View Full Version : LNL – 2/9/11 - A tale of two lakes

02-10-2011, 12:48 PM

I had heard that LNL received what many thought was the best load of fish they have received all year. Hearing that, I wanted to be able to poke this bunch of fish before the crowds got to them. So I decided to take a vacation day on Thursday, but alas, I had a meeting scheduled with our bankers. So it had to be Wednesday. So I sign off and file my vacation request slip, get approval, and I’m set.

Mind you I was coming off of a 20 fish day in a little under 4 ½ hours last Saturday with the Ron man. Anyhow, I get to the lake around 7pm, and I cannot believe my eyes. EVERY boat was out?????? On Wednesday!!!!!!!!! Arggggggggggggh. I was not happy, if I’m going to fish with a crowd it will be on a non-vacation day.

So I’m going to have to live with it. I pay my fee and head on out. Now there’s no parking and I have to walk a mile practically just to get my tube to the ramp. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! This is not starting out to be what I had envisioned. No sir, this was some real dare I say F- - - - ING BULLSHIT. Not only do I pay $40 dollars all in to fish, now there is a F- - -ING crowd on top of that during the F- - - ING week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I’ve paid my cash, I’ve burned a precious vacation day, I’m going out and I’m going to make the best of it. By now it’s 8am. First hour, nothing, not even a bluegill nibble, change tactics, second hour, nothing. Well, by this time I’m starting to think the fish haven’t acclimated yet, and I should have stuck with my rule, 2 full days behind the stocking. Then as if fishing gods saw my plight, and send Johnnyboy a bolt out of heaven, Johnny gets bit, uh oh, I farmed it, no, I feel a head shake. I get it to the boat, and this fish was literally born yesterday. Are you kidding me? A fingerling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes my friends a fingerling.

I keep fishing though, it’s a beautiful day and I’m going to enjoy it even though my stomach is in knots about the total waste of money and time. Especially when I have deadlines looming. All I can get is a fingerling???? I’m just happy Doug wasn’t their, I’d never hear the end of it. Well I get bit again, dink, again, dink, again, dink. Now I’m three fish into my day not counting the fingerling and its noon. Finally, I’m switching up colors setups trying everything and I throw pink on pink. BAM, taco action on my new setup, stradic with a Fenwick Eagle GT 7’. The fish goes across my other setup, oh no, I open the bail, line everywhere, fish jumping, boats telling me I’m getting in their way, “hey buddy I’m on a fish F you”, I get this guy to the boat and it’s a nice fish. Looks like 4-5lber; he’s in the net, now out, back in. I grab that guy cram my finger in his mouth and give him the bowling ball grip and rip his gills out. Now you’re going nowhere.

So I kick over to the concession stand and it weighs in just a hair over 5lbs, stretch my legs a bit, then back out. Basically it took me from 8am to 3:30 pm to catch 6 fish not counting the fingerling.


By about 1pm, the crowd starts to thin out, and LNL is turning back into that peaceful, charming piece of heaven in our backyard. Not quite there yet, by 2pm things have really improved except the fish biting. Well, by 3pm almost all the boats were back in, most of the shoreline bucket brigade was gone. Osprey flying around, even he didn’t catch a fish yet today. Then all of the sudden, dive bomber, and on a fish. Osprey has caught fish and he fly’s around the lake mocking me as he fly’s over. But what a cool thing to see, all of the sudden I start noticing boils all around me, I start to sight fish. One big boil, and I toss my Pink on Pink over there and I get bit. Nice fish. Good fight. I’m feeling much better about things now.

Then another boil and another boil, there are boils everywhere and only another float tuber and his girlfriend in another tube close by. We have three pipes all to ourselves. By now the breeze has died somewhat with only a slight texture with glassy sections on the water. It’s about 3:30pm by now only 1 ½ hour left to fish. Then as if a light switch went on so did the fish, I got hooked up, the other two float tuber hooked up. We all hooked up and for the next 45 minutes it was just one fish after another. To be concise, I fished from 8 – 3:30 to get six fish not counting the fingerling. Then if just went “UBER WFO”, from 3:30 till about 4:15 I caught 8 fish. They were still biting when I left but man I wish the lake stayed open till 6pm.

All in all I had a 14 fish day. Not a bad day, and, that last 45 minutes made the whole day worth it. Started out just terribly, but finished up strong.