View Full Version : SARL Night Session, 1-15-11

01-17-2011, 09:11 PM
Sorry for the late post, but better late than never. After getting skunked my last two night trips to SARL, I was cautiously optimistic this time. I know they have put a ton of fish in this lake, and it will go off sooner or later. I fished with my friend Tony, who cleaned up the last time we fished in late Nov.

They let us in about 4:45 pm, there was a pretty large crowd. I found out later they had 24 hour fishing, that probably explains the crowd. Our first and 2nd choices for spots were taken, so we tried someplace new. The water is still pretty murky, but maybe starting to clear a little. Visibility maybe a foot or so.

I was set up with rods in the water by 5:05 and at 5:15 I had a fish on! Not too big, maybe 14" or so, I was stoked to finally catch a fish again. Caught him on chartreuse power bait. I'm thinking we are really going to clean up, but that was it until about 8:00, when I caught my second trout on a gulp egg/nitro worm combo. It was a beautiful tailwalker, about 2.5 lbs., and he put up a pretty good fight.

I caught one more at about 10:15, on the same egg/worm combo, another 2 lb. tailwalker.

Tony, unfortunately, got skunked. He was using power bait exclusively, as he always does. It usually works well for him, but not this time.

I tried using a bobber, with both nightcrawlers and mealworms, but no hits. Since it was dark, I was unable to use the slip bobber. I was able to use a pencil type bobber and rig one of those small glow sticks to the top, so I could see it real well. I fished from 2 feet to about 7 feet depth, near shore.

Trout were busting the surface, sometimes very close to shore. The fish I caught were in pretty close.

Tried different length leaders, 12" to about 30". Caught 2 on 12" and one on 24" leaders.

It is going to get good soon, and when it does, I want to be there.

01-18-2011, 10:29 PM
Thanks for the detailed report. Keep at it.