View Full Version : 1/29 Team Atrocity Goes On The Slay

01-31-2011, 02:25 AM
i got to the lake around 9pm Friday night to find Josh and Seechrisfish already relaxing and drinking a few beers. so after a few beers and some great convo josh and Chris decide to hit the hay (whimps) it was only about 11 so i decided to stay up and have a few more beers and wait for Tappersteve to show up. After a few more beers and steve not being there yet i decided to try to sleep also good thing to because Steve dint show up tell about 4am.

wake up in morning there is already a few guys waiting for the walk in gate to open and josh is dead asleep i tap on his window a few times and get the pleasure of watching him wake up way to fast and freak out a bit, it looked like he dint know where he was at or what was going on. So after a good laugh at joshes expense the gate was opened and the first order of business is to rent a boat and get a famous vine breakfast burrito.

once the gate was opened we were on our rental boat and set out on the troll. Well here is how the name Team Atrocity started to get earned. josh is letting out his first line and i start to let mine out and as im reeling out somehow (i put to much line on the spool) a few raps of line come off and get all twisted up under the spool so 5 minutes into the day i already have to hand line in my lure that is already 50 feet back switch spools and retie.

we set off up the west shore i have a cd5 firetiger on one line and a pink SC shiner on the other. Josh is running a cd3 fire tiger and i forget what his second line had on. half way up the west shore my fireTiger gets hit i start reeling in and right away i know its a crappie and sure enough it is a nice 1.2lbs crappie. we make the bend to follow the buoy line and i get hit again but this time on my shiner. It was about a 1.5lbs bow that had been attacked by a bird he had gaping hole right behind his gill plate on each side of him and a broken jaw. And to add to the Team atrocity name this lil half alive guy managed to get my two lines tangled up pretty good so i had to cut both lines and retie.

we cut across mid lake and went thou the flats for nothing josh makes a lure change and he ties on my jointed suspending shad rap that it was its first time in the water. josh dint know this but i only suggested that one to see if it would work. and some how he wound up getting his lines crossed again so he got to cut and retie once more and he blamed my JSR so he put on a rainbow trout rapala. on then while going back across mid lake my firetiger gets hit again and its a 2lb bow.

O and by now its about 830 we have been cut off about 20 times if not more

we both make a lure change to try to attack the west shore. i switch out my firetiger with one of my hand painted lures i made in the last two weeks. and josh puts on my cd5 firetiger and a gold and black rapala that i had customized by putting some vertical lines, and we set off down the west shore about a quarter of the way down i get hit again and it is on my hand painted lure and it turns out o be a nice 3.2lb bow but while fighting the fish the motor stalled and we wound up spinning a 180 and tangled up the three lines that were still out so once again we got to cut lines and retie.

so we went down the west shore turned around and went back up and down for nothing and we noticed that woody's cove was void of boats so we decide to swoop threw and try it out. We started entering the cove and Josh gets hit for his first time on the custom black and gold cd5 and by the fight it was giving and the bendo in joshes rod it should of been at least a 5lbs but sadly if came on hooked. so he lets it back out and we continue threw woody's cove and the custom black and gold gets hit again and hard really hard. I can tell this is going to be a way big fish so i put the motor in neutral and reel in the extra lines. about a minute into the fight it gets to about 20 out from the boat and he swirls at the top and we catch a glimpse of the beast Both mine and joshes jaws drop bounce off the bottom of the boat and sink to bottom of the lake It is EASILY a DD. the fish makes a run straight out then starts curving to our right i was thinking ok josh got it to turn its head were going to get this beast but out of nowhere joshes rod goes straight. The line broke, the beast broke 6lb test. i felt bad and i think josh cried a bit but i cant blame him.

With the hart break of losing to big fish in a row and with black and gold being the obvious hot lure we decided to head in and pick up another black and gold rapala and get some grub.

by this time it was about 12 and i had been cut off another 20 times on top of the first 20 times

we set back out josh had a F7 and a CD7 out i had left my hand painted lure on and switched the pink sc shiner for a gold one. we start heading into woody's cove and i gave a quick prayer " Dear fish gods pleas let one of these fish be stupid enough to bite our lures" and about an honest 30 seconds later my gold sc shiner gets hit and it winds up being a new PB for me that went 4.14lbs witch crushed my previous pb of 3.8lbs. THANK YOU IRVINE. but the fish did a great job of raping my lure all up in the net you could only see the hooks and the lip of the lure that's how embedded and raped up it was. so i put the gold shiner back out.

with a few boats starting to move in to woody's cove we could no longer troll it it was a tight squeezes as it is so i motored us back up the west shore.

the score was now Thisfool 4 + a bonus fish, Josh 0 and josh was tired of watching me catch fish and i was trying hard to get him on the fish.

we start heading up the west shore and i notice my shiner is int running right the fight with that bow and getting all raped up in the net had pulled it out of tune and had crossed my lines so i got to cut and retie once more about half way up the west shore josh gets hit again this time on CD7 and it turns out to be a 2.05lb bow. woow FINALLY josh is on the board but once again the fish had tangled up joshes lines so get gets to cut lines and retie. we go across the damn and josh decides he dose not like the F7 so he ties on my customized black and silver rapala. we go across the damn and start cutting across mid lake josh gets hit on the custom black and silver and once more and it is a beautiful 3lb bow.

with woody,s cove still occupied by a yak and a few boats we go back up the west shore. i finally decided to take off my hand painted lure and i decide to give the JSR another try since josh dint give it a fair chance and about 3/4 of the way up the shore the JSR gets hit and it turns out to be a 1.5lb bow well that's it folk im limited it is 2:30 maybe 2:45 and i have hit my limit.

so with the score now Thisfool 5 + a bonus Josh 2 Josh says " hey can we try tuning that gold sc shiner i would really like to use it" so i tweak it a bit and it looks like it is running great so Josh puts it out we follow the buoy line go across mid lake and josh realizes both his lines are not right he starts reeling in and well i the sc shiner was not tuned right and it crossed up his lines bad so he once again gets to cut and retie but this time there is not enough line on his one reel to go back out with so i gladly give him my favorite set up to use.

by this time i have been cut off 20 more times and i am not lieing when i say this we got cut off by the same guys 3 times in 20 minutes. the dude was trolling at light speed and dint care who was where on the lake at one point he cut me and another guy off at the same time then i watched him cut off like 5 more people.

so he is still running the CD7 black and gold and my custom CD5 black and silver. After swearing josh to secrecy i tell josh im going to take you down this super top secret path that Tappersteve showed me, and bingo black and silver gets smacked a nice nearly 2lb bow. we finish the path and turn around to run back down it but now josh has switched out the CD7 black and gold for a pink sc shiner and BOOOOOOM the sc shiner gets hit and just like that it is about 3:00 and that 1.5lb fish now has josh only minus one from a limit and josh tells me since he has prior engagements he is going to need to call it at 4:00 so we go up and down the secret path a few more times for nothing it hits 4 and we start heading in to the dock.

we get to the dock and there is a soft ball sized ball of tangled string siting in the back of the boat the me and josh and dubbed the ATROCITY and decide that me and him would go by the name team Atrocity since the other time we hit the water went in a similar fashion as far as tangled lines and nets. Me and josh collaborated on the team logo and i am currently working on a drawing to have printed on shirts for him and I. I promise once you all see them you will laugh your arse's off and "say ive been there"

me and josh were sharing a stringer so we are standing there trying to figure out whose fish is whose and i couldn't help but to say "wow isnt this a lovely problem to have we have so many fish we don't know whose is whose"

i waited around the tackle shop for Steve to come in Josh and i had only seen him a few times and the last time we seen him he only had 2 fish so i wanted to see how he did and well true to Tappersteve fashion he had a beautiful limit of fish with the smallest being 2.5lbs and a big of if i remember correctly 5lbs

sorry for the long read and no pic but don't complain there is lots of details about location and lure color so i don't want to hear no bs about pics.

PS steve if you could pleas post up the pic you took of me in the parking lot with my two big fish of the day i would greatly appreciate that.28334

01-31-2011, 09:24 AM
it was one helluva day but despite the atrocities we managed a good load of fish. I didn't get pics since I had to make a stop by long fin tackle on the way home to have both of my poles re-lined (got 6lb izorline and loving it). I got home, cleaned the fish as if I was a processing plant and then had to head out to Victorville (more on that later). Oh and if anyone catches a nice big trout (easily DD) with a black and gold CD5 with tiger striping in its mouth please return the lure to ThisFool and send me a pic of the fish. Had him right almost to the boat when my line broke.

01-31-2011, 10:44 AM
Well done boys! Despite all of the atrocity's of the day you guys landed some quality fish. Nice report and thanks for a Vine update.

01-31-2011, 11:07 AM
Well done boys! Despite all of the atrocity's of the day you guys landed some quality fish. Nice report and thanks for a Vine update.

Thanks. We kind of wear our atrocities as badges of honor, overcoming the odds and all that.

01-31-2011, 02:49 PM
Thanks. We kind of wear our atrocities as badges of honor, overcoming the odds and all that.

thanks bro it was a great day.

josh man im pumped to get those shirts made. but im lagging a bit on starting the drawing lol

01-31-2011, 03:10 PM
thanks bro it was a great day.

josh man im pumped to get those shirts made. but im lagging a bit on starting the drawing lol

I can't wait to see the design after the ideas we tossed around. The good thing that came out of it was I got my poles re-lined on the way home with 6lb Izorline and with that stuff I am getting some really long smoothe casts. Plan to test it out up at Santa Fe or maybe even El Dorado on saturday.

01-31-2011, 03:52 PM
I can't wait to see the design after the ideas we tossed around. The good thing that came out of it was I got my poles re-lined on the way home with 6lb Izorline and with that stuff I am getting some really long smoothe casts. Plan to test it out up at Santa Fe or maybe even El Dorado on saturday.

yea man izorline is the ish best line i ever bought.

See Chris Fish
01-31-2011, 03:54 PM
Great seeing both of you out in the parking lot Friday night. Sorry for being tired, but it was balls *** cold, too.

Glad to hear that you were able to hook up on those customized lures!!! I told you that black/pink one was awesome.

Tubin was great also. Caught 1 crappie and 4 trout, but was only able to get one into the basket. I'm having issues with my new net and basket. At least it was the big one, 4.5 lbs!!!!

See ya next weekend!!!!

01-31-2011, 03:56 PM
Great seeing both of you out in the parking lot Friday night. Sorry for being tired, but it was balls *** cold, too.

Glad to hear that you were able to hook up on those customized lures!!! I told you that black/pink one was awesome.

Tubin was great also. Caught 1 crappie and 4 trout, but was only able to get one into the basket. I'm having issues with my new net and basket. At least it was the big one, 4.5 lbs!!!!

See ya next weekend!!!!

May head out there again this weekend but it won't be an over nighter. Wife wants me home, says I can go fishing any saturday but overnight line camping must be limited, guess she misses me LOL. Probably going to stick local this weekend. After the overnighter and fishing saturday we drove to victorville that evening and stayed there then went to Hesperia sunday and then back down to lakewood I think a local trip will be my best bet this weekend.

01-31-2011, 03:59 PM
and good seeing you as always Chris. I was tired myself on friday but really enjoyed the convo and hanging out with ya. Will have to do lunch sometime since we work so close lol.

01-31-2011, 04:12 PM

01-31-2011, 04:24 PM

yeah I was pretty much dead by last night. Sorry we missed ya!

01-31-2011, 05:15 PM
Sorry about the miscommunication about the night before. Good to see you guys on some fish and with fishing stories you won't soon forget.



01-31-2011, 05:17 PM
Sorry about the miscommunication about the night before. Good to see you guys on some fish and with fishing stories you won't soon forget.


Don't know if it was just the fact that weather was moving in or not but the bite was insane on saturday. Now that my boat should be here by wednesday I may have to get down there again this weekend even if I am rowing to troll (I need the exercise anyway).

01-31-2011, 05:18 PM
oh and Travis, I am naming my boat Atrocity 1.

01-31-2011, 08:33 PM
oh and Travis, I am naming my boat Atrocity 1.

when did you get a boat?????

Sorry about the miscommunication about the night before. Good to see you guys on some fish and with fishing stories you won't soon forget.



thanks for putting up the pic steve im going to buy my self a camera with my income tax returns.

its all good man it still turned out to be a great day i limited josh almost limited you got an insane limit chris was on fish even thou he couldn't get them into his basket hits got a pb and there were other FNNers out there who did good as well it was a great day.

02-01-2011, 09:17 AM
when did you get a boat?????

Ordered one yesterday, got a good deal on an inflatable, should hold two people, if not then it works good for when I solo it.

See Chris Fish
02-01-2011, 12:48 PM
Lunch? Oh, that break you're supposed to get in the middle of the day. I've heard of it, but haven't seen one in a while. lol I'm lucky to get 20 minutes.

I'll be looking for you on the water. If you're rowing and I'm in my float tube, we'll have a race!!!! First one to a limit--wins!!!

I'll be there this weekend, so I'll see ya'll there.

See Chris Fish
02-01-2011, 12:49 PM
Dang it!!!

Forgot to tell ThisFool---congrats on the personal best!! way to go, bro!!!!!

02-01-2011, 01:02 PM
Lunch? Oh, that break you're supposed to get in the middle of the day. I've heard of it, but haven't seen one in a while. lol I'm lucky to get 20 minutes.

I'll be looking for you on the water. If you're rowing and I'm in my float tube, we'll have a race!!!! First one to a limit--wins!!!

I'll be there this weekend, so I'll see ya'll there.

I'll be there saturday I am sure. Though it sounds like i'll be using a different boat than mine. Won't be rowing long anyway, Steve is gonna let me use his trolling motor indefinitely.

02-01-2011, 01:38 PM
Dang it!!!

Forgot to tell ThisFool---congrats on the personal best!! way to go, bro!!!!!

thanks man i new it was way bigger then my ol pb when i got it in the boat. but i couldn't be as happy as i would like cuz it would of sucked for josh to have to watch me jump around and do my happy dance and sing the PB song while he still had no fish on the boat and lost two really big fish.

02-01-2011, 01:45 PM
thanks man i new it was way bigger then my ol pb when i got it in the boat. but i couldn't be as happy as i would like cuz it would of sucked for josh to have to watch me jump around and do my happy dance and sing the PB song while he still had no fish on the boat and lost two really big fish.

Nah man I was really happy for you, oh and I had 2 fish on the boat when your big one came in. It's all good, I consider you a friend and was glad to see you get a new PB. Despite losing the ones I lost it was a great day for me, good company, lots of laughs and good fishing.

02-01-2011, 01:46 PM
Now had you botched the net job like last time, that would have been another story....

02-01-2011, 11:48 PM
Nah man I was really happy for you, oh and I had 2 fish on the boat when your big one came in. It's all good, I consider you a friend and was glad to see you get a new PB. Despite losing the ones I lost it was a great day for me, good company, lots of laughs and good fishing.

here you on the board with that. hmm i must have got times and what not all mixed up. i guess i was to busy catching fish lol. but really it was on fire on Saturday.

yea man your a cool dude i don't care what any one says about you and were definitely going to have to hit up that sushi spot you were talking about it sounded great.

Now had you botched the net job like last time, that would have been another story....

lol yea man i would be a lair if i told you i wasn't a lil nervous when it was my turn to net fish.