View Full Version : Will be going next Friday (18th) Corona Lake

03-11-2011, 09:54 AM
I see many actions going on with Corona Lake, but when I fished there, I was great with Cats but not other fish.

I was wondering as a newbie to trout fishing, what equipment should I use?

And I noticed there are so many baits, jigs and other tactics to tackle trouts....but whats the best combination to work in corona?

Thanks in advance

phishin phool
03-11-2011, 10:01 AM
I see many actions going on with Corona Lake, but when I fished there, I was great with Cats but not other fish.

I was wondering as a newbie to trout fishing, what equipment should I use?

And I noticed there are so many baits, jigs and other tactics to tackle trouts....but whats the best combination to work in corona?

Thanks in advance

are you gonna be fishing froma a boat, tube or from shore???

03-11-2011, 11:52 AM
Me and my buddies will be fishing on boat.

phishin phool
03-11-2011, 09:27 PM
In a boat the best spots are from the launch, north to the dam nearer the west shore, especially by the stocking tube and "brads tree" area. Across the lake from the rental boats south to the inlet along the east shore (trees on bank). If your bait fishing use Gulp in rainbow or chart. power mouse and power worms kill it too. check out sapdawgs great posts for some really helpful info. Good luck!

Frequent Flyer
03-11-2011, 09:33 PM
my dad isnt the most experienced fisherman eithr. at corona a good starter is a 1/12 ounce kastmaster and about 3 jars of differnet colored powerbaits. since ur in a boat u can go look for the fish instead of sitting in one spot. hope it helped and good luck

03-11-2011, 09:52 PM
So if I choose to use,
This bough bait
A treble hook
A sliding sinker

would adding a worm tail make it a "mouse" set up would increase the catch or?

Frequent Flyer
03-11-2011, 10:13 PM
i dont relly use the mouse set up but it all depends on wat the fish r in the mood for. mix it up with the dough and mouse every now and then, change colors. even slowly "jig" it in sometimes. just try a couple combonations. but you are going for the lightnings next week rite?

03-11-2011, 10:24 PM
lightnings and the "tailwalkers"? maybe...

As long as I can catch something! DONT MATTER WHICH!

03-12-2011, 08:41 AM
So if I choose to use,
This bough bait
A treble hook
A sliding sinker

would adding a worm tail make it a "mouse" set up would increase the catch or?

I use a carolina keeper in this set up, it makes it much easier to change your leader lenghts. I was there last weekend and had luck with leaders between 10" to 16". They were also hammering the trout worms orange and white were my best producers. Sorry almost forgot....you can buy the carolina keepers at the lake ao you can get them at Bass pro shops. Good luck im looking forward to your post.

Frequent Flyer
03-12-2011, 10:09 AM
ther should be a good bite if ur goin on friday. the carolina keepers work well and are easy to use. the powerworms will take a little more skill than just cast and reel back in but its easy to learn. for those just get some split shots and size 6-12 owner mosquito hooks. i prefer a 10. also a pack of orange, white, and chartruse power worms those should be good for the freshly stocked and anxious fish

03-12-2011, 10:26 AM
ther should be a good bite if ur goin on friday. the carolina keepers work well and are easy to use. the powerworms will take a little more skill than just cast and reel back in but its easy to learn. for those just get some split shots and size 6-12 owner mosquito hooks. i prefer a 10. also a pack of orange, white, and chartruse power worms those should be good for the freshly stocked and anxious fish

are these the ones you are talking about?

Island Fish
03-12-2011, 12:42 PM
This is my corona newbie success plan: Ease and simplicity are the emphasis here. Buy some rainbow, fluorescent green, orange power bait. a pack of small gold swivels, some barrel weights (nothing bigger than the tip of your pinkie), size 14 treble hooks, 4 pound line. Grab your boat head straight across the lake to the right side of the small cove about 20 yards off shore. Tie on a barrel and a swivel then start with three different size leaders 8", 12", & 18", mold just enough dough bait to cover the hook and allows it to float (it must float) I like to mold it into the shape of a fat little maggot. You might try some scent too I do. Cast out and relax remember fishing is fun dont over think it. Find the color and leader length thats working that day and make all your rods the same. Last week it was 10" leader booger green powerbait, caught my limit. Hope this helps. Good luck fishing

03-12-2011, 01:05 PM
Thanks for all the helpful tips guys! I now have a great understanding of how to set up for trout....

But just a quick question, is there any more cats down there?

phishin phool
03-12-2011, 01:07 PM
No those are for bass. Look for the 3" "trout worms"

03-12-2011, 01:31 PM
No those are for bass. Look for the 3" "trout worms"

These will be the corrected one?


or this


Frequent Flyer
03-13-2011, 12:27 PM
yes those r the worms. and if u get the powerworms mak sue that u take them out and disconnect all of the worms from each othr. if not then they will start to curl and tweek on u

03-14-2011, 11:41 PM
Ultralight rods with 2-4 lb line. dropshotting those worms work really well too. try different length leaders, change out the color, and remember to fish it nice and slow. I use size 10 mosquito hooks when I dropshot. I always think I'm fishing it slow, but when I slow it down even more, thats when I usually get bit. Also, get yourself a bottle of Bite-on garlic scent.

03-15-2011, 01:32 AM
Ultralight rods with 2-4 lb line. dropshotting those worms work really well too. try different length leaders, change out the color, and remember to fish it nice and slow. I use size 10 mosquito hooks when I dropshot. I always think I'm fishing it slow, but when I slow it down even more, thats when I usually get bit. Also, get yourself a bottle of Bite-on garlic scent.

how much do you put on the split? what weight?
Plus, where do I get the scent? Size 10 mosquito hooks I cant find it at Basspro....

03-15-2011, 01:39 AM
I dont have any ultra light gears, but we are going to use 3 4lb rod and 1 6lb

What Im planning to do is that:
2 4lbs will be drop shotting with powermouse setup (manual - we only have 4 hands) 10 mosqito hook, if I can find it.
1 4lb and 1 6lb will be sliding sinker + gulp dough w/ worm or just dough bait (waiting) 10~14 treble hook

Any tips or corrections to the set up are welcom!

Frequent Flyer
03-15-2011, 04:43 PM
dropshot: also try dropshotting the powerworms
Bait n' wait: eithr one will work just mix it up

the killa fish taco
03-15-2011, 04:47 PM
Plus, where do I get the scent?

Bite On Garlics website


phishin phool
03-15-2011, 05:45 PM
No bigger than 4lb leader. 2lb is best but if ya get a tailwalker take it easy and use your drag corectly.

03-16-2011, 07:31 PM
I have drawed a three possible setups that I could think of for trout fishing after all the comments and guidences!!

Corrections are always welcome!


Frequent Flyer
03-16-2011, 08:13 PM
1st drawing: that would b called split-shotting. you do not need the swivel when doing that. only if u want to fish lighter line like in the drawing. instead of a dropshot weight there, a split shot should replace it.
2nd drawing: in a dropshot, you tie the hook on and then tie on the weight. when u tie the hook, make sure there is about 8-16 inches of line coming off the end that you are tightening and not the main line. then with the leftover line you tie on the weight
3rd drawing: perfect and vary ur leader lengths in ur not getting bit

03-16-2011, 09:04 PM
So 3rd drawing and this setup below is the best for trout?


phishin phool
03-16-2011, 09:59 PM
my 2 cents are: on drawing #1, ff is right on the money. either use sliding sinker before swivel on main line or put split shot at swivel. drawing #2 looks like a good spitshot rig. not drop shot. use about 18" leader if your gonna jig or drag it, if your gonna bait and wait or super slow retrieve it you can go shorter. your new drawing for drop shop looks good but remember to not go super heavy on the weight, in fact you can just use a split shot for your weight if ya wanted to.

03-16-2011, 10:06 PM
So 3rd drawing and this setup below is the best for trout?


I'll add to what MY secret is at Corona. It's really simple too. 2 lb test preferable. 4 lb ok too. 6 lb too much, especially for Corona trout. Don't recommend at all (it IS possible, but WAY mire likely with 2 or 4). Removable split shot, size BB or one up from that. Put split shot 6-18" above hook. Play with that length depending on bite. Generally, about 12" to start. #8 or #10 mosquito hook. For newbees to thus method, #8 is way easier. Polymer knot to hook. Put on a pre-made Berkeley Powermouse setup (egg on top of hook and 3" worm on hook) or make a Powermouse yourself with Gulp eggs and Berkely trout worms. Put on egg first and push to top of hook. Then thread on worm. Experiment with different colors depending on what's hitting. Egg DOES NOT have to be same color as worm. Popular colors are white, yellow (chatreuse), green, pink and orange for both eggs and worm.

Cast out and leave if you want (bait and wait) or let it sink to the bottom and retrieve SLOW. The slower the better, like another poster said.

Thus easy setup has limited me my last 4 trips on a float tube.

Good luck bro!

phishin phool
03-17-2011, 06:48 AM
Great point i dont think anybody touched on ss3, keep it on the bottom!!! or close. corona is shallow fish it on the bottom!!