View Full Version : Perris 1/13/11...

I M Hooked
01-13-2011, 07:21 PM
I swept the point bar by the marina for nothing today. Talked to a couple boaters who said the couple they did catch today were still deep. At 4 I walked into the store at the marina and bought some wax worms, and walked down to the dock to try my hand at some panfish. I sat down on the dock, set up a little drop shot rig and checked out my worms and i thought to myself these look dead. Well instead of walking back up there and back down I just decided to call it a day. I stopped in the store to show the guys that the worms they sold me were dead. The tall kid got defensive and told me they werent dead they were just cold. I thought well thats plausible but I poured some on the table and showed him how when you pinch one the elasticity never comes back and they stay flat means theyre dead. He still insisted they were alive and told me I could trade em for another one if I want. I asked if they were all the same. He said yeah so I said I didnt want to trade them. He said I dont know what to tell you. I asked why I couldnt have my money back and he muttered this is bull****. I was shocked so I asked him what he said and he flat out told me this is some bull****. I asked him what his name was and he said Brian. I told him well Brian Im a customer here that regularly comes to this lake and its unfortunate that you felt you had to cuss at me. He told me the store is closed, so I left. LOL!!! For real? Ive never been insulted at that marina. The staff there has always been so good to me and Annie when we go there. Being so upset I decided to post it here and a few other places online. Not that the whole staff there are bad but that was poor, poor customer service on Brians part.

Frequent Flyer
01-13-2011, 08:19 PM
wow man kids these days!!!

01-13-2011, 08:21 PM
your supposed to check em when you buy em bro. In these bad times, no body is earning much, and if it was really that important, you could have looked at the other containers, and kept it simple. They've probably been instructed to handle this situation this way, and you didn't see both sides of the coin.

01-13-2011, 08:24 PM
Guys in the store are Punks..Sad to see. They get paid with our tax dollars yet they always have a attitude

By the way they Stocked TROUT today in the launch ramp


I M Hooked
01-13-2011, 08:42 PM
your supposed to check em when you buy em bro. In these bad times, no body is earning much, and if it was really that important, you could have looked at the other containers, and kept it simple. They've probably been instructed to handle this situation this way, and you didn't see both sides of the coin.

Ok hold on now. If he would have said that he just cant give me my money back that is the policy or what have you then hey whatever I can deal with that. The 3 dollars is not the issue here. He told me that it was bull**** that I asked for it back or that he had to give it back to me, and I dont care who you are when dealing in customer service it is NEVER ok to swear at a customer.
I understand how bad they do especially this time of year. I always stop in there and buy at least a Disani water from them evrytime I go, and that was over 20 times last year. So I might not keep the store alive but I do support it therefore I feel insulted by the way I was treated there today.

01-13-2011, 09:14 PM
I m hooked your totally right!!!!
Btw isn't customer always right
They used to always hook it up with crickets and normally don't have an attitude.

I M Hooked
01-13-2011, 09:39 PM
I m hooked your totally right!!!!
Btw isn't customer always right
They used to always hook it up with crickets and normally don't have an attitude.

Theyve always been good to me there, until this one kid today.

01-13-2011, 10:26 PM
Absolutely correct to be offended, policy or not, you find a way to explain policy to the customers without taking it personel and swearing while dealing with them. Very bad on Brian's part, maybe he had something personal going on that already had him on edge previously and thats why he went off so easiley, this is hopefuly not his standard for dealing with clients.

01-14-2011, 04:34 AM
If you c 1 black worm in there.. chances are there dead.. u dont have to keep waxies cold.. idk y they do.. its the same thing everytime i go in there... so i just buy mine from the walmart half mile away, ive delt with "brain" hes got an attitude, michael is the kool guy hes got the beard just so u know ive got a fever and its 4:30 am srry if my post makes no sence

01-14-2011, 07:16 AM
You should have done the Quarter flip like in No Country for Old Men. Haha, asked, "what's the most you ever lost in a coin toss?"

01-14-2011, 07:34 AM
If he had said it to me, he would have had a box of wax worms to clean up off the floor before he got to go home. There's no excuse for his bad attitude.

01-14-2011, 05:49 PM
Damn!! Sorry that happened to you Hooked......I am going on Sunday...maybe I will stop in ther just to see the little bastard.....maybe I could get him to cuss at me. Oh well .... You should come out on Sunday. I will be at the launch ramps or 11-12. Hit me up if you are coming out...I never made it out there today because of work being so busy.

I M Hooked
01-14-2011, 10:06 PM
Damn!! Sorry that happened to you Hooked......I am going on Sunday...maybe I will stop in ther just to see the little bastard.....maybe I could get him to cuss at me. Oh well .... You should come out on Sunday. I will be at the launch ramps or 11-12. Hit me up if you are coming out...I never made it out there today because of work being so busy.

Thanks for the invite man! Me and Annie are heading out of town for the weekend in the morning. I thought hard about 11 and 12 Thursday too. Good luck out there.

01-15-2011, 10:02 AM
Thanx ...have a great weekend.

01-21-2011, 04:35 PM
I M Hooked

Hopefully you learned a lesson – check your bait before you leave the store. Also, if you are going to talk crap about someone you should present the whole story and circumstances…

Just got back from the Lake Perris marina after having a little chit chat with Brian. Funny how a story can change when you hear the other side. Told him how someone was flapping their yap and talking out their pie hole about getting lousy service from Brian. Mentioned to him they were whining about their hurt feelings because he cussed in front of him.

The other side of the coin;

“I sat down on the dock, set up a little drop shot rig and checked out my worms and i thought to myself these look dead.” You forgot to mention in this part where you didn’t pay the dock fee – and it sounds like you have done it before….

“I stopped in the store to show the guys that the worms they sold me were dead.” No – you stopped back at the store to get your money back which you fail to mention that Brian gave you $3.50 out of his pocket because the regster had already been closed out and the money dropped in the safe.

“He still insisted they were alive and told me I could trade em for another one if I want. I asked if they were all the same. He said yeah so I said I didnt want to trade them. He said I dont know what to tell you. I asked why I couldnt have my money back and he muttered this is bull****.” Wrong again - you got your money back before he told you it was BS.

It was BS – how does he know you didn’t go down and dig the wax worms out of the trash and come back and try to get money from them. Then you come back to the store after they have closed…..

“I was shocked so I asked him what he said and he flat out told me this is some bull****.” You asked for it, you got it, so why so shocked?

“I asked him what his name was and he said Brian. I told him well Brian Im a customer here that regularly comes to this lake and its unfortunate that you felt you had to cuss at me.” Yeah they are going to miss your cheap *****. You forgot to mention, again – seems like you omit important parts, how you called him an ahole. And don’t forget your “do you know who I am” statement – if you have to play that card kid and live in someone else’s shadow you are going to have one sorry life. Do you really thing people care who your uncle is – some might – probably most don’t?

“He told me the store is closed, so I left. LOL!!!” That’s the smartest thing you did that day.

Tom – the marina is concession operated - has nothing to do with “tax dollars”…..

Bassgrabber1 – told the “little bastard” you would be by on Sunday. Now that should be interesting…

Brian is one of the main reasons the docks have been open up to the public for fishing. If all of us slip owners had our way no one would be fishing the docks – you need to thank him!

01-21-2011, 05:00 PM
baitmaster...I took it for what it was on the site. I guess there is 2 sides to every story. I guess it wasn't that important to me because I totally for got to stop by on Sunday......lol...oh well.

01-21-2011, 05:06 PM
baitmaster's new screenname should be asskisser.. what else did you and brian do??

01-21-2011, 05:46 PM
If kids these days knew we could reply to his BS response like that, Im sure most of us would get more service with a smile.lmao

01-21-2011, 05:56 PM
Be cool Steve. Baitmaster is a regular out there at Perris, a friend and an all around nice guy. I think you may have even met him. Brian is a decent person and I don't think he would "swear" like that unless someone gave him a darn good reason. Sounds like I M Hooked gave him that reason. Brian gave him money out of his own pocket and he had the nerve to complain? OK....Whatever

01-21-2011, 06:42 PM
srry jeff.. ur a kool dude i trust you.. but those dudes in the marina shop sure do act like there **** dont stink.. ask them simple questions and they ignore you... they sure did take a liking to my buddy's srt8 challenger though.. So i guess you gotta catch them on a good day? ( when ppl are buying ****) otherwise just be prepared? Hey whats with the drum set jeff? u jam out? lemme know

I M Hooked
01-21-2011, 09:36 PM
I M Hooked

Hopefully you learned a lesson – check your bait before you leave the store. Also, if you are going to talk crap about someone you should present the whole story and circumstances…
Yeah man I did learn a lesson not to buy bait from that store.
Just got back from the Lake Perris marina after having a little chit chat with Brian. Funny how a story can change when you hear the other side. Told him how someone was flapping their yap and talking out their pie hole about getting lousy service from Brian. Mentioned to him they were whining about their hurt feelings because he cussed in front of him.
Flapping my yap and talking out my pie hole? Those are pretty tough words behind a computer screen. If you think all I do is flap my yap, or talk out my pie hole then pm me well meet tough guy.
The other side of the coin;

“I sat down on the dock, set up a little drop shot rig and checked out my worms and i thought to myself these look dead.” You forgot to mention in this part where you didn’t pay the dock fee – and it sounds like you have done it before….
If you spent any time at Perris you would know the very front of the dock (anywhere you can walk to is free) which is exactly what I asked and exactly what the younger kid told me.
“I stopped in the store to show the guys that the worms they sold me were dead.” No – you stopped back at the store to get your money back which you fail to mention that Brian gave you $3.50 out of his pocket because the regster had already been closed out and the money dropped in the safe.
There are 2 sides of any story and one of us lies a little. Right now I dont give a damn what you think, but yeah after pouring the worms on the counter to show him they were dead and him telling me they werent I wanted my money back. I was happy he gave me my money back, but if you think that gives him the right to tell me its bs then youre either dillusional or his little *****. When I bought the worms I asked him what time the store closed he told me 5pm, so at 4:20 what the hell is the money doing in the safe? Im sure it would have been cool if I had bought something.
“He still insisted they were alive and told me I could trade em for another one if I want. I asked if they were all the same. He said yeah so I said I didnt want to trade them. He said I dont know what to tell you. I asked why I couldnt have my money back and he muttered this is bull****.” Wrong again - you got your money back before he told you it was BS.
It was BS – how does he know you didn’t go down and dig the wax worms out of the trash and come back and try to get money from them. Then you come back to the store after they have closed…..
If I went down and dug them out of the trash then for sure they would be dead right? Neither one of us would have to wonder or argue about that now would we genius?
“I was shocked so I asked him what he said and he flat out told me this is some bull****.” You asked for it, you got it, so why so shocked?
So if a waitress told you it was bs because your food got cooked wrong then you would be asking for it because you complained? Are you really this kid Brian hiding behind this screen name. Its cool if he's your buddy and you wanna stick up for him, but trying to make me look bad? Bring it. We can both meet at the store and I can press this issue even with you holding his hand for him to whoever his boss/supervisor is and well find out if its ever ok for Brian to use any profanity toward a custumer.
“I asked him what his name was and he said Brian. I told him well Brian Im a customer here that regularly comes to this lake and its unfortunate that you felt you had to cuss at me.” Yeah they are going to miss your cheap *****. You forgot to mention, again – seems like you omit important parts, how you called him an ahole. And don’t forget your “do you know who I am” statement – if you have to play that card kid and live in someone else’s shadow you are going to have one sorry life. Do you really thing people care who your uncle is – some might – probably most don’t?
Brian wishes I called him an ahole, but to be quite honest it doesnt matter what I say. Im a paying customer. If Im beligerent then its there job to throw me out not act beligerent back, so there goes that feeble attempt at your buddy trying to make himself sound like he's in the right. And yes I thought it fair to let him know that Im part of 3 fishing forums online and that Id be complaining about him to many people that come here often.
Wait my uncle? How do you know my uncle? Are you part of the force? Do I know you?
“He told me the store is closed, so I left. LOL!!!” That’s the smartest thing you did that day.

Tom – the marina is concession operated - has nothing to do with “tax dollars”…..

Bassgrabber1 – told the “little bastard” you would be by on Sunday. Now that should be interesting…
Nobody fishes where your boat is anyways whiner!

Brian is one of the main reasons the docks have been open up to the public for fishing. If all of us slip owners had our way no one would be fishing the docks – you need to thank him!
I obviously dont know how to use the quote button when replying. My reply to your your reply is all in the blue.

I M Hooked
01-21-2011, 10:04 PM
Be cool Steve. Baitmaster is a regular out there at Perris, a friend and an all around nice guy. I think you may have even met him. Brian is a decent person and I don't think he would "swear" like that unless someone gave him a darn good reason. Sounds like I M Hooked gave him that reason. Brian gave him money out of his own pocket and he had the nerve to complain? OK....Whatever

You too man? Ok both you guys are long time members here and youve probably been fishing perris a hell of a lot longer than me, so it stands to reason that this kid in the shop is your buddy, but to come back at me and try to make me look bad, give that a rest. I complained to you guys here online. I didnt ask you whether or not you liked it. I dont care if you dont like that I bashed your buddy here online, because its the truth, and its a hell of a lot better than the alternative. I could have immeadiately found out who his boss was and asked him if he thought Brians actions were ok with customers. He could have easily lost his job over something like that. I told you here because I figured it would get around to this kid and him say "yeah I was having a bad day or whatever". I can deal with that, it happens, but if you , baitmaster and Brian seem to think that Im the bad guy and thats how people should be treated when they walk in the doors over there then youre obviously dillusional too.

I M Hooked
01-21-2011, 11:27 PM
Ok look Im not here to pick fights with members on this site. I felt like I was being made out to be the bad guy here by the regulars at Perris and here on FNN so I overreacted in my last couple of replies especially to Baitmaster. Theres no need for me to come off at you like that and I appologize.

01-22-2011, 02:41 AM
you all have the shortest fuses and wettest pussycats. self righteous sanctimonious bastards... all of you.

just get out there and freakin fish! everyones in a sour mood because its wintertime and nobody likes wintertime fishing.

01-22-2011, 08:38 AM
you all have the shortest fuses and wettest pussycats. self righteous sanctimonious bastards... all of you.

just get out there and freakin fish! everyones in a sour mood because its wintertime and nobody likes wintertime fishing.

hahahahahahaha....Jason ...you kill me.

01-22-2011, 05:04 PM
hahahahahahaha....Jason ...you kill me.

<3 I went to Lake Fulmor, caught some little trout on powerbait and 4lb line. let em go cause they were pretty small.

So get out there and fish! Its wintertiiiiiime!