View Full Version : More 14-20 pound lunkers coming next week

Steve Carson
02-02-2011, 05:59 PM
Just talked to Dave Noyes, and he confirmed another load of the big 14-20 pounders [maybe a few bigger] are going into the lake next week, just in time for the President's Weekend holiday.
Also, if you see Marlon Meade or one of the Pro Team members walking around, have them show you the new "secret" baits: Mice Tails and Pinched Crawlers.

the killa fish taco
02-16-2011, 02:39 PM
so are these fish gonna get stocked still?

Steve Carson
02-16-2011, 03:11 PM
so are these fish gonna get stocked still?

Yes, confirmed it with Dave this morning.
Sometime between today and Friday evening, along with a batch of 7-10 pound steelhead.
Bring a big net!

the killa fish taco
02-21-2011, 01:10 PM
Yes, confirmed it with Dave this morning.
Sometime between today and Friday evening, along with a batch of 7-10 pound steelhead.
Bring a big net!

where are all those steelheads at?

didnt see any steelheads over 3 lbs....

Big Daddy
03-02-2011, 05:08 PM
Just talked to Dave Noyes, and he confirmed another load of the big 14-20 pounders [maybe a few bigger] are going into the lake next week, just in time for the President's Weekend holiday.
Also, if you see Marlon Meade or one of the Pro Team members walking around, have them show you the new "secret" baits: Mice Tails and Pinched Crawlers.

? Does anyone know if this ever happened. Only (1 DD CAUGHT IN 3 WEEKS) with a (3 day tourney) I for one think something is fishy and I don't think it was the stocking. Is there or was there a stocking video for these fish or did this order get delayed, canceled or just didn't materialize.

03-02-2011, 05:14 PM
irvine is a good lake but this ALWAYS happens.

03-02-2011, 05:24 PM
irvine is a good lake but this ALWAYS happens.

(At the risk of upsetting a sponsor whom I like a lot...)

We learn that certain vehicles of communication are reliable while others are, well, not so much and must be taken with the proverbial grain of salt. Those big fish do not rapidly disperse and more than one should have been tagged by now.

03-02-2011, 06:13 PM
Just talked to Dave Noyes, and he confirmed another load of the big 14-20 pounders [maybe a few bigger] are going into the lake next week, just in time for the President's Weekend holiday.
Also, if you see Marlon Meade or one of the Pro Team members walking around, have them show you the new "secret" baits: Mice Tails and Pinched Crawlers.

Im a bit confussed. The orignal thread said "going into the lake next week". In a another response it said "between today and friday". I was planning on heading out there on friday. Are fish being stocked this week?

03-02-2011, 07:00 PM
old news..."President's Weekend holiday" still plenty left to catch though...

03-02-2011, 07:24 PM
Yes, confirmed it with Dave this morning.
Sometime between today and Friday evening, along with a batch of 7-10 pound steelhead.
Bring a big net!
LOL..."between today and Friday" was based on 2-16-11 which is a couple Fridays ago. This is why I'm leary of stocking claims by these lakes, unless they video like Corona. The Corona bite is always good which makes sense because of the amount of fish they put in there. If I owned a lake and was bragging about doing big plants of quality fish, I would want it to be videotaped. It takes the potential "shadyness" out of the equation.

03-02-2011, 07:26 PM
That is an old thread..nothing "shady" fished today and monday..plenty to be caught...

Steve Carson
03-02-2011, 07:33 PM
Since that stocking took place on 2/16, there have been 14-4, 14-2, 13-8, 13-10, and 11-6 weighed in.
The previous months big fish stocking took place on 1/12, and the big fish only showed moderately until almost a month later, when during the week on 2/9 there were 15-0, 14-4, 13-6, 12-0, 11-6, 11-4, 10-12, and 10-12 weighed.
Even the 20-4 wasn't caught for 11 days after that Jan. stocking.
With the steelhead, it boils down to a lack of fish being properly ID'd; please refer to the posters at the lake, and report them.

Big Daddy
03-02-2011, 07:55 PM
Thanks for the info so I guess yes they were stocked I take it.

03-03-2011, 06:01 AM
Any info on next "big fish" stocking now that we are in March??
Also, current lake temp??

03-03-2011, 07:25 AM
Temp was 55.7 yesterday in the morning warming up to 57 when I left at 1600

03-03-2011, 10:23 AM
When I was a kid, this same story went on. When i got back into fishing last year and purchased a book on fishing california by Chris Shaeffer, even he and unbiased third party hardcore fisherman and journalist questioned it. So it should be no surprise to anyone, that these stockings are embellished. As for Steve Carson, he is up north, and he can only go by what he is told. Unless of course he travels down just to see the stocking and verify the numbers, and I doubt that.

The bottom line. They do stock fish, but how much, how often, and what quality, will always be the subject of controversy. So its something we as consumers can do something about. If we don't like it, we spend our fishing dollar somewhere else, if we aren't so concerend about it continue to spend your fishing dollar at the lake. The bottom line is this. We as fisherman cast our vote with our dollar.

Irivne Lake is a good place if you want more than just fishing. It really does have a lot to offer the family. But If you go there to fish, just remember this "Caveat emptor", thats latin for Buyer beware.

In the meantime, good fishing karma to everyone of my fellow addicted fishing brethren. Keep putting the wood to the fish no matter where you fish.

03-03-2011, 10:29 AM
And when spring hits and the fish come up and the water is clear and everybody is slaying them this whole subject will be forgotten till next year when rain comes in dirty's the water, winds a blow'n and the fish are deep and not as active, then it will be back to "Hey they aren't stocking what they say they are stocking!".

Steve Carson
03-03-2011, 11:13 AM
RE: Chris Shaffer's book; he wrote the Irvine Lake outline after visiting the lake back in 1998-99, and has not visited since, despite numerous invitations.
Note the $12 Gate Charge he mentions to get a feel for how long ago that was!
Getting stocked fish to bite is an inexact science at best; recall a few years back when the trout went wide-open in mid-July, nearly 3 months after the final stocking of the season.
We try to share the info as best we can, without necessarily encouraging people to try to be "truck followers".

03-04-2011, 09:20 AM
RE: Chris Shaffer's book; he wrote the Irvine Lake outline after visiting the lake back in 1998-99, and has not visited since, despite numerous invitations.
Note the $12 Gate Charge he mentions to get a feel for how long ago that was!
Getting stocked fish to bite is an inexact science at best; recall a few years back when the trout went wide-open in mid-July, nearly 3 months after the final stocking of the season.
We try to share the info as best we can, without necessarily encouraging people to try to be "truck followers".

Is it true that you're in northern California?

03-04-2011, 10:51 AM
All i am gonna say is i have not seen ANY lake stock the beautys that Irvine Lake has stocked this trout season. Consistent 3-5lb Hard fighting trout all season. It simply does not get any better then this in my eyes.

I think its clear that the Lake is trying to spread the trout out more rather then just have a bunch of 10lbers caught at the ramp. I personally have been entering EVERY tournament because of this!

This is by far the best i have seen Irvine in over 25 years of fishing the lake.

As far as some big steelies i know they are there just not always reported :Wink:

03-04-2011, 10:53 AM
I hope they're stocking..22$ a person ain't cheap! and then 10$ launch fee. geez...

03-04-2011, 11:13 AM
Is it true that you're in northern California?

I have to ask this, does it really matter, and is it any of your buisness? Sorry I just don't see the relevence, he could live in Santiago Canyon and not witness the trout stockings.

the killa fish taco
03-04-2011, 11:19 AM
Ill be there Sunday... I would love to hook into a DD there this season.... Might have to go to the OG set-up. Salmon eggs w/ a treble hook under a bobber or good ol fashion Velveeta Cheese on a bobber.

03-04-2011, 12:26 PM
Well out of the 3 lakes around OC (corona,sarl,irvine) irvine has the nicest scenery and i have not skunk once there (only been to irvine good 4 or 5 times) but the thing that stopped me from going back there was the price.

03-04-2011, 01:16 PM
All i am gonna say is i have not seen ANY lake stock the beautys that Irvine Lake has stocked this trout season. Consistent 3-5lb Hard fighting trout all season. It simply does not get any better then this in my eyes.

I think its clear that the Lake is trying to spread the trout out more rather then just have a bunch of 10lbers caught at the ramp. I personally have been entering EVERY tournament because of this!

This is by far the best i have seen Irvine in over 25 years of fishing the lake.

As far as some big steelies i know they are there just not always reported :Wink:

I can't disagree with you more. Best fishing in 25 years at Irvine? Hell, even employees at Irvine admit it's a crappy trout season compared to years past.

03-04-2011, 01:25 PM
I can't disagree with you more. Best fishing in 25 years at Irvine? Hell, even employees at Irvine admit it's a crappy trout season compared to years past.

well if it's crappy this year I can only imagine what a good year is like. I've caught fish there regardless of weather, limited out, most fish have been 4-5lbs and all with nice tails/good fights and have been really good eating. It's been a great year there for me, speaking personally.

03-04-2011, 01:46 PM
well if it's crappy this year I can only imagine what a good year is like. I've caught fish there regardless of weather, limited out, most fish have been 4-5lbs and all with nice tails/good fights and have been really good eating. It's been a great year there for me, speaking personally.

Hi Josh. You my friend actually fish a number of lakes so I'll give your posts more credence. Also you must be a pretty good angler. You've caught fish everywhere you have gone. Most Irviners are true believers no mater what the truth may be. That said, I have in fact seen more DD fish come out of one OC lake in particular I'll not mention but everyone knows. But that doesn't mean that there are not fish in Irvine. It also doesn't mean the Irivne has had more DD than the other two OC Lakes. Lest we all forget the discussion is about frequency, quantity, and quality of the stockings. Not whether or not they occur. They do occur, then question is of embellishment gents. At the end of the day unless we actually work at the lake we'll never really know.

03-04-2011, 01:59 PM
Hi Josh. You my friend actually fish a number of lakes so I'll give your posts more credence. Also you must be a pretty good angler. You've caught fish everywhere you have gone. Most Irviners are true believers no mater what the truth may be. That said, I have in fact seen more DD fish come out of one OC lake in particular I'll not mention but everyone knows. But that doesn't mean that there are not fish in Irvine. It also doesn't mean the Irivne has had more DD than the other two OC Lakes. Lest we all forget the discussion is about frequency, quantity, and quality of the stockings. Not whether or not they occur. They do occur, then question is of embellishment gents. At the end of the day unless we actually work at the lake we'll never really know.

Correction, I've been skunked at the other two lakes I think you are referring to but I am working on rectifying that situation LOL (same goes for a couple of the park lakes but those are another story). I had heard the stories about the so-called mutant fish going in at Irvine with the funky tails and what not but honestly I have yet to see one that didn't have a good tail on it. My smallest fish there this year has been just shy of 3 lbs. and I've seen some real monsters caught on a number of occasions. I plan to start targeting those monsters this weekend and for the rest of the season (don't have much more room for fish in my freezer).

I know that there are quality trout being put in at Irvine and I know there are quality trout in the other lakes. Really don't want to get in the middle of the whole "tastes great, less filling" argument. I just know from my own experience that there are large fish in Irvine and that the stockings have been quality based on what I have caught and seen others catch during tournaments or otherwise.

I like the other lakes, plan to bait and wait at one of them this weekend and hopefully break the skunk I've had there, but I've had a lot of fun and luck fishing Irvine this year. Granted it's not from shore, I admit I like trolling and that's where my luck has been. Some days are better than others, I've noticed it's tougher on windy days but have had success by going a bit deeper.

I also had the good fortune to learn the lake (Irvine) from a few regulars here who fish it and I have it pretty well dialed in now. So I had some good teachers as well. I just have to learn the other lakes now.

Poxy Boggards
03-04-2011, 02:19 PM
I do have to give Irvine props for stocking some hard fighting nice sized fish this season. I have only fished there a handful of times this season, but every time I go I end up getting into quality fish. Much better than the previous couple of years where they were stocking a bunch of little DFG sized fish.

Do they live up to the stocking 5000 pounds per week? Who knows, I have not been there on stocking day and they don't post vidoes so that we as consumers can see what is going into the lake every week. All I can judge by is the ammount and quality of fish that I catch when I go there to fish, and for me this season has been by far one of the best since I have been fishing Irvine. Very similar to the 07/08 trout season.

I for one have nothing to complain about, for a change...LOL

03-04-2011, 02:35 PM
I can't disagree with you more. Best fishing in 25 years at Irvine? Hell, even employees at Irvine admit it's a crappy trout season compared to years past.

I can only tell ya the way i see it. For ME peresonally! Limits and BIG fish are the norm every trip i have had this season. And yes i have been going there over 25 years now.

There has not been one time i have not limmited out with a full stringer of toads.

If other years have been better i have not seen it.

Once again this is IMO.

03-04-2011, 03:15 PM
I didn't read this whole thread, but I think I get the gist of it. Has anyone considered the fact that it's also been an extra-cold winter? This could affect the bite more than we realize. (Hey--maybe they're hibernating!)


03-04-2011, 03:27 PM
I didn't read this whole thread, but I think I get the gist of it. Has anyone considered the fact that it's also been an extra-cold winter? This could affect the bite more than we realize. (Hey--maybe they're hibernating!)


That could have an effect, like I said they were not easy to get in the wind but even on chilly days they have been biting. I've noticed they fight harder in the colder temps too.

03-04-2011, 04:15 PM
I didn't read this whole thread, but I think I get the gist of it. Has anyone considered the fact that it's also been an extra-cold winter? This could affect the bite more than we realize. (Hey--maybe they're hibernating!)

My guess would be that this is why fishing has been so good..

03-04-2011, 05:40 PM
I have to ask this, does it really matter, and is it any of your buisness? Sorry I just don't see the relevence, he could live in Santiago Canyon and not witness the trout stockings.

Maybe I misunderstand who he is then...I got the impression he is speaking FOR the lake and an employee of sorts. Am I wrong? If not, then to answer your question, yes it does matter if an employee of a lake is speaking about stockings from anywhere other than the lake.

03-04-2011, 05:43 PM
well if it's crappy this year I can only imagine what a good year is like. I've caught fish there regardless of weather, limited out, most fish have been 4-5lbs and all with nice tails/good fights and have been really good eating. It's been a great year there for me, speaking personally.

To each his own :)

03-04-2011, 05:47 PM
I can only tell ya the way i see it. For ME peresonally! Limits and BIG fish are the norm every trip i have had this season. And yes i have been going there over 25 years now.

There has not been one time i have not limmited out with a full stringer of toads.

If other years have been better i have not seen it.

Once again this is IMO.

In that case, I give you props. That's impressive! I've heard different from a lot of other anglers. Can I join you for tips lol?

03-04-2011, 05:54 PM
I didn't read this whole thread, but I think I get the gist of it. Has anyone considered the fact that it's also been an extra-cold winter? This could affect the bite more than we realize. (Hey--maybe they're hibernating!)


Wow, I am disagreeing with everybody on here. I recently read a report online (and now I can't find it, I'm sorry!) that said that the EASTERN US this winter is colder than normal, but southern California has been drier and on average/slightly warmer than normal.

03-04-2011, 07:09 PM
Maybe I misunderstand who he is then...I got the impression he is speaking FOR the lake and an employee of sorts. Am I wrong? If not, then to answer your question, yes it does matter if an employee of a lake is speaking about stockings from anywhere other than the lake.

Well then I will answer. Is your opinion that EVERY employee of the lake, or associate be at the lake when a stocking takes place and that if they are paying for a certain amount/poundage of fish that they would somehow calculate it as they are stocked? Or do you expect someone out there to stop each fish throw it on a scale start an Excel spreadsheat to ensure that they get the correct poundage between 14-20 and all the 3-5's.

At some point trust has to come in to play, you don't trust then go elsewhere, it's cool. By the way I don't fish Irvine but once a year. Use to fish it every week, camped in the line, watched Lakers games, drank beer. I also go back because I caught fish at a beautiful lake that I believed was worth the money for a full day of fishing. I have no idea why people would have an expecatation of big limits everytime they fish a lake. Stocking 1'000's of pounds or not fish have their own schedule, they'll bite when they want to. No Pay to Fish lake can guarantee that the fish they stock are actually goin to bite.

This is really dumb, fish, catch (maybe), have fun!

03-04-2011, 07:47 PM
ya man im not sure who you have been talking to but in just 4 trips to the vine this trout season i caught more fish then i did all of last year.

now when it comes to stocking and if the two company are 100% correct in there claims to amounts and how often they stock. the truth is Irvine puts more fish into one lake. now while that sounds one sided of me (it might be)

the truth and the fact of the matter is sarl/corona arnt even half the size of Irvine when they are combined so that means at sarl and corona are much smaller and the fish do not have as many places to go and hide. On top of that Sarl/corona according to there own clams get more anglers visiting per week then Irvine, and with sarl and corona stocking the size fish that they advertise they do. with a lil common since you can see

smaller lake+ more people fishing= more of the bigger fish caught.

another truth and fact is Irvine is stocking the fish they clam to also the lake is at full pool and with they size of Irvine lake and the terrain, there is limited shore space. the fish have more places to hide in stark contrasts of sral/corona.

point being the fish are there now actually go after them don't wait for them to come to you. Thats why the troll has been on fire at Irvine this year.

03-04-2011, 08:01 PM
I wish they stock catalina right now with tuna ):

03-04-2011, 08:03 PM
Well then I will answer. Is your opinion that EVERY employee of the lake, or associate be at the lake when a stocking takes place and that if they are paying for a certain amount/poundage of fish that they would somehow calculate it as they are stocked? Or do you expect someone out there to stop each fish throw it on a scale start an Excel spreadsheat to ensure that they get the correct poundage between 14-20 and all the 3-5's.

At some point trust has to come in to play, you don't trust then go elsewhere, it's cool. By the way I don't fish Irvine but once a year. Use to fish it every week, camped in the line, watched Lakers games, drank beer. I also go back because I caught fish at a beautiful lake that I believed was worth the money for a full day of fishing. I have no idea why people would have an expecatation of big limits everytime they fish a lake. Stocking 1'000's of pounds or not fish have their own schedule, they'll bite when they want to. No Pay to Fish lake can guarantee that the fish they stock are actually goin to bite.

This is really dumb, fish, catch (maybe), have fun!

I don't really know where to start to answer your question other than just answer directly and re-clarify my original point.

No, I don't expect every employee to be there.

However, I do question when a person out of the area claims a certain number of fish are being stocked in the lake. I would hope you agree that's a reasonable concern. If I told you they were stocking many 14-20 pound fish in a lake in Wisconsin would I be more believable than a person AT THAT Wisconsin lake? PROBABLY not.

That's all I'm saying.

03-04-2011, 08:06 PM
ya man im not sure who you have been talking to but in just 4 trips to the vine this trout season i caught more fish then i did all of last year.

now when it comes to stocking and if the two company are 100% correct in there claims to amounts and how often they stock. the truth is Irvine puts more fish into one lake. now while that sounds one sided of me (it might be)

the truth and the fact of the matter is sarl/corona arnt even half the size of Irvine when they are combined so that means at sarl and corona are much smaller and the fish do not have as many places to go and hide. On top of that Sarl/corona according to there own clams get more anglers visiting per week then Irvine, and with sarl and corona stocking the size fish that they advertise they do. with a lil common since you can see

smaller lake+ more people fishing= more of the bigger fish caught.

another truth and fact is Irvine is stocking the fish they clam to also the lake is at full pool and with they size of Irvine lake and the terrain, there is limited shore space. the fish have more places to hide in stark contrasts of sral/corona.

point being the fish are there now actually go after them don't wait for them to come to you. Thats why the troll has been on fire at Irvine this year.

You say "the truth is Irvine puts more fish into one lake.". Where is your proof for this? Neither lake tells us how many pounds they put in their lake.

03-04-2011, 08:17 PM
You say "the truth is Irvine puts more fish into one lake.". Where is your proof for this? Neither lake tells us how many pounds they put in their lake.

Irvine advertises stocking 5000lb sarl/corona advertises stocking 7000lbs so that is 3500lbs into each lake so with a lil math Irvine stocks more lbs of fish into one individual lake.

on top of that Irvine does a 20,000lb stocking to get the season starting but that is besides the point

but plz don't take what im saying as an attack or saying that Irvine is better then sarl/corona cuz like i said in my previous post sarl/corona are much smaller then Irvine so with that being said having 3500lbs of fish in a smaller lake could make it feel like there is much more fish.

03-04-2011, 08:40 PM
Irvine advertises stocking 5000lb sarl/corona advertises stocking 7000lbs so that is 3500lbs into each lake so with a lil math Irvine stocks more lbs of fish into one individual lake.

on top of that Irvine does a 20,000lb stocking to get the season starting but that is besides the point

but plz don't take what im saying as an attack or saying that Irvine is better then sarl/corona cuz like i said in my previous post sarl/corona are much smaller then Irvine so with that being said having 3500lbs of fish in a smaller lake could make it feel like there is much more fish.

You must be privy to some info EVERYBODY has been dying to get because Corona/Sarl has repeatedly said they don't tell us how many pounds they stock.

03-04-2011, 08:51 PM
You must be privy to some info EVERYBODY has been dying to get because Corona/Sarl has repeatedly said they don't tell us how many pounds they stock.

last year around this time there was a huge war of advertisement and the "TRUTH ABOUT STOCKING" between these lakes and in one of there there post SARL/Corona said something along the lines that they stock more because they stock 7000lb oppose to Irvine 5000lb.

i was trying to find this post right now but either i am not looking in the right place or the thread/post was deleted.

03-04-2011, 08:57 PM
last year around this time there was a huge war of advertisement and the "TRUTH ABOUT STOCKING" between these lakes and in one of there there post SARL/Corona said something along the lines that they stock more because they stock 7000lb oppose to Irvine 5000lb.

i was trying to find this post right now but either i am not looking in the right place or the thread/post was deleted.

Nice. Had to have been deleted. Ive been looking for that info FOREVER and I am unable to find it. Thanks for the info!

I guess I just have had bad luck A LOT OF TIMES at Irvine lol. Maybe somebody can show me the ropes in 3-4 months. I'm having major knee surgery on Monday.

03-04-2011, 09:17 PM
last year around this time there was a huge war of advertisement and the "TRUTH ABOUT STOCKING" between these lakes and in one of there there post SARL/Corona said something along the lines that they stock more because they stock 7000lb oppose to Irvine 5000lb.

i was trying to find this post right now but either i am not looking in the right place or the thread/post was deleted.

I remember that poster "they" made last year. It was on "their" website. Not sure if it ever got posted on this site. I also remember it saying "they" stock 7,000lbs between "their" 2 lakes not to mention they use holding pens. So one would assume "they" stock 3,500lbs vs the 5,000lbs the Vine stocks. Ohh and just because the Vine doesn't post videos of their stockings doesn't mean they dont happen. I've been there 3 consecutive weeks in a row and countless other times where i've seen their stockings take place 1st hand. I've even helped VinePatrol with their stocking on more then one occasion. I can def understand the Vine not wanting the "truck chasers" the have exact info on their stockings. Anyone who happens to be at the lake the day they stock can see the fish get put in themselves its no secret they're not trying to hide anything.


03-04-2011, 09:19 PM
well from what i have heard the shore fishing hasn't been that great this yea. but honestly the troll has been ridiculous. in all honesty my worse day this year at the vine i only managed one but i also lost 3 and two of the three i lost were easily over 5lb and one of them might of even been a dd.

but hey man if you prefer corona or sral over Irvine that's fine they two are very fine establishments the point is you are out there fishing and no mater where you doing it at it is a good thing so tight lines and positive thoughts go get a big un

03-04-2011, 09:23 PM
First, I have to say my initial response to this thread was "if the lake was getting stocked this week" no implecations of false stocking reports. Just to back up my favorite lake the "Vine" I did go out today and I paid that rediculous entry fee of $22 and paid $10 to launch my boat! Craziness, I know. I also caught a s&%t load of trout with my buddy and we had a great time. We also witnessed a f'n WFO trout bite later in the day at the boat docks. I would only assume they stocked this week but who cares everyone was catching fish. Good Times...

03-04-2011, 09:25 PM
I remember that poster "they" made last year. It was on "their" website. Not sure if it ever got posted on this site. I also remember it saying "they" stock 7,000lbs between "their" 2 lakes not to mention they use holding pens. So one would assume "they" stock 3,500lbs vs the 5,000lbs the Vine stocks. Ohh and just because the Vine doesn't post videos of their stockings doesn't mean they dont happen. I've been there 3 consecutive weeks in a row and countless other times where i've seen their stockings take place 1st hand. I've even helped VinePatrol with their stocking on more then one occasion. I can def understand the Vine not wanting the "truck chasers" the have exact info on their stockings. Anyone who happens to be at the lake the day they stock can see the fish get put in themselves its no secret they're not trying to hide anything.


I agree with you bro that just because the Vine doesn't video their stockings doesn't mean they don't happen. HOWEVER, from a business standpoint, give me one reason why you would NOT want to video your stockings. If one competitor is videotaping it and the other isn't, it stands to reason people will wonder why. It makes it APPEAR to the unintelligent person that the non videotaping lake is hiding something. Thus, the Vine is LOSING business.

03-04-2011, 09:32 PM
The place was so packed with people today on a friday I was amazed! There also were a ton of boats, private and rentals today. I really dont think the Vine Staff needs to worry about this thread effecting their business from what I saw today. If you actually go there and experience it yourself you might understand it better. It beats sitting in the mud hole off the fwy not catching anything any day!...

03-04-2011, 09:32 PM
I wish they stock catalina right now with tuna ):

Hell ya now that's an idea LOL

03-04-2011, 09:37 PM
truth be told nobody knows besides the lakes themselves on how many pounds are stocked each week, the irvine site use to state how many pounds they stocked each week, now if the number was inflated or not who knows, now the site just says thousands however that can mean anywhere from 1000-10000 lbs. I can say that the quality this year of trout have been great vs some of the previous years when the fish were dfg size. i can go on and on about this subject but wont, just get out and fish and have a good time.

03-04-2011, 09:38 PM
I agree with you bro that just because the Vine doesn't video their stockings doesn't mean they don't happen. HOWEVER, from a business standpoint, give me one reason why you would NOT want to video your stockings. If one competitor is videotaping it and the other isn't, it stands to reason people will wonder why. It makes it APPEAR to the unintelligent person that the non videotaping lake is hiding something. Thus, the Vine is LOSING business.

a good point i kinda wonderd why they dont video there stockings

but IMHO i will take Irvine how it is over sarl/corona any day

03-04-2011, 09:41 PM
The place was so packed with people today on a friday I was amazed! There also were a ton of boats, private and rentals today. I really dont think the Vine Staff needs to worry about this thread effecting their business from what I saw today. If you actually go there and experience it yourself you might understand it better. It beats sitting in the mud hole off the fwy not catching anything any day!...

Been to both this season, at least 20 times each. I limit out on the "mudhole" regularly. Do ok at the Vine, but not as well. To each his own.

And ANY business that loses competitors, even a single one, due to any easy fix is not a smart business model. I'm SURE the Vine will agree. Especially if losing business us due to a social site (I.e. FNN), which spreads like wildfire.

03-04-2011, 09:46 PM
Been to both this season, at least 20 times each. I limit out on the "mudhole" regularly. Do ok at the Vine, but not as well. To each his own.

And ANY business that loses competitors, even a single one, due to any easy fix is not a smart business model. I'm SURE the Vine will agree. Especially if losing business us due to a social site (I.e. FNN), which spreads like wildfire.

damn man whats you secret for the so called "mud hole" the few times ive been there i dont catch crap and i know to use a shorter leader and to use a short cast. do i have to be siting directly ontop of the hot spots??

03-04-2011, 09:51 PM
damn man whats you secret for the so called "mud hole" the few times ive been there i dont catch crap and i know to use a shorter leader and to use a short cast. do i have to be siting directly ontop of the hot spots??

You in a boat, tube or shore?

My "secret" is a power mouse all over the lake on a tube. Lately, it's been in the shallows/flats on the far south end of the lake. Other times, usually directly across from boat launch. Search for "secret spot" on here at Corona and Sapdawg has a GPS photo of where.

Split shot 6-12 inch leader power mouse all colors reeling in slow. Works wonders.

Tell you what, I'll show you Corona if you show me Irvine :)

03-04-2011, 10:03 PM
Your personal fishing knowledge, ability, and success has no refelfect on a lakes credibility. I've seen people catching fish around me at lakes I've been to when I'm gettin the skunk. I dont go blast a lake and question their business practices. Why should they video it? If you fish there, you know theres fish. I see tons of fish on my fish finder. If they dont bite they dont bite. But they are there. Not to mention Irvine is 790 acres, SARL is 70?? Do the math. Irvine's a real lake. You have to fish it to catch fish. So the Vine stocks as much as SARL and u still dont catch fish? hum? The lake is 10 times bigger! Ever spend $500 on a tuna trip and not catch one? I see it happen all the time because people dont know how to fish. I have never seen anyone go to the captain and ask for their money back. Just cuz you pay doesnt mean ur obligated to get a fish. Seriously this thread is not what FNN is all about. Dont go there if dont like it...

03-04-2011, 10:13 PM
Your personal fishing knowledge, ability, and success has no refelfect on a lakes credibility. I've seen people catching fish around me at lakes I've been to when I'm gettin the skunk. I dont go blast a lake and question their business practices. Why should they video it? If you fish there, you know theres fish. I see tons of fish on my fish finder. If they dont bite they dont bite. But they are there. Not to mention Irvine is 790 acres, SARL is 70?? Do the math. Irvine's a real lake. You have to fish it to catch fish. So the Vine stocks as much as SARL and u still dont catch fish? hum? The lake is 10 times bigger! Ever spend $500 on a tuna trip and not catch one? I see it happen all the time because people dont know how to fish. I have never seen anyone go to the captain and ask for their money back. Just cuz you pay doesnt mean ur obligated to get a fish. Seriously this thread is not what FNN is all about. Dont go there if dont like it...

Bro, I have no idea what you are talking about. This has NOTHING to do with my personal success or anybody elses. This is my PERSONAL OPINION about a better business practice for Irvine. If anything, I'm trying to help Irvine by letting them know any easy fix for losing business. Chillax lol

And I think THIS IS what FNN is all about. Why not debate two different lakes, pros vs cons, sizes, success stories, etc?

03-04-2011, 10:16 PM
You wana fish the Vine Pm me. Its all good...

03-04-2011, 10:33 PM
You in a boat, tube or shore?

My "secret" is a power mouse all over the lake on a tube. Lately, it's been in the shallows/flats on the far south end of the lake. Other times, usually directly across from boat launch. Search for "secret spot" on here at Corona and Sapdawg has a GPS photo of where.

Split shot 6-12 inch leader power mouse all colors reeling in slow. Works wonders.

Tell you what, I'll show you Corona if you show me Irvine :)

im and stuck in the rental phase of my angling career,

but it sounds like we got a deal. im hitting the salt tomorrow for the first time in almost 10 years and then im going to need a week or two to get use to my new schedule i will be starting on Monday but once i get settled in we will do it man.

03-04-2011, 10:44 PM
im and stuck in the rental phase of my angling career,

but it sounds like we got a deal. im hitting the salt tomorrow for the first time in almost 10 years and then im going to need a week or two to get use to my new schedule i will be starting on Monday but once i get settled in we will do it man.

Keep in touch with me. I'm having major knee surgery Monday and will be out 2-3 months for recovery. After that, it's on!

03-04-2011, 10:57 PM
in two to three months wont we have missed the trout.

hey man im hitting the salt tomarrow and my buddie backed out i know its last min but you wanna hit the cattle boat with me.

going out on the enterprise out of long beach.

03-04-2011, 11:25 PM
Eh..I rather spend 500$ to skunk on a 2 days trip then spend 62$ to skunk 2 days at irvine. At least on a charter boat I can learn a crap load from the deckhands to fishermen (I almost skunked on a two days trip and i learned a lot from that) so keep that in mind. I'm not giving any bad reps to irvine but I just think having to cough up 10 extra bucks for me to launch a boat when the launch ramp is no where as nice as newport dunes (but that's my opinion). So fish wherever you like and stay away from where you don't; if you don't think they don't stock then go to SARL or corona because you know they stock.
P.S...you lakes people are lucky that even DFG stocks for lakes because I get whatever mother nature gives -.-

the killa fish taco
03-05-2011, 09:00 AM
You wana fish the Vine Pm me. Its all good...

I wanna go with you....

the killa fish taco
03-05-2011, 09:02 AM

03-05-2011, 09:28 AM
I don't really know where to start to answer your question other than just answer directly and re-clarify my original point.

No, I don't expect every employee to be there.

However, I do question when a person out of the area claims a certain number of fish are being stocked in the lake. I would hope you agree that's a reasonable concern. If I told you they were stocking many 14-20 pound fish in a lake in Wisconsin would I be more believable than a person AT THAT Wisconsin lake? PROBABLY not.

That's all I'm saying.

Whomever is the appointed spokesperson for the lake is going to get their information regarding stocking from the administration staff and management that purchases the fish, not from watching a fish stocking.

This story goes on every year and every year there are doubters and those that support the lakes, this discussion will be back again next year, gee I can't wait....

03-05-2011, 10:01 AM

Friends are for chums! (just kidding)
but I like this debate..its pretty funny

03-05-2011, 11:52 AM
In defense of the Vine, it really isn't fair to compare catch ratios with Corona or SARL. The Vine is a BIG body of water, probably three times + the size of them. And because of that, I really think you need a boat to consistently get into fish. The reports from shore I've read have fair to partly cloudy.

03-05-2011, 12:23 PM
Personally I'm glad they don't film the stockings, discourages the truck chasers and "next day only" fisherman. With the lake as high as it is, I'm betting trout will be caught well into June and beyond....the fishing is solid for quality fish just like the 07/08 season(as Poxy mentioned), Irvine is going to be INCREDIBLE once the lake actually clears up like it normally does.

See you at the lake!


03-05-2011, 12:28 PM
Personally I'm glad they don't film the stockings, discourages the truck chasers and "next day only" fisherman. With the lake as high as it is, I'm betting trout will be caught well into June and beyond....the fishing is solid for quality fish just like the 07/08 season(as Poxy mentioned), Irvine is going to be INCREDIBLE once the lake actually clears up like it normally does.

See you at the lake!

That's another way of looking at it...:Envious:

03-06-2011, 12:41 PM
YOUR'E ALL HOOKED AND BEING REELED IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WELL ALL EXCEPT YOU ROOSTER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,s/o,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

03-06-2011, 12:51 PM
YOUR'E ALL HOOKED AND BEING REELED IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WELL ALL EXCEPT YOU ROOSTER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,s/o,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


03-06-2011, 08:50 PM
YOUR'E ALL HOOKED AND BEING REELED IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WELL ALL EXCEPT YOU ROOSTER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,s/o,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Well said, T/O.

All of the major players pay someone to get their names and operations into the hands and minds of the angling public. SARL/Corona uses Jim Matthews, Irvine (and a lot of saltwater guys) use Steve Carson. These guys are paid to get people to go to Irvine Lake, et al. It is by their wordcraft that they make their living and get to spend more time on the water than the vast majority of us probably do. It is their job to get people to go fishing at a particular place or on a particular boat. Not so much people like regulars here, or Allcoast or Bloody Decks who are more in-the-know than the average person, but it's their job.
And they are good at presenting information in a manner that cannot be reproached because it is technically true. I think of the old line "Nothing heavier than 16 pounds was caught today XYZ Lake, in a bite than can best be described as ..." What that statement does not say is that nothing bigger than a pound and a half was caught, either. But you get the gist.
In the end, we are hooked and being reeled in when we read the fish porn we all drool over. We just get better at reading between the lines.

03-06-2011, 10:33 PM
Well said, T/O.

All of the major players pay someone to get their names and operations into the hands and minds of the angling public. SARL/Corona uses Jim Matthews, Irvine (and a lot of saltwater guys) use Steve Carson. These guys are paid to get people to go to Irvine Lake, et al. It is by their wordcraft that they make their living and get to spend more time on the water than the vast majority of us probably do. It is their job to get people to go fishing at a particular place or on a particular boat. Not so much people like regulars here, or Allcoast or Bloody Decks who are more in-the-know than the average person, but it's their job.
And they are good at presenting information in a manner that cannot be reproached because it is technically true. I think of the old line "Nothing heavier than 16 pounds was caught today XYZ Lake, in a bite than can best be described as ..." What that statement does not say is that nothing bigger than a pound and a half was caught, either. But you get the gist.
In the end, we are hooked and being reeled in when we read the fish porn we all drool over. We just get better at reading between the lines.

Holy ****. It's like I've been asleep my whole life and you just awakened me! It all makes sense!

03-07-2011, 06:52 AM
Wake up pal ,and smell the bite-on garlic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol,,,,,,,,,,,,

Poxy Boggards
03-07-2011, 11:00 AM
Holy crap, a post from TO without all caps...Is the world ending?

03-07-2011, 09:32 PM
Stock this, stock that, who puts more in, mine is bigger than yours, bla bla bla
You guys wait for a stock truck and I wait for the ice to break, Man I am so glad I left. But I do miss the breakfast burritos.

03-08-2011, 09:26 AM
We fish for what there is to fish for, which means we also ultimately play the games that are set before us.
Those are nice fish. Cohos?
BTW, what's ice? It sounds terribly cold and slippery. Can't imagine having it on the roads.

03-09-2011, 08:57 PM
Those are all brown trout, small ones, 8-21lbs a piece. Hopefully this year will be better.

03-09-2011, 09:05 PM
I hope you get frostbit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

03-13-2011, 08:41 PM
I wanna go with you....

Ur always welcome on my boat killa. good to see you at the show. I have been sicker than a dog all week. hit me up...