View Full Version : Roostertail???

01-31-2011, 12:44 PM
Just curious if you ever experience this:
-the blade wrapping up in the main line on the retrieve.
-the blade not spinning at all (even if the blade itself is not caught up)
***typically I'm using 2# test on a 7' UL rod w/ a Sedona 750, fishing trout from either a tube or boat, retrieving at various speeds***

I try to give the lure an initial "pop" when I start to retrieve to get the blade going but it doesn't always work. I do like roostertails and have had some decent catches w/ them but sometimes get impatient when the blades aren't spinning properly. I have a decent amount of roostertails and this does happen with most of them. Curious to see if any of you have had this happen and what your solutions were...

01-31-2011, 01:05 PM
-the blade not spinning at all (even if the blade itself is not caught up)

happens to me on 1 of mine.. i stoped using it lol idk y it does that

old pudd fisher
01-31-2011, 09:47 PM
You might want to spend a extra buck and buy a Worden's brand roostertail, they seem to spin the best at all retrieves for me. Just hate it when I loose one.

02-01-2011, 10:52 AM
-the blade not spinning at all (even if the blade itself is not caught up)

happens to me on 1 of mine.. i stoped using it lol idk y it does that

-I'm guessing it's similar to finding a good swimming surface iron jig. Some work great and some simply don't.

You might want to spend a extra buck and buy a Worden's brand roostertail, they seem to spin the best at all retrieves for me. Just hate it when I loose one.

-Thanks! All of the roostertails I have are Worden's. I've had several that worked just fine but an equal amount that didn't. Yup, hate losing those good ones.

02-01-2011, 10:39 PM
A couple things you can do for that are.With the setup you describe you have should be able to feel the lure spinning if not pop it again to get it spinning and/or slightly speed up retrieve.You can also go one size bigger and that might help.I think some rooster tails are a little defective only like less than 20 % but I tend to like the Panther martins slightly better.

02-02-2011, 05:52 PM
panther martin's are very good. but i had just bought somemore to restock and they were made in italy, the new ones made in china.i'm sure they would be as good. that may have happen to rooster tails

my 2 cents

02-02-2011, 08:55 PM
when u catch fish and take them off sometime the shaft on ur bait gets bent..makes it not swim right..could be ur prob,,,

02-02-2011, 10:41 PM
thats what i was going to say you need to tune the lure before fishing and check it after every fish to make sure alls good from shore just let 3 or 4 feet of line out and drag the lure forward to make sure it runs true trolling put and maybe the spinner rapping your line is do to popping the lure to hard and creating to much slack line so the lure jumps in front of slack line and wraps the lure next to the boat at troll speed and make sure it has the right action or spin if its a spinner like the rooster tail
when u catch fish and take them off sometime the shaft on ur bait gets bent..makes it not swim right..could be ur prob,,,

02-02-2011, 11:33 PM
thats what i was going to say you need to tune the lure before fishing and check it after every fish to make sure alls good from shore just let 3 or 4 feet of line out and drag the lure forward to make sure it runs true trolling put and maybe the spinner rapping your line is do to popping the lure to hard and creating to much slack line so the lure jumps in front of slack line and wraps the lure next to the boat at troll speed and make sure it has the right action or spin if its a spinner like the rooster tail

and what he said too,,i was gunna say try to whip it rather then flick it!HAHAH

02-03-2011, 09:15 AM
Awesome! Thanks for the tips. I haven't tried tuning them after catching a fish or snagging on some thing.

old pudd fisher
02-03-2011, 07:12 PM
Nice tip guys thanks.