View Full Version : Bees !!!

01-20-2011, 10:50 AM
Hey Viners...
I'll start by mentioning something that happened about 5 years ago to me at the vine.
I returned to the boat ramp on trout island after a long day. I found a cloud of bees circling my truck. Come to find the entire underside of the back of my truck covered in bees. I was able to back down the ramp far enough to dislodge the swarm, unfortunately for the other boaters, it also cleared the ramp area for about 20 minutes.
Cut to a few weeks ago, I was headed back up the creek in my boat to check out a secret spot of the Magic mans, when a flying black swarm appeared coming right down the creek. With no room to turn around, I gunned the engines as swarm passed about 3 ft. over head. about a 100 or so bees dropped from the swarm onto my boat. Somehow, I managed not crash my boat up on shore while attempting my escape. Needless to say, I turned around and left the creek.
Cut to yesterday, I hit one my fav. spots (woodys point). I just got the anchors set and started fishing, when I noticed that my boat was slowly being covered in bees. They appeared to be coming across the lake to the point.
Is anyone else noticing or having problems with them?
I was stung by one there the other day and they do hurt!
As for the fishing, the water is clearing more by the day. The fishing hasn't been good for me. I had about 3 bites all day, landing one (about 3 pounds). Only got 1 on the troll lately, but others are hooking up.
Watch out for them bees and tight lines...

01-20-2011, 07:19 PM
I was eating a cantalope in the boat and they came in my boat and enjoyed the drippings from the fruuit,they did not bother me.

Zombie Bass ATTACK
01-20-2011, 09:35 PM
I am really allergic and I am going tomorrow great!!!!! that's awesome.....not

01-20-2011, 09:44 PM
I think you should invest in an bee suit the way you keep running into them out there . LOL

01-20-2011, 09:48 PM
I am really allergic and I am going tomorrow great!!!!! that's awesome.....not

Better have that EpiPen on-hand !

Zombie Bass ATTACK
01-20-2011, 10:03 PM
do not have that i had one when i was little though

01-20-2011, 11:08 PM
maybe there scared of clowns

I was eating a cantalope in the boat and they came in my boat and enjoyed the drippings from the fruuit,they did not bother me.