View Full Version : Fin and Feather Sunday 2/6

02-06-2011, 02:19 PM
Its been a while since my last report so I figured I would put one up for you fin'ers.
Hit the fin this morning with my 13 year old Son. Got there at 6:30AM. No real lines which was surprising as it only opened yesterday. We started on the shore by the cliffs and I had 4 hooked with 3 landed in the first hour. My son got one.

He was getting bored when the bite slowed down after an hour and wanted to see if we could find a dock. I figured we would just loose our place on the shore and find the docks full. As it turmed out they were full but he spotted people he thought were leaving a private dock. As we drove by, he was hell bent on asking if they were leaving and sure enough they were. They said it is was their dock and we could use it if we want. I hate it when he's right.

It turned out to be a good move as I got hit within minutes of dropping my line. It was fish on every 10-15 minutes after that until we had our limit with several others that either broke the 2 pound leader or spit the hook. There were two more that managed to slip out of my sons hands while he was trying to clip them to the stringer.

Fish averaged around 3 pounds with the biggest being about 4 and a few in the mid 3 pound range. All had nice pink meat which was a really nice surprise. I really prefer the pink trout meat as opposed to the typical white meat planters. All were really strong fish and great fighters. Especially on our ultra light gear.

We were lazy and did the bait and wait thing using inflated night crawlers or power bait.. I had one pole setup and ready to go with panther martin but never got around to using it. My son tossed the Jerk it's briefly but the wind made that tuff for him.

We saw plenty of other hook ups as well including a nice one that must have been close to 10 pounds landed on the shore next to us when we first arrived..

All and all, it was a good day at the water with plenty of fish caught in the 4 or so hours we were there.

Trout.. Its what's for dinner.

02-06-2011, 02:59 PM
Nice! Didn't make it out there this weekend..sometime this week in the afternoon