View Full Version : Lake Mission Viejo 2/27/11

02-28-2011, 10:44 AM
Lake Mission Viejo had it’s last stocking of Nebraska (tailwalkers) on Wednesday and they put a lot of big fish in. I was there when they stocked and couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing. Many fish were 3-5lbs and many more in the 6-9lb range. Rumor has it that they stocked another 14lb fish. Quite a few fish this season have been caught between 9-11lbs. The 14lber is a first in a very long time.

Yesterday (Sunday), a guy catches a 7.5lb from the shore wall just after 4:00pm. Didn’t take a picture or ask what he used but it was a fat and thick fish!

A guy on Thursday caught a 9.7 and a 10.1 Nebraska (tailwalker). The fish were seen in shallow water and are biting on any type of lure. Cast a lure by them and they will chase it. The 9.7 was on a mini jig and the 10.1 was on a small crainkbait.

On Friday, this guy caught this 14.25 Nebraska near the dam. It was shallow and swimming with a school of fish. He caught it on a mini jig.

Lake Mission Viejo Sunday 2/27/11

Need to start the thread off with a little humor. I get people that call me and want to fish Lake Mission Viejo. Cool! No problem with that and lets go fishing. The morning arrives, the LMV gate opens, and they are nowhere to be seen. Then they don’t even have the balls to call me either. I know where your balls are. No need to explain!!
Got Married? Got kids too huh? She has you by the balls huh?

Ohhh, what it is like being single and “gone fishin” when ya want to go! No one grabs my balls and tells me what to do! Haha! I get my fishing rods, my tackle, my lunch, and some beverages (water/soda), and off to the lake I go. This isn’t a fairy tale by all standards.

If the forecasters can the predict the weeks weather report with some accuracy, then maybe they can tell me why my friend shows up with shorts on in 35 degree weather? It caught up with him as the day progressed. Now, if it was a “Hooters” girl fishing with me then no need for an explanation!

The day was freaking’ cold but I came prepared with 5 layers of clothing on and was comfy. Not so warm was my friend Mike who had shorts on. Not so much of a cloud in the sky as the day air temperature hovered around 50 degrees. The trout didn’t care and they were on the chew all day long.

A friend of mine (who doesn’t live here) tells me that the LMV trout bite is a morning and late bite. NOT!! Kinda funny how that topic comes up because that isn’t the case for the most part. When you’re done fishing in 20 minutes like Rich was this morning then you can’t know the answer for sure. I do tho. Fish bite all day here.

Rich wanted to fish for a few hours on Sunday so I take him to the Malorca docks rather than search the lake for the recent stocking of big Nebraska’s. I hear they put in 2 14lb fish and many in the 6-9lb range. I saw many 5-8lb fish on Wednesday so yeah it’s a legit rumor. This was a 20/20/20 morning for Rich. 20ft out in front of the docks, done fishing in 20 minutes, and we fished in 20ft. An orange on orange powermouse was what he used with a 3 foot leader. I even caught a fish on my first cast with a Berkley Flicker Shad chartreuse/pearl rapala. The entire area is mixed with Mt. Lassen and Nebraska. You can see them if the sun is out but much harder to see them on a cloudy day.

We drop Rich off at the dock while Mike and myself go searching for the Nebraska’s. At 7:30am the docks still had ice on them. Wow! We trolled rapalas on the left side of the lake 20ft in front of the docks for no fish. We follow our way around into the 2nd cove when I saw a few fish. We stay way back and I toss an orange on orange powermouse and got drilled while jigging it. After a long fight it weighs 5.12 on the digital scale. Yes! First 5lb fish for the 2011 season.

We make our way around to the 3rd cove and then into Market Cove for no fish. We then go around the cove (Marguerite/Alicia) to the right side of dam and see no fish there either. We come back to our very first spot (Malorca docks) and a few fish jump off on the hook set. I know where these fish are! In the north swimbeach! We head on over to the north swimbeach and boats were lined up all over the place.

Within minutes after we pull up, I get reamed still fishing an orange on orange powermouse on a 3 foot leader, with 4 lb line, and land my 2nd fish. The fish is a solid 3lb Nebraska beauty. I also lost a big fish jigging the powermouse at this spot. After a 5-7 minute fight that fish never surfaced. It rubbed up against a buoy and sawed me off a foot from the hook. So I decided to change things up a little bit and go with the crawlers. Darn good thing that I did!

I took inflated nightcrawlers and landed 2 more good fish. These fish fight so hard that anyone using 2lb line would have been a joke. Not a good idea as these are very hard fighting fish. With many boats all around you could have been anchor wrapped. These Nebraska trout (tailwalkers) are quite known for doing that. Using 4-6lb line will definitely go in your favor.

What worked or is working?

Powermouse: Orange Berkley powerworm, sunrise Berkley poweregg, 3 foot leader, 4lb line Trilene clear, 1/8oz sliding egg sinker, #10 barrel swivel, and #8 Owner Mosquito hook.

Nightcrawlers: Inflated nightcrawler, 3 foot leader, Eagle Claw #6 baitholder hook, 1/4oz egg sinker, and #10 barrel swivel.

Lures: I caught fish on Friday with a 1/4 oz silver kastmaster and a chartreuse rapala cd 3 countdown.

Rapalas: They are even coming up and biting rapalas (any color) when retrieved back to the boat or trolled around.

Nightcrawlers: They like the inflated nightcrawlers but you also have a good chance at catching big panfish with them.

Rich on some fish.
Rich’s Catch

Mike on some fish. Mike caught his first Nebraska trout and says these Nebraska trout fight way harder than the Mt. Lassen. He fishes Irvine quite a bit.
Mike’s Panfish. Look at the size of these panfish LMV has to offer.

David’s 5.12lb fish. My 4 fish limit weighed 15 ½ lbs on the lake scale.

The lake has some really cool species of birds. This blue heron kept his head up high to search for some fish.

Every time we’d get close enough to snap a pic, it would fly over a few docks. Almost like a cat and mouse game. Here the bird is in flight.

Saddleback with snow on it.

Well! It was an awesome day out. My 15 ½ lb stinger is my biggest so far of the 2011 season. Why can't I do that in a trout tournament this season? The skies were clear and Saddleback had snow on it. A sign it was cold out. C ya all on the water!

Slick Rick
02-28-2011, 11:03 AM
Thanks for the report...

That's a heck of a gill your buddy got!

02-28-2011, 03:53 PM
Thats a red ear perch Slick

CPT. Kirk
02-28-2011, 04:20 PM
Great report and photos thanks for sharing.
I wish I could get an opportunity to fish that lake.

Slick Rick
02-28-2011, 05:12 PM
Thats a red ear perch Slick

Damn... I wonder how many of those I've caught and mistaken them.

What's the difference that tells them apart? Thanks for the correction... been fishing for years and still learn something everyday, lol

02-28-2011, 07:44 PM
Very nice Dave. You have that place wired.

02-28-2011, 08:58 PM
Dayum!!!! That's a fat Red Ear!!!!! nice going out there!

03-01-2011, 01:16 PM
Dayum!!!! That's a fat Red Ear!!!!! nice going out there!

Ditto. The report would still be worthwhile if you only posted the photo of that massive red ear.