View Full Version : Skunked at the pudd

01-17-2011, 06:11 PM
Arrived at the park and ride and walked in . Went straight to Eastshore met up with the local fly fisherman. Started a fan cast session of casting from the middle pier to the burned out pier. Guess what happened or what did not happen? The weather was perfect and the water had barely a ripple ...no wind... fly fishing dream conditions....

Will hit it again tomorrow maybe try North Shore

After my trip to the DENTIST FOR A CROWN ...ouchhhhhhhhhhhhh

01-17-2011, 07:32 PM
Keep at it. I was talking to a guy at Turners and he said if you can catch fish at the Pudd you can catch fish anywhere.

01-18-2011, 06:01 AM
..ive been fishing carp for a few hours in the a.m. using the 8wt.always having my 5wt, and 3wt. ready for action.not a hit.for three weeks. vivid,robert, and myself have walked most of the lake.after i fish for carp.not been able, to see any sign of the 16,000 trout swimming in the pudd.the water looks good.we cant wait for spring ,when the big red ears ,and bass start up again.good luck at the denist vivid..see you at the pudd later..