View Full Version : Corona Lake – 1/9/11

01-10-2011, 10:40 AM
This report is for Sunday, January 11th, 2011. I’ve had a really rough month of slow but consistent fishing in murky water. The last 5 times I had been out were all at LNL, so I was ready for some new water. That’s how I decided on Corona.

Got to the lake at about 6:45 and there was no line, I just drove right up, paid my fees, and headed to the water. I parked on the backside of the lake behind the bait shop. I was on the water by 7:15. Another point is that the lake is completely full now. The water quality is roughly the same as that of LNL, so I was worried that I’d catch fish, but have to work hard to do it.

Well, I knew I couldn’t struggle forever, and I had heard that the crowds had been very light due to the rain, but they have still been dropping in the fish. I can tell you, that Corona was the least crowded I have seen it in a really long time. It was nice to finally fish without the bucket brigade tossing spark plugs at me wondering why they aren’t catching fish.

I paddled out, tossed my line out, and boom, I got bit, it happened so quick, it caught me off-guard, but alas, I landed a really nice tail-walker. In the 3 1/2 lbs range. I was stoked. So while I was dipping the worm in sauce, my other rod starting dancing. I see a fish, leave the water not once, not twice, but three times before, I could put that damn sauce down and pick up the rod. The fishing gods shined on me, as I landed that guy too. Another nice 2-3 lb range tail-walker. I haven’t been on the water 10 minutes yet and I had two one the boat. I had a limit of fish by 9am. I was really stoked. Kept fishing and ended with a 9 fish count. After I caught my limit I went to the damn area to see if I couldn’t catch on of those 20 pounders they put in the lake this last week. No luck on that one.

What worked? I slayed it with white on white yesterday. I also did well with the white on Cheese yellow. No bait, no night crawlers, just plastics did the trick. I didn’t get bit once on green or orange witch are my go to colors. Another thing to note, this time, I used excessively long leaders, 18 to 24 inches long. One even longer. The short leaders that are supposed to work in murky water didn’t work for me. So I went long. I don’t know if the leader length had anything to do with the awesome morning bite, or I was just at the right place right time. But it makes sense. The last place to clear up is the bottom of the water column. Why would the fish hang out it all that muck?

All in all it was a great day of fishing I had 6 of the nine fish in the bag, for a total weight of 15.75 for an average size of 2.625 pounds per fish. These fish really pulled and fought hard. I farmed 5 fish, or perhaps you can call it a long/short distance release. If I had landed all of them it would have been a 14 fish day. Whew! Thank God, I thought I was loosing my touch.

I was surprised I was catching tail-walkers as they had planted sierra bows on Thursday. But it was the backside and it was murky and rainy the week before when they did plant the tail-walkers. People say the tail-walkers like to hang out for a while before they start chewing. It was great fun though. I was getting owned by 3 lb fish. It was so much fun yesterday. It’s the reason I fish. Un-crowded had the area I was fishing basically to myself. Awesome. I’m definitely going back again next Sunday.

01-10-2011, 12:42 PM
Glad to hear you did well out there this weekend. I can't wait to get back out there when we do the T57 event. Thanks for the report!


01-10-2011, 07:13 PM
Sounds like you had a great day on the water- solitude and slaying fish, congrats on getting those bows on plastics too. Good luck this weekend fishing pressure will definitley increase.

phishin phool
01-10-2011, 09:29 PM
Great report and even better news. Im stoked its gettin better, i've been chompin at the bit to get back out there. Thanks for postin and congrats on the awesome fishin!!

01-10-2011, 09:55 PM
Thanks for the report! Looks like things are picking up a bit. Congrats on a successful day!

01-10-2011, 11:01 PM
Puttin' the hurt on 'em...WOOHOO!! Awesome report and great to see someone catching a limit before many people sat down for breakfast! Does it get any better? That lake is completely overloaded with fish and without a doubt this type of report is just the tip of the iceberg...Thanks for making it that much more difficult to be stuck at work tomorrow!

Again, great job! Hopefully we'll bump into each other out there some time soon!!

Piss on Myspace
01-11-2011, 01:21 AM
nicely done brotha...slaying in solitude; what can get any better than that?.. just might head out a little earlier tomorrow for a quick slay and a few jumps @ Elsi...thanks again for the report and intel.

01-11-2011, 10:39 AM
Glad to hear you did well out there this weekend. I can't wait to get back out there when we do the T57 event. Thanks for the report!


Hi Nacho Fish, Dana I believe correct ? I want to apologize for not being able to attend your food drive ar Sarl in December. I hear it was a big success. What do I need to do to join Team 57 so I can participate in the event at Corona >