View Full Version : riverwalk bako... nothin special

03-12-2011, 09:54 PM
been super busy lately havent gotten to fish much at all :(
last monday hit riverwalk while the gf and kiddo walked i fished the back lake. couple gooood bites one stuck but came off... so with 3 hours to kill friday morning i went for round two...
what would u know overcast chilly day when the day before was borderline HOT...

anyways 2 hours of soaking different baits throwing lures, didnt target bass but should have, probably could have pulled one out...

after 2 hours of not even a bite i said screw it... guy just told me they stocked the front the day before so off i went to move the truck... went light one rod one lure.. figured id beat the skunk then call it,
first stop nodda...
walked around to another opening, third cast hook up tiny trout but went airborn numerous times was fun.. and what would u know he tore a gill so had to make a quick stringer from some of the 4 lb on the spool...
since one was gonna die i figured might as well get 4 more dinks and make it a meal... few casts later fat 15 inch hookjaw, next cast small one came off, same with the next cast, so on and so on landed a couple 14-16 inchers another dink that bled, called it with 4, 1 hour 9 landed many more prereleased :P
was just glad i beat the skunk...

btw fried em tonight yummmm

said before i was done with trout til next season but might have to go kill some more if the sunfish and cats dont start cooperating

03-13-2011, 05:30 PM
thanks for the report bro, are there catfish in there? i've been wanting to soak some bait in there

03-13-2011, 05:40 PM
thanks for the report bro, are there catfish in there? i've been wanting to soak some bait in there

i heard they stocked it with cats once a while back but dunno if thats true, ive seen a couple small ones dead, got one last summer, think you would have better luck at truxton for kitties.. im goin tomorrow to see if the gills and koi are on the feed... still need my revenge on the double digit black and white koi i hooked last summer "came unhooked"... theres a breeding population of black and white koi in there, tons of large goldfish too... would be cool to catch one of each just to check out the fight

trail blazer
03-13-2011, 06:11 PM
Great recon and catch bro,,,,,,,,,,Great info for all===THANKS


03-13-2011, 06:19 PM
thanks for the report bro, are there catfish in there? i've been wanting to soak some bait in there

Nicely done madwire

Dalizzy, check my facebook for the kitties

03-14-2011, 02:10 PM
i seen the picture cutbait, you caught them at riverwalk? Thats all bone bro lol im trying to catch some big ones like you and TB be catching at the duct.

03-14-2011, 04:59 PM
did my recon for truxton today.. 3 hours...

as i walked up to the water i seen the stock truck taking off, thought if all else fails ill catch a trout or two...

messed with bluegill for a long time while i soaked tortilla and corn for carp... got one really nice bluegill but it was a fluke... no other nibbles the ones i could see would look but not take...

carp setup kept getting bumped but not like carp bumps so tossed out a mini jig and first cast near the carp line hookup...

continued this way for a long while...i was about 100 yards from where they planted and u could see them surfacing and jumping coming my way.. i barely started goin for em when they seemed to stop jumping so much... im sure i caught a few of em twice or maybe even 3 times because by the time i left i had caught between 40 and 50, kept my 5 for a fry tomorrow... no exaggeration here got lucky on timing and location, why chase trucks when they come to you right :P

few bass moving, couple 2lb class fish chasing gills in the shallows, another couple weeks i think the gill bite will increase enough to do some slayage...

<---- wants some big kitties too

03-14-2011, 08:51 PM
thanks for the update madwire, im not really a trout guy but bluegill on the other hand if they're big enough ill eat'em. i caught a nice redear bluegill out of truxtun years ago just have to find a good spot around there. As for the kitties bro im up for it boneless catfish nuggets lol

03-14-2011, 11:22 PM
i have my sunfish spots but didnt venture much today. my knee has been jacked up all weekend. beleive me i got called names for saying trout are meh, usually are but i dont care what your fishing for if its ok quality and large numbers thats a good day on the water right.. makes up for the slower other species...

as for redears man i seen one last summer in there that blew my mind.. always look smaller in the water and this guy was huge... seen me before i seen it as usual so no luck that day... ive spent enough time out there to have my revenge plans to keep me busy allll summer

03-15-2011, 05:16 PM
[I] also fished truxton yesterday 3:00 - 7:15 with a fly rod hooked up on a huge one on a green bugger
and two big gills on a dry fly, all released[/]

03-15-2011, 09:19 PM
Truxton always slaps me up! Caught a few small 2lb bass outta there and that was it. Im looking to hit it up more often since I live pretty close to it.

03-15-2011, 09:28 PM
yea truxtun is productive at times, the city of bakersfield needs to clean all the debris and trash out of the back lake theres some big bass in there

03-15-2011, 09:57 PM
another fallow up...
hit truxton today with my step daughter "shes 5" got her on 7 in an hour and a half on powerbait and i managed 26 during the waiting between takers on hers... she also reeled in a few i hooked "didnt count those for either of us"... was fun.. her first limit plus of trout, was fun

im not far from the lakes so i try to get over there when i have an hour or two to kill... anyone close wanna join for a carp/sunfish session in a month or so hit me up

03-16-2011, 09:24 AM
You titled this post perfectly madwire!

"Nothing special"

Hahahaha, couldn't resist mw. My apologies