View Full Version : Need a Little Help WIth This Weekends Fishing Adventure (saltwater)

02-10-2011, 09:11 AM
so im going to be hitting up some saltwater. ive been reading up a lot of the reports on here but im wonder about bait. im going to be stopping by bass pro on my way to LA this weekend. I bought the gulp sandworm saltwater bait the last time and i was doing really good. i was wondering if there are any of baits like that for saltwater that i can pick up from bass pro.

second, any ideas of were i should go? we dont want to go back to pier j because there it a lot of rocks there. i lost about 20 hooks and weights last weekend cause of that place. i almost had to run a two ft leader to keep from gettting stuck. lol my family lives in LA so we are about 15 mins from Pier J (long beach). Any ideas of were i can take them so they can catch some fish. i know its slow out there cause of the weather and what not but im hoping to hit some surf fishing but still not travel to far. i was thinking maybe cabrillo beach right before the pier there is that shore that is kind of like a lake and doesnt really have much waves braking there. anyone ever sruf fish right there. well either way im trying to catch a lot of fish this weekend. well when dont we go out and want to catch a lot of fish. looking foward to see what you guys have to say. for now ill be reading other post while i wait for some great advice from you all. thanks in advance for your time to reply to my post.

murrieta angler
02-10-2011, 09:22 AM
Hey Karl,
I can't really say about the L.A. area but I do know that it is supposed to warm up this weekend and try to work the incoming high tide.
Good Luck,

02-10-2011, 09:25 AM
ya.. thats what we did last weekend. im just trying to find a better place to fish that is all. tired of places were i lose more tackle due to rocks insteads of fish breaking my line. lol i rather lose it on a broken line from a fish instead of a rock. lol
Hey Karl,
I can't really say about the L.A. area but I do know that it is supposed to warm up this weekend and try to work the incoming high tide.
Good Luck,

02-10-2011, 09:36 AM
I personally prefer rocky areas-- great habitat.

Even just one isolated stone attracts fish!

02-10-2011, 09:42 AM
i get what your saying. growing up we use to fish the cabrillo rocks. pay like $5 and drive down the cliff to park and then we walk a little and fish. we do diving there to but the lifeguards of late have been asses the last year we went. they didnt let us go to a usuall spots because they are trying to say its dangerous even though we been going there over 20 years and know what we are doing out there. just trying to get any information so that way its a good day of fishing out there. all i know that we will be fishing but it wont be pier j
I personally prefer rocky areas-- great habitat.

Even just one isolated stone attracts fish!

02-10-2011, 10:03 AM
Yeah it was slow for me yesterday. I tried king harbor yesterday from 5:30 am to
about 8:00 am for one mack . I fished off the rocks below joes crab shack to just
past the short pier or pollys cafe.

Lots of bait in the water though , and I was told the marina has live bait(sardines).
I also stopped at pier J and 72nd st jetty for about one hour each for more skunkage .

But hey somethings gotta give sooooon !!!!

Good Luck out there ...

02-10-2011, 10:38 AM
this time of year, you're better off surf fishing instead of pier fishing.

the surfperch spawn is still on, lots of big BSP in the surf right now.

02-10-2011, 11:11 AM
try redondo beach,,not in the harbor...they have both for,you...you can surf fish,and theres a long wall and break water rocks there..hit it up.get some ghost shrimp (crack of the ocean)....fling those big hammers you got for nph also...use crocs.theres bonita there..(sometimes).....

02-10-2011, 02:09 PM
now im excited. been wanting to go surf fishing again. thats going to be bad ***

02-11-2011, 07:31 AM
good luck to you!

02-11-2011, 11:59 AM
ya.. going to run by bass pro later today.
good luck to you!

02-13-2011, 04:13 PM
if you want quit losing so much gear ,regular bass fishing worms like arronns magic, hooked up weedless.owns.the fish live in the rocks.if your not losing ,even weedless your not really fishing...