those fish visible. I expect to catch Bluegills on flies around dusk, probably little ones but fun. Will provide more report when I can. That's my halftime report, Fishmounter. I hope I am not hijacking your post but it seemed like reporting on the morning's fishing was a good idea.

Natural Lefty
04-01-2011, 01:57 PM
Oh, and around 11:30 a.m., a couple of guys in a large pontoon parked their boat near me and asked if anyone "wanted some Redears." :EyePop:Naturally I did, so they gave them to me. Fisherpeople are sooo generous. So I have already had a good fishing day you could say, not to mention all the interesting sights. (The flowers are blooming too by the way.) They had 4 good size Redears, which apparently wasn't enough to satisfy them.

04-01-2011, 03:25 PM
Awesome reports, from both of you.

Lefty, let me know if you see much evening/dusk surface activity... <^_^>

04-01-2011, 03:43 PM

Your welcome

Natural Lefty
04-02-2011, 06:00 PM
Fishmounter informs me that was you on the pontoon. A good thing about this site is that many of us actually meet each other at fishing spots even if incidentally.

Carpanglerdude, there was already a lot of surface activity two weeks ago. I caught 5 Bluegills on flies then at the marina, but they were small. (I mentioned that somewhere on this site.) I am sure the surface activity is much more now, so you should go soon. I was planning to use flies, but didn't see any surface activity in Sail Cove (but it was windy) and the fishing was so good that I never moved.