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View Full Version : Trolling on 2/12/11

See Chris Fish
02-14-2011, 10:01 AM
Got to the lake around 7pm-ish. I was fourth in line. My buddy John was in pole position. We seemed to be the only ones representing Team 57, lol!!! Drank some beers and told some lies, I mean, fish stories and we crashed out around 1am ish.
Woke up at 5, temps were upper 30's, some frost on a few vehicles. Said morning to the staff and did the paperwork for the rental boat. Gates were open at 6 and we're on the water by 6:20.
Water temp was reading 54 and it warmed up to 58. It was a hot day, so the surface temp jumped up.

The "standard" fishing lure was working great. Marshmellow!!!!!! LOL

The bite was steady in the morning, but slowed way down in the afternoon. We were getting hits and shake-offs all day long. Managed to land just one fish and it was a big time bleeder. Blood all over the boat, my tackle box, clothes, etc. Bloody Decks!!!!

Oh, I'd like to put out a huge shout out to the JACKHOLE who had the boat by the dam. He seemed to be working on the motor and steering. We saw him the rest of the day working on his boat.

So John and I are trolling by the dam and about mid-lake we turn to run up the middle. A boat comes screaming out, full speed, from the West Shore, DIRECTLY AT US!!!!!! Less than 10 yards from our boat, he turns and runs directly behind our boat. Did I mention that we were trolling, ie, lines and lures out.

He starts to mess with his rods. I'm thinking that he knows he's a JACKHOLE and is reeling in his lines, so as not to cut us off. NOPE!!! He's dropping his lines deeper, as he's running over our lines!!! We yell at him and he throws his boat into REVERSE!!! Which winds my line into his prop and he cuts off my lure. Same type of lure that I lost last weekend due to some other Jackhole cutting my line. As he's going in reverse, he almost runs into a rental pontoon boat. They have to do some pretty good collision avoidance.

I literally upboxed and put this lure into my box the night before. My lure is gone.
John lucked out and reeled his in fast enough.

I reel in my empty line and hold it up to show the JACKHOLE and yell, "Thanks".
He gives me a look like WE did something wrong and yells back to me, "Did you say thanks you or f**k you?" I'd like to think that I'm fair and composed most of the time, but this guys really pissed me off.

I hold up my empty line and yell back, "Thank you", and then hold up my rod and yell, "F**k You, too"!!!!! LMAO He said something under his breath and we asked him to say it again. He didn't and motored away.

He never said sorry nor offered to replace the lost lure. A simple sorry would've been nice.

Other than Mr. Jackhole, it was a beautiful day. Saw TaperSteve out there and a few other Team 57 members.
See ya all for the President's Day Tounrey.


02-14-2011, 10:22 AM
Glad you guys made it out on the water despite the JACKHOLE. Unfortunatley there is always a couple of them out there. At least you were out there with nice weather and friends. Nice report. I felt like I was there and I got angry for losing my lure. Ha Ha See you this weekend for the rain fest! Maybe the rain will keep the amatures away! I think the kayak is going to stay home for this one and I will hit the shore.

See Chris Fish
02-14-2011, 11:08 AM
I was thinking of doing the float tube, but with the weather, I may just end up doing the shore thing also.
I'll keep an eye on the weather report.

BTW--Does anyone have an update on the poor fellow who had his buddy have a seizure in his boat? He had to haul a** to the dock and get him to the Paramedics?
Would like to throw out some prayers, but would like to know who to aim them at.

bruce watson
02-14-2011, 03:00 PM
Chris, I'm not defending some jerk that's speeding around a fishing lake at over 5mph. I hate when people do that. However, if you are coming away from the dam and he is leaving the west shore, who has right of way? The boat approaching from the left must yield while the boat approaching from the right must keep a straight steady course until the boats are clear of each other. Just remember, if he's coming towards your starboard, speed-up, slow down, or change course.

02-14-2011, 03:10 PM
There were some boating morons out there on sat..I had 2 guys come within spitting distance of me, ask how i did, then of course snag my line. i said slack off , I'll untangle it. He just yelled "relase..release" I waited for him to untangle my rig onlt to get my line cut. I started my motor headed over to him and told him to give me my gear back that he just cut off. He said, do you mean this? Holding up my stuff. I said who else's would it be, you just cut it off. He acted dumb, so I tossed him a few insults...Then had to other bozos pull up where i a casting(towards the bank), and pull thy crappy *** boat against the bank and said "sorry guys" I said you gotta be kidding me, don't you guys have any etiquette around here? he said you weren't anchored. So I proceeded to toss my mini jig over their lines, and almost into their boat. Another set of losers
FTW says WTF

See Chris Fish
02-14-2011, 07:45 PM
Hey Bruce,
Good advice. I was already on my track, a good 150 yards off the bouy line, before he hit the gas. He wasn't moving, then went full speed, straight at us. No one was in the drivers seat, nor could be seen!!! It was crazy.
I do know the right of way. This was just one of the boaters!!!

That's one way to see what everybody's using. Snag them, and check it yourself!!!
Etiquette? What's that? LOL

02-14-2011, 08:42 PM
yea there are some big time douchbags out there. me and josh had some dbags with a rental pontoon with some of there own down riggers run over our lines and then while trying to untaingle the lines cut joshes lines and only say oops lost your lures

Bobber Boy
02-15-2011, 09:09 AM
This guy was Jackwagon for sure. Took everything I had to keep Chris from swimming over to his boat to have a "conversation" with this guy. I would have been embarrassed and totally apologetic if I had done that to someone. Some people just don't get it.

Etiquette? What's that? I agree! Not many have it anymore. Pretty sad! Thanks to all of you that do!

02-15-2011, 10:02 AM
Sorry to hear. This is just so wrong on so many levels. it is just a wonder to me that people can be so inconsiderate of others--like they are the only ones on the lake and entitled to fish. Perhaps these clowns should be reported. Take some photos of them and turn them in the Vine office. You pay good money for our gear, boat rental, and to fish, only to have some idiot diss you this way. Not right. Oh--and maybe keep the Vine office phone number handy and just call in incidents like this.

:My Two Cents:


02-15-2011, 10:22 AM
That's a real pity. unfortunately it seems that every time I go out and I'm on the troll someone is going to cut me off. It has happened every time out at Irvine and Corona. Some are innocent, other are simply douches. Whenever I'm out I do my very best to give everyone their own space and when crossing fairly close alway make sure to ask where their lines are at. The total lack of etiquette is very upsetting. I've lost over $50 in one day simply on boats cutting off my lures.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if lake management would maintain some sort of regulations on boating etiquette?

I love meeting new people when I'm out on the water and I've always felt that fishermen in general were usually nice people. It's just so frustrating when we have to class with classless douches.

02-16-2011, 10:03 AM
Well said DHarris...the worst is when you lose that hot one that's been getting all the fish, or that custom painted crank. I had my day shut down before when i lost my copcar needlefish....No More action thanks to a Piru wakeboard boat.

02-16-2011, 10:15 AM
yea there are some big time douchbags out there. me and josh had some dbags with a rental pontoon with some of there own down riggers run over our lines and then while trying to untaingle the lines cut joshes lines and only say oops lost your lures

Yep. Wanted to pound that dude into tomorrow for that one.