View Full Version : Bako - slow roll with Cutbait

01-31-2011, 11:32 AM
Hit the Bako ducts, the action was not very hott…

Fished it hard and our resident evil bako dweller cutbait joined me for the morning festivities…..

….we hit several spots w/o any strikes….

Finally Catnip hooked up on a fluke (and that certainly WAS a fluke !)

But unfortunately…..ON….then off ! Wump wump wump wahhhhh!

Bummer ! I felt bad for him…it was proving to be a real tough day..

The barometer must be taking it’s toll…

Finally he had ta leave and go visit his family !
(it’s his 1 day they let him out w/o a helmet !)

He stopped off at the Junior High School on his way home but was greatly disappointed as he forgot it was a weekend (Bako- perv !)

He proceeds to go to wallyworld to purchase his Redman chaw and some wrangler jeans to cutoff into daisy dukes in addition to his blue label beer (U know the one that is named “BEER”) he also picks up the new 2011 version WII game “carpfishing – the LA riverbed”

I press on alone…

No luv…

Next spot….no luv….and so on and so on…


SLAM ! hit pretty hard !

Peeling drag ! as hard as it wuz fighting…. I thought it should be Mr stripey even though it was minus the head shakes..

After a nice drag peelin fight…

I discover it’s not mr Stripey..

It’s the duct exotic “Greenback !”
This one is for you Cutbait and to you Bob !

Had ta make an example that invasion in our striper waters will NOT be tolerated.

Yes…this one went to the dinner table !
(sorry guys – not a lake environment-but usually do let em go)

Fished on and on…got cut short when my tire picked up a nail and was leaking but a slow leak….

Went back for another 4 hrs on Sunday and no luv either….barometer fluxes very well be responsible, hard to say right now but overall very slow action.

Till next time,

01-31-2011, 01:12 PM
dang whats the length of that guy?

01-31-2011, 03:55 PM
That's a nice one you got there, Gary.

Didn't jump?

01-31-2011, 04:12 PM
Nice!!! So how did you cook that bad boy?

01-31-2011, 04:13 PM
dang whats the length of that guy?

Kind of a personal question.

I would rather not divuldge my prowess on such an open forum.

P.M. and I will include girth measurements also. If your interested

01-31-2011, 04:39 PM
Kind of a personal question.

I would rather not divuldge my prowess on such an open forum.

P.M. and I will include girth measurements also. If your interested
this iz not the west hollywood dateline forum U bako cowboy !

01-31-2011, 05:49 PM
yeah we know what u have in ur mouth.. i mean on ur mind... looks like a good size bass but then again some mini trucks have really small tailgates

01-31-2011, 06:00 PM
Congrats on killing the heralded LMB.

Kinda surprised your not getting some objections


01-31-2011, 06:06 PM
Congrats on killing the heralded LMB.

Kinda surprised your not getting some objections

They will come in time I'm sure, but I have NO reason to play games...straightup !

dang whats the length of that guy?
Didn't bother measuring....real girthy unit though

That's a nice one you got there, Gary.

Didn't jump?
Didn't breach the water during 98% of the battle...head thrashed out of the water right at the very end only when I was figuring on how I was gonna drag em up the cement....

I beleive it's a northern...not sure there are florida strain in there......I really don't think so

Nice!!! So how did you cook that bad boy?
Will b eating it tonight....

Spices, fillets cut into manable size pcs...deep fried quickly at about 375 degress untill edges brown ever so slightly...

Just want to be clear, I am not telling everyone to go kill all the LMB....I release them 99.999 percent of the time...

I mentioned I eat one now and then and that's what I'm doing...

Big differenence from killing them all, this is probably the 1st one I've eating in about 5 years...

anyways...there U have it..

01-31-2011, 06:39 PM
They will come in time I'm sure, but I have NO reason to play games...straightup !

Didn't bother measuring....real girthy unit though

Didn't breach the water during 98% of the battle...head thrashed out of the water right at the very end only when I was figuring on how I was gonna drag em up the cement....

I beleive it's a northern...not sure there are florida strain in there......I really don't think so

Will b eating it tonight....

Spices, fillets cut into manable size pcs...deep fried quickly at about 375 degress untill edges brown ever so slightly...

Just want to be clear, I am not telling everyone to go kill all the LMB....I release them 99.999 percent of the time...

I mentioned I eat one now and then and that's what I'm doing...

Big differenence from killing them all, this is probably the 1st one I've eating in about 5 years...

anyways...there U have it..

i like to throw the bass i catch up in the bushes away from the water... like people do with carp

01-31-2011, 08:33 PM
You are killing a Bass OH NO:EyePop:! not the bass anything but the fish that is in every water from here to timbuktu.Some endangered species activist are going to be real upset they might even fine you:Evil:(Sarcasm kills) You should have chummed him to bring some big stripers in.:Idea: I do like the comment about throwing them up in the bushes like carp, people do that with bullheads at Elizebeth.Really though I hope he taste excellent(Never tried em) should be healthy coming out the Duct, except for all those pesticides Haha no really though good job I skunked once again out there today:Rolls Eyes: so even a GTF is better than that.Oh and everyone I do not condone killing bass I actually enjoy fishing for them but they already have everywhere anyway, so like Gary said he needed to set an example this can NOT be tolerated.Good eats!to you gary:Food:

trail blazer
02-02-2011, 06:31 PM
Great catch there GARY,,,,,,,,,,See ya SOON!