View Full Version : To Kill Or Not To Kill (Stripers): That is the question????????

02-24-2011, 04:19 PM
This post may generate a bit of controversy/discussion. However, hearing so much dis-information for so long has me wanting to clear some things up.

Had the opportunity to hear from a fisheries biologist in person on a few things Striper, DVL, etc. and here is what I learned.

1. Stripers lay 100,000 eggs per pound of bodyweight. Largemouth lay 13,000 eggs per pound of body weight. However, Stripers are much bigger and grow much faster then Largemouth. Stripers are brodcast egg layers and just spray out their eggs and split the scene. (Kind of like most parents do these days.) Largemouth will guard their eggs, the fry, the young, which results in a lesser degree of mortality then say a Striper that lays its eggs and exits the scene (theoretically). Sometimes Stripers can spawn more then once a year. So you do the math? Lets say you have a trophy striper, a 25 pounder, that spawns twice a year with a 99% mortaliity rate of the eggs/the fry/the young vs. a 10-pound trophy largemouth that spawns once a year with a mortality rate of 99% on the eggs/fry/young. The winner is......The 25-pound Striper with 50,000 off spring to the 10-pound Largemouth bass and its measely 1,300 off spring. Plus the fry of a Striper grow quicker, Striper at DVL grow to the tune of three pounds a year, further imprinting their reproductive domination. To kill or not to kill.

This is fun lets change the numbers. Best case scenario. Since stripers broadcast spawn lets say their mortality is 99.9% versus a Largemouth egg mortality at 99%. Will give the largemouth the benefit of the doubt since they guard their eggs/fry/young. For the sake of best case scenario lets say our 25 pound striper only spawns once this year. Same as the 10-pound largemouth. The winner is, and still by a landslide........2500 off spring for the Striper and 1300 off spring for the largemouth. And that is not even taking into consideration the fact that striper grow quicker and reach reproductive health faster..and,,the fact that they go grow quicker and out compete the largemouth for food. Yet another factor scewing numbers in the favor of the striper..yikes. Theirs no stopping these guys. To kill or not to kill.

Lets change the numbers yet again. This time we have a five pound largemouth and 10-pound Striper. Since stripers broadcast spawn lets say their mortality is 99.9% versus a Largemouth egg mortality at 99%. Will give the largemouth the benefit of the doubt since they guard their eggs/fry/young. For the sake of best case scenario lets say our 10 pound striper (not 25-pounds anymore) only spawns once this year. Same as the 5-pound largemouth. The winner is........1000 offspring for the Striper and 650 offspring for the largemouth. And that is not even taking into consideration the fact that striper grow quicker and reach reproductive health faster..and,,the fact that they go grow quicker and out compete the largemouth for food. Yet another factor scewing numbers in the favor of the striper..yikes. Theirs no stopping these guys. To kill or not to kill.

Okay, okay lets change the numbers one more time. This time we have a five pound largemouth and 5-pound Striper. Since stripers broadcast spawn lets say their mortality is 99.9% versus a Largemouth egg mortality at 99%. Will give the largemouth the benefit of the doubt since they guard their eggs/fry/young. For the sake of best case scenario lets say our 5 pound striper (not 10-pounds or 25-pounds anymore) only spawns once this year. Same as the 5-pound largemouth. The winner is........500 offspring for the Striper and 650 offspring for the largemouth. Finally, Ive managed to finds a situation where the striper is out produced by the Largemouth. Oh, but wait, that is not even taking into consideration the fact that striper grow quicker and reach reproductive health faster..and,,the fact that they go grow quicker and out compete the largemouth for food, and the fact that their are more five pound stripers in DVL then five pound bass.. ..yikes. Theirs no stopping these guys. To kill or not to kill.

3. According to the biologist Stripers have no issue spawning without running water. If I had a dime for every time someone told me they could not spawn at DVL when in actually they can and are I'd at last be in a Ranger versus a Tracker. Their eggs just need a short period of time to be suspended in the water table and then..bam, bang, hatch time. To kill or not to kill.

4. Their is no mysterious screen or grate that keeps additional stripers or rough species from being added to DVL through the aquaduct water. Im not sure where these rumors get started, but I had my suspicions when I saw a 25-pound carp swim by opening day at DVL.) Thus, another factor compounding the Striper DVL epidemic. If they werent increasing enough through natural reproduction, their are multitudes being brought in through the aquaduct water to add to the numbers. At the very least far more Striped Bass then Largemouth bass are being brought in probably as I type this. to kill or not to kill.

5. The Striper is ocean fish, thus, mother nature is naive to them when they end up in freshwater. Their only predator is you, me, well not so much me, I had been throwing them back until now. To kill or not to kill.

That is the question?????

The Striper Pledge:

I (Insert your name here) do solemly swear to catch Stripers judiciously by any means necessary (within DFG guidelines). I then take the oath to ensure they are not released unharmed to said body of water by making sure they feel the rath of the sharp end of a fillet knife, pocket knife, or any similar blunt instrument of cutting and mangling. Said Stripers will then be filleted and prepared in a manner conducive to tastiness and hunger supressing prepared to ones choosing coupled with any a variety of beverages preferably cold in nature. The sole responsibility with then be bestowed on the digestive system to ensure when the species in question, Stripers, see the light of day again it will at any of a number local sewage treatment facilities.

I take a stand,
(Insert your name here)

02-24-2011, 04:29 PM
good thread. I agree on the kill. But see the ****** thing is i personally like to catch striper's more than i do bass. Alot more fun! Bass get boring after awhile especially since they mature slowly. I agree, it sucks that they do grow slowly cause then they might be more fun to catch. So i also support the realease of large striper's so there able to give someone else a ton of fun . People don't remember a ten pound bass after they have caught a twenty five pound striper. So all in all, Kill the little one's and catch and release on the bass.

Hog Caller
02-25-2011, 08:50 AM
I say...yummy to all stripers. Great tacos!


Kareem Korn
02-25-2011, 09:08 AM
I caught a couple when they first started appearing in the lake. Since I don't eat fresh water fish 9with the exception of catfish) I released them. I was asked by one of the og fish biologist that started the fish population in the lake to step on their head and throw them on the bank for the coyotes to snack on. No matter how many are caught and kept, they are in that lake now and and never will be siginificaly impacted by fishing pressure. Just say so long to catching nice holdover trout from now on. I personally would perfer catching a holdover on 2-3lb test floro than a striper.

On that note, I do eat fresh water fish now.....stripers. I have to say they are easy to fillet and cook up just as good as a salt water fish.

02-25-2011, 09:12 AM
kill them all...

02-25-2011, 09:18 AM
Throw every Swimbait-of-Mass-Destruction you got at 'em!

Go get 'em!


02-25-2011, 09:35 AM
Throw every Swimbait-of-Mass-Destruction you got at 'em!

Go get 'em!


hahhahahahahahahahahahha i like that

02-25-2011, 09:36 AM
....I was asked by one of the og fish biologist that started the fish population in the lake to step on their head and throw them on the bank for the coyotes to snack on.

Seems like you're not the only one, since I've had SEVERAL DFG Wardens tell me the same thing. BUT, what surprises me is...if even DFG Biologists AND Wardens share the same ideology about the stripers being an invasive species and recommend making fertilizer with them, why are there still limits on them in SoCal?

Is this one of those instances where regulations catch up to research 20 years down the line?

02-25-2011, 09:39 AM
Kill em....kille em all!!!

Die Stripers Die!!!

02-25-2011, 10:29 AM
Good Thread HR , I feel lucky to have been able to hunt and catch some of the holdover trout in the years past at DVL , BUT ive since then learned to enjoy the pull and taste from a DVL striper . You can get them trolling or chuck and grind . Get the big ones now as in 5 years they will be all schooly size from over population . Years past there were florida strain LMB in castaic , but the stripeys overtookem . KILL EM ALL and good eatin .// db

02-25-2011, 10:57 AM
This is a GREAT informational thread...no negative comments here. I believe that all stripers can be taken for food. No reason to release. I also agree that there is absolutely no reason to have limits on stripers whether size or quantity. Thanks all for contributing to this thread. I hope to be out on the water with all of you hookin some stripers soon!

02-25-2011, 11:37 AM
Kill them all and make fish tacos! mm good

02-25-2011, 11:39 AM
Seems like you're not the only one, since I've had SEVERAL DFG Wardens tell me the same thing. BUT, what surprises me is...if even DFG Biologists AND Wardens share the same ideology about the stripers being an invasive species and recommend making fertilizer with them, why are there still limits on them in SoCal?

Is this one of those instances where regulations catch up to research 20 years down the line?

when was the last time these SoCal freshwater limits made sense anyway.. yeah limit 5 LMB form a lake that only has 3 of them surviving.. lol..

Like you said in other threads. their main concern is the water they sell and couldnt care less if sharks show up in there..

02-25-2011, 11:42 AM
I love striper.

They're fun to catch, they get big, they pull harder pound for pound, and there are too many of them.

On top of all this they're good for food.

Take all that you can legally take and lobby DFG to remove the limits in SoCal.

I've talked to Wardens recently at Castaic who aren't old school and are harassing people about striper limits. I'm very careful about limits because I know that 1 or 2 Wardens saying "Take as many striper as you can get, I won't bother you about striper limits." doesn't have any affect on Warden #3 but I've heard this from some old school Wardens.

Kill as many as you can legally take! More would be better but the law is the law.

Show anybody who asks how to catch schooly striper!






02-25-2011, 12:00 PM
There are grates on the CA aqueduct at all the plants. Not dedicated fish grates but debris grates that one year or older fish really cant pass through. If they did, they would then get chopped up by the pump impellers. Yes, eggs, fresh hatch and fry can and do slip through but the statement that there are no grates is totally false.

02-25-2011, 01:50 PM
stripers are good to eat , but try some real fishing in Alaska , california fishing sux arse becuase everyone is trying to fish each other out and take my spots, whoever is catching over their limits are a real *** head and are ruining it for the honest law abiding fisherman, go to fish fuuuuuuk hell poachers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Catch 'n' Release
02-25-2011, 02:03 PM
They're already in the lake and there's no way to get em out. Let the big ones go to be caught again and kill the dink fish.

Anyone notice how there were a lot more bigger grade fish last year????

02-25-2011, 02:15 PM
I fish not just for fun, but for food as well. Striper make good food. I don't fish for LMB cause I don't eat them so I don't really care about their population.

02-25-2011, 03:22 PM
The Striper Pledge:

I (Insert your name here) do solemly swear to catch Stripers judiciously by any means necessary (within DFG guidelines). I then take the oath to ensure they are not released unharmed to said body of water by making sure they feel the rath of the sharp end of a fillet knife, pocket knife, or any similar blunt instrument of cutting and mangling. Said Stripers will then be filleted and prepared in a manner conducive to tastiness and hunger supressing prepared to ones choosing coupled with any a variety of beverages preferably cold in nature. The sole responsibility with then be bestowed on the digestive system to ensure when the species in question, Stripers, see the light of day again it will at any of a number local sewage treatment facilities.

I take a stand,
(Insert your name here)

02-25-2011, 03:30 PM
Stripers are great eating, fun to catch, you can catch them from bank, boat, with bait, even bar hooks I LIKE UM.

02-25-2011, 04:41 PM
Kill them all...........kill-kill-kill,,,,,,,,,,wait to all the bass are shrunk and all the panfish are gone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ron you dink killer,,,,lol,,,,,,,,,,

02-25-2011, 05:46 PM
FNN Dating Service

Hi my name is Huskerrod. I like long walks (while throwing swimbaits), longer conversations (while killing and cleaning Stripers), and (Striper)dinner in front of candlelight. My hobbies are fishing, weightlifting, and killing Stripers. My ideal match would be someone who fits the following qualifications:

1). Has a boat
2). Isnt afraid to use it in adverse weather
3). Fishes for stripers
5). Practices C and R except on Stripers

I like to be outdoors doing just about anything Striper related. I prefer the summer over the winter, but if the Striper bite in the winter so be it.

favorite hot spots:
DVL in summer and after a stock. I also love Perris in the spring (Lake Perris, not Paris, France).

favorite things:
Im a very well rounded individual (and Striper killer) who not only enjoys striper fishing in the fall, but spring, winter, and summer as well. Some people consider me a Renaissance man as I not only enjoy my Striper baked, battered, broiled, and barbequed, but Im also not afraid to take a chance (Tabasco Sauce on my Striper) and I sometimes am know to go a little over board (with the Tartar Sauce). Overall I think Im a great catch for the right person.

About me Hair: Bald
Eyes: Brown
Sports and exercise: Fishing
Exercise habits: none
fishing for stripers
Cooking Stripers
Filleting Stripers
Education: None
Occupation: unemployed
Income: very little
Languages: broken English
Politics: I support DFG regulations
Pets I have: Cockroaches
Pets I like: Pirahnas

What I look for in a date:
About my date Hair: preferably bald
Eyes: should have both
Height (length): 12-inches (183cms) to 5'0" (272cms)
Body type: obese
Appearance: long with silver sides and black stripes down the sides


02-25-2011, 07:10 PM
Kill um all!!! If striper's aren't properly harvested, the lake will be over run with millions of fish that don't get too big. Take Lake Mathews for instance. I know it's not open to the public but I know some peeps who fish it legally and catch nothing over 5 pounds. Reason being........ No one takes any striper out of that lake. Oh and just my 2 cents, striper are delicious.

02-25-2011, 07:30 PM
FNN Dating Service

Hi my name is Huskerrod. I like long walks (while throwing swimbaits), longer conversations (while killing and cleaning Stripers), and (Striper)dinner in front of candlelight. My hobbies are fishing, weightlifting, and killing Stripers. My ideal match would be someone who fits the following qualifications:

1). Has a boat
2). Isnt afraid to use it in adverse weather
3). Fishes for stripers
5). Practices C and R except on Stripers

I like to be outdoors doing just about anything Striper related. I prefer the summer over the winter, but if the Striper bite in the winter so be it.

favorite hot spots:
DVL in summer and after a stock. I also love Perris in the spring (Lake Perris, not Paris, France).

favorite things:
Im a very well rounded individual (and Striper killer) who not only enjoys striper fishing in the fall, but spring, winter, and summer as well. Some people consider me a Renaissance man as I not only enjoy my Striper baked, battered, broiled, and barbequed, but Im also not afraid to take a chance (Tabasco Sauce on my Striper) and I sometimes am know to go a little over board (with the Tartar Sauce). Overall I think Im a great catch for the right person.

About me Hair: Bald
Eyes: Brown
Sports and exercise: Fishing
Exercise habits: none
fishing for stripers
Cooking Stripers
Filleting Stripers
Education: None
Occupation: unemployed
Income: very little
Languages: broken English
Politics: I support DFG regulations
Pets I have: Cockroaches
Pets I like: Pirahnas

What I look for in a date:
About my date Hair: preferably bald
Eyes: should have both
Height (length): 12-inches (183cms) to 5'0" (272cms)
Body type: obese
Appearance: long with silver sides and black stripes down the sides


Gingers have no souls

02-25-2011, 07:38 PM
FNN Dating Service

Hi my name is Huskerrod. I like long walks (while throwing swimbaits), longer conversations (while killing and cleaning Stripers), and (Striper)dinner in front of candlelight. My hobbies are fishing, weightlifting, and killing Stripers. My ideal match would be someone who fits the following qualifications:
What I look for in a date:
About my date Hair: preferably bald
Eyes: should have both
Height (length): 12-inches (183cms) to 5'0" (272cms)
Body type: obese
Appearance: long with silver sides and black stripes down the sides


TWINS !! very nice ...:Big Grin:

trail blazer
02-25-2011, 08:18 PM


T R U T H!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Great post,,,thanks.

02-26-2011, 11:04 AM
HuskerRod , You are funnier than heck , hope to meet you out at DVL some day . // db

02-26-2011, 11:21 AM
Rod turn in youre husker hat ,paint that truck white ,sign up with cutbait for the hair club,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,then get out on that dvl and kill mr stripey,,,,,lol,,,,,,,,,,,,

02-26-2011, 12:58 PM
Rod turn in youre husker hat ,paint that truck white ,sign up with cutbait for the hair club,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,then get out on that dvl and kill mr stripey,,,,,lol,,,,,,,,,,,,


My problem is when I target largemouth I catch stripers. When I target Stipers I get the "skunk stripe" or largemouth. I wonder what would happen if I targeted carp?????

02-26-2011, 01:00 PM
Rod turn in youre husker hat ,paint that truck white ,sign up with cutbait for the hair club,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,then get out on that dvl and kill mr stripey,,,,,lol,,,,,,,,,,,,

Never mind what "Bako Boy Cut Baits" Striper secrets are, I want to know what his secret is to a full head of hair. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Desperately trying to put hair on my head

02-26-2011, 06:12 PM
I want to know what his secret is to a full head of hair. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

1. Don't get married.

(I've heard)

02-26-2011, 07:29 PM
Kill them all...........kill-kill-kill,,,,,,,,,,wait to all the bass are shrunk and all the panfish are gone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ron you dink killer,,,,lol,,,,,,,,,,

I smoked 15 dinks the other day. They are delicious.

I would have smoked some bigger ones but you never showed me how to catch the bigger ones.

FNN Dating Service

Woman wanted!

Must have

1) 4 x 4 truck

2) offshore fishing boat

3) money for gas and bait

Send pictures of boat and truck!!

02-27-2011, 12:03 AM
I smoked 15 dinks the other day. They are delicious.

I would have smoked some bigger ones but you never showed me how to catch the bigger ones.

Woman wanted!

Must have

1) 4 x 4 truck

2) offshore fishing boat

3) money for gas and bait

Send pictures of boat and truck!!

fishinone..that is good one. Now if she has a 4 x 4 truck and the boat plus money for bait and gas and her name is "Bertha".........forget it, I'd go anyways.

02-27-2011, 12:37 AM
The large,the short and the small

02-27-2011, 12:39 AM
What type of papers do U use when U smoke Dinks ?

02-27-2011, 04:42 PM

02-27-2011, 09:03 PM
Smoke them stripers!!!!!!!!!!!

02-27-2011, 09:16 PM
I released 3 today..oops

02-27-2011, 09:18 PM
I release all my striper.......IN TO MY COOLER......lmao...haha

02-27-2011, 09:19 PM
I talked to a guy who said he made Striper Jerky out of Striper. Of course, it was the same guy who tried to sell me ocean front property in Quartz Hill.

02-28-2011, 11:34 AM
Striper only tourney at DVL based on total weight. Maybe even restrict fish over a certain length. IE a schooley tourney. No livewells gentelmen......bring em to the scales in a cooler!

02-28-2011, 12:36 PM
Do stripers really spawn at DVL lake?

I was told they don't spawn at DVL by a real biologist.

"There is no real study, a scientific study where a bilogist can put his name on it
and can prove that they do, does not exist, just opinions and theorys".

Why? "The stripped eggs need current, like a river kind of current
to keep the sinking eggs afloat for 48 hours minimum,
so if they touch the bottom will die".

That's why they can not spawn at DVL lake, they'll try, and release the eggs
but spawning has not been succesful so far, due to the conditions of the lake".

Why so many stripers at dvl? I asked, and I was told that the filters were removed
when filling up the lake, due to the speed of the water coming in,
water came from the aqueduct and colorado river, with stripers in all stages in it.

I think that there is a lot of small stripers in the lake, we should keep them
to bring the numbers down and balance things out, but release the big ones,
are fun to catch but numbers of the big ones are limited.

At one time Silverwood had lots and lots of big stripers, but most of them were killed,
now there is hard to find a big striper at that lake.

I keep releasing the BIG stripers in DVL, since I am convinced that they don't spawn,
and because it is a lot of fun to fight them on 15 pound line,
and I keep, or give away smaller sizes to keep big stripers alive.

I see a lot of people keeping the sunfish largemouth just to take a picture
that should be the worry of sunfish fisherman, and ask the lake to bring the
keeper quantity to 3 and release the fish over 10 pounds.

because the smaller fish is faster and will eat before the big ones.

my 2 cents.

02-28-2011, 12:54 PM
Do stripers really spawn at DVL lake?

I was told they don't spawn at DVL by a real biologist.

"There is no real study, a scientific study where a bilogist can put his name on it
and can prove that they do, does not exist, just opinions and theorys".

Why? "The stripped eggs need current, like a river kind of current
to keep the sinking eggs afloat for 48 hours minimum,
so if they touch the bottom will die".

That's why they can not spawn at DVL lake, they'll try, and release the eggs
but spawning has not been succesful so far, due to the conditions of the lake".

Why so many stripers at dvl? I asked, and I was told that the filters were removed
when filling up the lake, due to the speed of the water coming in,
water came from the aqueduct and colorado river, with stripers in all stages in it.

I think that there is a lot of small stripers in the lake, we should keep them
to bring the numbers down and balance things out, but release the big ones,
are fun to catch but numbers of the big ones are limited.

At one time Silverwood had lots and lots of big stripers, but most of them were killed,
now there is hard to find a big striper at that lake.

I keep releasing the BIG stripers in DVL, since I am convinced that they don't spawn,
and because it is a lot of fun to fight them on 15 pound line,
and I keep, or give away smaller sizes to keep big stripers alive.

I see a lot of people keeping the sunfish largemouth just to take a picture
that should be the worry of sunfish fisherman, and ask the lake to bring the
keeper quantity to 3 and release the fish over 10 pounds.

because the smaller fish is faster and will eat before the big ones.

my 2 cents.

Im no real biologist (although I did sleep at a holiday Inn express last night), but I was told by a DFG fisheries biologist (at least that is what it said on his belt buckle) that they (Stripers) are successfully spawning at DVL. Actually he was one of the presenters at the Last Chance Bait and Tackle seminar and was very informative.

Although look at this link guys and it throws everything out the window: "Striper Myth Busting"

02-28-2011, 12:59 PM
I was told a lot of things

but a real test must be done to be a fact, stripers just can't spawn at DVL

so to answer your question, Yes keep the smaller stripers under 8 pounds

let the trophys go so somebody else can catch them and enjoy a real fish fight,

I used to kill them big ones, now I only keep the little ones.. they taste a lot better

the big ones can make you sick LOL

Kareem Korn
02-28-2011, 04:17 PM
What's the difference if they spawn prior to entering the lake, than enter as fry or spawn in the lake itself. If their in both influent aqueduct and influent colorado river for spawn than there's a more sucess rate in egg hatch. Leaving only billions of fry to enter the lake to live and grow.

03-01-2011, 02:08 PM
Fall 2009 electrofishing surveys resulted in the most small, Young of the Year (110-210mm) sampled ever in DVL. This was at the peak of the drawdown when NO WATER had been brought into the lake for 12-15 months. The size of fish sampled were spawned in 2009, in the lake as there were no fish brought in with water as there was no water brought in. Stripers do successfully spawn in DVL, even more so when water is brought in.

Do stripers really spawn at DVL lake?

I was told they don't spawn at DVL by a real biologist.

"There is no real study, a scientific study where a bilogist can put his name on it
and can prove that they do, does not exist, just opinions and theorys".

Why? "The stripped eggs need current, like a river kind of current
to keep the sinking eggs afloat for 48 hours minimum,
so if they touch the bottom will die".

That's why they can not spawn at DVL lake, they'll try, and release the eggs
but spawning has not been succesful so far, due to the conditions of the lake".

Why so many stripers at dvl? I asked, and I was told that the filters were removed
when filling up the lake, due to the speed of the water coming in,
water came from the aqueduct and colorado river, with stripers in all stages in it.

I think that there is a lot of small stripers in the lake, we should keep them
to bring the numbers down and balance things out, but release the big ones,
are fun to catch but numbers of the big ones are limited.

At one time Silverwood had lots and lots of big stripers, but most of them were killed,
now there is hard to find a big striper at that lake.

I keep releasing the BIG stripers in DVL, since I am convinced that they don't spawn,
and because it is a lot of fun to fight them on 15 pound line,
and I keep, or give away smaller sizes to keep big stripers alive.

I see a lot of people keeping the sunfish largemouth just to take a picture
that should be the worry of sunfish fisherman, and ask the lake to bring the
keeper quantity to 3 and release the fish over 10 pounds.

because the smaller fish is faster and will eat before the big ones.

my 2 cents.

03-01-2011, 03:10 PM
Gotcha moment

Lady Quagga
03-01-2011, 03:21 PM
stripers just can't spawn at DVL

I'm with eddiefishbiologist....they don't spawn in there.

Fall 2009 electrofishing surveys resulted in the most small, Young of the Year (110-210mm) sampled ever in DVL. This was at the peak of the drawdown when NO WATER had been brought into the lake for 12-15 months. The size of fish sampled were spawned in 2009, in the lake as there were no fish brought in with water as there was no water brought in. Stripers do successfully spawn in DVL, even more so when water is brought in.

Don't try to cloud the issue with FACTS and FIGURES!

:Dancing Banana:

03-01-2011, 04:39 PM

trail blazer
03-01-2011, 09:03 PM
They SPAWN in DVL/CASTAIC/PYRAMID,,,,,,,,,,,,,Why????????DEPTH.

All the people who think that those tiny little baby stripers that are in lake DVL/MID/CASTAIC came in from the duct are not even being logical ,,,LIFE FINDS A WAY,,,,,,,,,,,,Even more so MORONE SAXITALIS,,,,,Just let them in anywhere and watch them find a way!


03-02-2011, 04:12 AM
it's possible for a species to adapt to a new environment, and even change their biology.

However, in this case, it's definitely larvae getting into DVL via the duct.

Either that, or they're getting in through an underwater channel..

remember-- when newborn, these fish are super small!

03-02-2011, 06:31 AM
Fall 2009 electrofishing surveys resulted in the most small, Young of the Year (110-210mm) sampled ever in DVL. This was at the peak of the drawdown when NO WATER had been brought into the lake for 12-15 months. The size of fish sampled were spawned in 2009, in the lake as there were no fish brought in with water as there was no water brought in. Stripers do successfully spawn in DVL, even more so when water is brought in.

I'm with eddiefishbiologist....they don't spawn in there.
:Dancing Banana:

However, in this case, it's definitely larvae getting into DVL via the duct.
Either that, or they're getting in through an underwater channel..

"Kwin" is the DFG biologist in charge of DVL, Skinner and a few other lakes. He gave the talk at Last Chance.
He has performed electroshock studies, read all the studies by other biologists from other lakes etc and is not merely spouting opinions, so when he says stripers spawn successfully in DVL, he knows what he is talking about. That is his job.

03-02-2011, 08:34 AM
Why does it seem so inconceivable to some that stripers spawn in DVL, Silverwood and perhaps other lakes. It is well known by most Silverwood guys where and when they spawn. Some years I would bet are better than others, if the water flowing into the lakes or out of the lakes lasts for a prolonged period of time that would create the water flow necessary for carrying/suspending the eggs. Some years the water might be flowing during the prime spawn time and other years not as much.

Lady Quagga
03-02-2011, 12:07 PM
I'm with eddiefishbiologist....they don't spawn in there.
:Dancing Banana:

"Kwin" is the DFG biologist in charge of DVL, Skinner and a few other lakes. He gave the talk at Last Chance.
He has performed electroshock studies, read all the studies by other biologists from other lakes etc and is not merely spouting opinions, so when he says stripers spawn successfully in DVL, he knows what he is talking about. That is his job.

Do they have sarcasm on your planet?

03-02-2011, 12:13 PM

This is all too much for me. Im still trying to figure out how the Dinosaurs reproduced in the movie "Jurassic Park" when they only introduced males to the island park. As they said in the movie, "Nature has a way of adapting, overcoming, and surviving". As for the Stripers at DVL..................ughhhhhhhhh

03-02-2011, 08:23 PM
Do they have sarcasm on your planet?

Oops. Went right over my head. Sorry.

03-03-2011, 03:48 PM
Do stripers really spawn at DVL lake?

I was told they don't spawn at DVL by a real biologist.

"There is no real study, a scientific study where a bilogist can put his name on it
and can prove that they do, does not exist, just opinions and theorys".

Why? "The stripped eggs need current, like a river kind of current
to keep the sinking eggs afloat for 48 hours minimum,
so if they touch the bottom will die".

That's why they can not spawn at DVL lake, they'll try, and release the eggs
but spawning has not been succesful so far, due to the conditions of the lake".

Why so many stripers at dvl? I asked, and I was told that the filters were removed
when filling up the lake, due to the speed of the water coming in,
water came from the aqueduct and colorado river, with stripers in all stages in it.

I think that there is a lot of small stripers in the lake, we should keep them
to bring the numbers down and balance things out, but release the big ones,
are fun to catch but numbers of the big ones are limited.

At one time Silverwood had lots and lots of big stripers, but most of them were killed,
now there is hard to find a big striper at that lake.

I keep releasing the BIG stripers in DVL, since I am convinced that they don't spawn,
and because it is a lot of fun to fight them on 15 pound line,
and I keep, or give away smaller sizes to keep big stripers alive.

I see a lot of people keeping the sunfish largemouth just to take a picture
that should be the worry of sunfish fisherman, and ask the lake to bring the
keeper quantity to 3 and release the fish over 10 pounds.

because the smaller fish is faster and will eat before the big ones.

my 2 cents.

Can you state your sources?
what is your background on this subject?
I understand we all have opinions and are free to speak of them. However I would suggest not stating facts that are opinions or "hear say". I am sure Kwin has the resources and facts to back his information. Thus I would have to agree on the information he freely shares with us. Try and find out what is fact, and what is fiction. Each lake has its own ecology and niche. So to reference a lake in another part of the country with a different ecology is irrelevent. there are many factors to consider. Take Skinner and DVL..very close together, but two different lake ecosystems. so to reply to the original Post...Kill 'em all...believe it or not the more we kill the more of the bigger ones we will see.

03-03-2011, 03:53 PM

This is all too much for me. Im still trying to figure out how the Dinosaurs reproduced in the movie "Jurassic Park" when they only introduced males to the island park. As they said in the movie, "Nature has a way of adapting, overcoming, and surviving". As for the Stripers at DVL..................ughhhhhhhhh

they used some frog dna to replace what was missing in the dinos, certain frogs can fertilize their own eggs being both male and female.

03-03-2011, 07:23 PM
I keep hearing more and more reports that fishermen are catching stripers in the surf in So. Cal. Maybe it will be a sport someday like the bay area.

03-03-2011, 07:59 PM
Can you state your sources?
what is your background on this subject?
I understand we all have opinions and are free to speak of them. However I would suggest not stating facts that are opinions or "hear say". I am sure Kwin has the resources and facts to back his information. Thus I would have to agree on the information he freely shares with us. Try and find out what is fact, and what is fiction. Each lake has its own ecology and niche. So to reference a lake in another part of the country with a different ecology is irrelevent. there are many factors to consider. Take Skinner and DVL..very close together, but two different lake ecosystems. so to reply to the original Post...Kill 'em all...believe it or not the more we kill the more of the bigger ones we will see.

I don't know your experience on the lake but I know Eddie's, we may not agree on this subject but he's extremely knowledgable about DVL and all things striper. This subject has been circulating for a long time and it's hard to nail down because it could very well be a combination of an occasional spawn (when conditions are good) and fry/larvae are so small they definitely could come through any screens in the system.

Could be both. All I know is I've seen and actually caught striper fry/larvae out at Silverwood mixed in with the baby LMB's (on the fly).

Makes for a great discussion though.

03-03-2011, 09:02 PM
I've really enjoyed reading this thread and look forward to checking it several times daily. Some good discussions going on and some darn good opinions out there, what ever side of the Striper spawn debate your on.

03-04-2011, 10:22 AM
... what ever side of the Striper spawn debate your on.

Call me crazy, but I'll stick to the side whose proof is based on studies conducted by Fish and Game Biologists. A 'discussion' warrants a topic where there may be different answers. This particular topic is pretty cut and dry, wouldn't you say?

Q: Do stripers spawn in DVL.

A: Yes

03-04-2011, 11:08 AM
But.. but.. Shadow, he was told by a real biologist..

Do stripers really spawn at DVL lake?

I was told they don't spawn at DVL by a real biologist.

As opposed to what? fake ones?

03-04-2011, 12:09 PM
Great post and very entertaining thread! I was a bit surprised no one went all bleeding heart on this topic and tried to get stripers put on some tree hugger species list:no pity:. Glad to hear that most are doing their best to put a whoopin on those DVL stripers, cuz livin 10 minutes away from what used to be a great LMB lake - Castaic; I find myself driving the 2 hours down to the jewel of Hemet for a much better largemouth fishery!!! The stripers in Castaic have absolutely ruined that lake. I'd hate to see the same thing happen to DVL over the years. Whether they get in through the aquaduct or spawn in these lakes are irrelevant - over time they change the whole makeup of our lakes. Talk to anyone who fished Castaic in its heydays, the stripers will wreck DVL!!! I took the pledge:high five:

03-04-2011, 12:27 PM
Just kidding, HOOK AND COOK BABY!!

03-04-2011, 12:33 PM
In 2009 I got this "warm and fuzzy" feeling in my tummy when I actually caught a Striper. I spent the whole year in a DVL rental, the lake was off limits for private boats, catching the "crud" out of Largemouth. Hell, my best day that year was 50 largemouth in about a four hour stretch where I was literally in the "bass a cast" club. That year I also caught a good number of smallmouth. How many Stripers did I catch that year? Less then ten.

Fast forward to the summer of 2010 when I was doing the same thing at DVL, but now I had my own boat with all the fancy "bells and whistles". Mind you, "fancy bells and whistles" is a relative term. But my boat beats the heck out of those rentals. Any how, I caught more stripers then you could "shake a stick" at. It was nothing in a few hours to get a limit. And Im no Bill Dance, just a regular Joe.

Has any lake in the history of mankind had the Striper take over at a faster clip then DVL?? The population has just exploded!!!!!!!Bang..pow.....fish tacos.....kaboom......silver sides.....boom...pow.....!!!!

03-04-2011, 12:42 PM
Call me crazy, but I'll stick to the side whose proof is based on studies conducted by Fish and Game Biologists. A 'discussion' warrants a topic where there may be different answers. This particular topic is pretty cut and dry, wouldn't you say?

Q: Do stripers spawn in DVL.

A: Yes


Is this a multiple guess question? I always liked those tests in college cause if their were five options and I didnt study a lick the night before I knew I at least had a 20% chance of getting the question right?

Do Stripers spawn in DVL?

1. Yes, they can spawn
2. No, never. The Stripers in the lake came in on the feet of birds
3. Sometimes, but only when they are fertilized by chimpanzee sperm
4. Maybe, but only under a full moon the fifth Friday of March (the same exact day the Largemouh spawn)
5. All the above

03-04-2011, 01:07 PM

Is this a multiple guess question?

Well, considering there are those who are still even questioning, might as well make it a multiple guess question, as "straight from the horses mouth" apparently doesn't hold much water around these parts.

Here, let's make it more challenging.

Q: Do stripers spawn in DVL?

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. All of the Above

03-04-2011, 01:32 PM
I never fished DVL but read all the reports here....Cant take my boat on, maybe someday Ill take a guide trip with Bob up there....


I fish Castaic and Pyramid on the regular and if I had to chime in then I would say YES they spawn in our lakes....I sure tons of fry come in from the duct as well but not all....

Somebody mentioned about DVL not receiving water in over a year, should be enough proof right there...

Regardless, Striper should be a catch an keep species......and they taste great too!! Don't like eating fish? I'm sure your neighbors or some family members would appreciated them!!

03-04-2011, 02:11 PM
Yes striper jerky is good.

Yes they spawn in DVL and other SoCal reservoirs.

Yes fry get in too from the duct but not minis cause they would be reduced to chum before making it past the numerous pumping and power plants along the duct system, assuming they are small enough to make it past the grates in front of said plants that only have a 2" wide opening between bars.

Yes kill all the schoolies.

Yes release the DD's.

As far as LMB, I don't care what you do with them. They smell and swim right at you. Eat em, toss em, release em, whatever.

03-04-2011, 02:14 PM
As far as LMB, I don't care what you do with them. They smell and swim right at you. Eat em, toss em, release em, whatever.

Your an evil man Yolo! I hear the big females taste best during the spawn.

03-04-2011, 02:39 PM
Your an evil man Yolo! I hear the big females taste best during the spawn.

Haha. Never tried one. Probably never will. They really don't interest me at all.