View Full Version : Has overfishing ended? Top US scientist says yes

01-10-2011, 09:51 AM

(AP) -- For the first time in at least a century, U.S. fishermen won't take too much of any species from the sea, one of the nation's top fishery scientists says.

01-10-2011, 03:20 PM
But Murawski said management systems that emphasize strict catch limits have made a big difference, and New England just made the switch.

Hmm...so overfishing ends when government regulations, which limit overfishing, are created?

01-10-2011, 04:59 PM
I completely agree with Darkshadow, this is just another example of big government and the liberal media conspiring to eviscerate our constitutional rights.

01-10-2011, 05:40 PM
I completely agree with Darkshadow, this is just another example of big government and the liberal media conspiring to eviscerate our constitutional rights.

so the government should not put regulations in place to prevent natural resources form being depleted.

i understand that sometimes regulations can put people out of jobs and that sucks but you would have to agree that that is better then the resources being protected by the regulations disappearing.

im not a tree huger in any way shape or form but we as a race have been raping the earth for its resources how long can that go on tell we have nothing left.

the right wing likes is quick to cry foul agents there constitutional rights but we all must stop to think about the future and how much long can we go on the same way until it is to late.

01-10-2011, 07:12 PM
Personally, I think both the far-left, and far-right nutjobs are the dumbest people I've ever seen.

First, we've got Bill Mahar-- a confirmed Germ-theory-denialist. (WTF!!)

Then we've got the vaccine-truthers, like Jenny Mcarthy, who is literally responsible herself for potentially millions of nation-wide baby-deaths.

Oh, lets not forget about Faux-News, the Ultra-Right fascist idiots, famous example: Bill'O.

I'll give the left SOME credit: They tend to accept things like evolution, reality, etc. However, some of the most nauseating people (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton) claim this side, so it's rather difficult to respect them for any length of time...

Generally, my philosophy is to hate both sides and call 99 percent of humanity FREAKING STUPID.

It's not about left and right. It's about Smart and Stupid!

01-10-2011, 08:21 PM
Yeah but I was watching FoxNews and they said the liberal democrat/socialists and the liberal media are destroying the country. They also said they are fairly balanced and no spinning zone and they report you decide. Therefore, they are clearly the most objective source of news you can find.

01-10-2011, 09:21 PM
Yeah but I was watching FoxNews and they said the liberal democrat/socialists and the liberal media are destroying the country. They also said they are fairly balanced and no spinning zone and they report you decide. Therefore, they are clearly the most objective source of news you can find.Are you a poe?

01-10-2011, 09:27 PM
Why do you hate America and the U.S. Constitution?

01-10-2011, 09:54 PM
Why do you hate America and the U.S. Constitution?I'm a staunch defender of the founding fathers, AND the Constitution. My post history proves it.

"Those who sacrifice liberty for added security deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin

You're definitely a poe. (if you even know what that means.) With that said, i'm never going to speak to you again. Have a nice life.

01-10-2011, 10:02 PM
You clearly hate the U.S. Constitution and FoxNews, the only objective and reliable news source in the United States. In case you haven't noticed, FoxNews has a perpetual miniature American flag waving and they CLEARLY state that they are fairly balanced, no spinning zone, they report you decide, etc., so obviously if you disagree with anything on FoxNews, you are just completely biased by the liberal media and the socialist Obamacare government.

01-11-2011, 12:27 AM
Regulation is mandatory when there is commercial fishing at such a large scale. We've wiped out populations before and we'll do it again. The problem is the enviros will never stop pushing harsher regulations until no one is fishing any longer. That's why it's nice when scientists come out and say the fishery is back to a sustainable level. The enviro idiots use fear to scare people into voting their way. They'll always say the fish are in danger of complete decimation. Unfortunately individual fisherman like ourselves get caught up in the regulations and I do believe it infringes on our rights to enjoy this planet and its resources.

fishin fool
01-11-2011, 08:16 AM
I completely agree with Darkshadow, this is just another example of big government and the liberal media conspiring to eviscerate our constitutional rights.

Since when is it our "constitutional right" to destroy our ecosystem. For that matter, if you are religious, aren't we supposed to be the stewards of the Earth. Either way, we have damaged many of our fisheries to the point where the fish stocks have literally crashed... Does that make sense? When stocks crash, fishermen can't make a living anymore. Stocks crash and fishermen go bankrupt. This is a demonstrable fact. Furthermore, The Stevens in the Magnuson-Stevens Act we are discussing is Ted Stevens, an Alaskan Senator who was an avid sportsman and ultra conservative. So, the choice is destroying fish stocks and causing economic havoc or regulation with some economic hardship with healthy fish stocks. You decide.......

fishin fool
01-11-2011, 08:24 AM
Yeah but I was watching FoxNews and they said the liberal democrat/socialists and the liberal media are destroying the country. They also said they are fairly balanced and no spinning zone and they report you decide. Therefore, they are clearly the most objective source of news you can find.

Just because Fox news says they are "fair and balanced" doesn't make it so. We are entitled to our own opinions. We are not entitled to our own facts. The facts are the facts. Fox news makes up there so-called facts and they lie about others. They are little more than propagandists. They are the least objective source for what they call news....

fishin fool
01-11-2011, 08:29 AM
You clearly hate the U.S. Constitution and FoxNews, the only objective and reliable news source in the United States. In case you haven't noticed, FoxNews has a perpetual miniature American flag waving and they CLEARLY state that they are fairly balanced, no spinning zone, they report you decide, etc., so obviously if you disagree with anything on FoxNews, you are just completely biased by the liberal media and the socialist Obamacare government.

Your statement makes absolutely more sense at alllll. If the Nazis waved the flag and claimed to be telling the "truth", does that make them the only objective and reliable news source. You decide....

01-11-2011, 08:51 AM
How anyone can trust Fox News amazes me. They pull the most lowly bullsh#@ of all the major media outlets!

!@#$$% Thing sucks!

01-11-2011, 08:55 AM
That's why it's nice when scientists come out and say the fishery is back to a sustainable level. The enviro idiots use fear to scare people into voting their way.

Wait, won't the enviro idiots use this story as an example on how the implementation of regulations like the MLPAs really do work on restoring fisheries?


01-11-2011, 09:00 AM
Who the f*&% is this ''bass hawg expert'' tool ? Always a political bull sh%$ thread and high jacks everybodys posts.... Go fishing A H&%e !!!!

murrieta angler
01-11-2011, 05:20 PM
I thought this was a good post till a minor war broke out...hehe
I also thought the fish population might increase due to the fact that a major oil spill stopped commercial and private fishing in it's tracks, over in the Gulf of Mexico.
I just wished that all the BFT that didn't get caught this year would go West instead of East.

01-11-2011, 05:48 PM
You clearly hate the U.S. Constitution and FoxNews, the only objective and reliable news source in the United States. In case you haven't noticed, FoxNews has a perpetual miniature American flag waving and they CLEARLY state that they are fairly balanced, no spinning zone, they report you decide, etc., so obviously if you disagree with anything on FoxNews, you are just completely biased by the liberal media and the socialist Obamacare government.

lol your funny. i personally believe all sources of news media lie in some way shape or form. but FOXNEWS tells the biggest dumbest most obvious lies they have been caught time and time and time again spinning the truth, telling lies and editing video to there advantage.

i personally feel my intelligence has been assaulted when ever foxnews reports anything im going to give you a few links to youtube videos that will prove to you how much and how blatantly FOXNEWS lies.

you acuse people of being bias i am pleading with you to watch these videos with out bias and when the video refers you to a link (most likely tinyurl.com) go to the link and read what he is talking about then make up your mind.


01-11-2011, 05:51 PM
Wait, won't the enviro idiots use this story as an example on how the implementation of regulations like the MLPAs really do work on restoring fisheries?


yea they probably will but the key word you used is "IDIOTS" they are just that they are idiots so you can simply shut them up by saying "the fish population grew even while fishing was aloud so it is obvious you do not need to close down all fishing"

01-11-2011, 06:14 PM
oh crap!!! ive got to go ..sarah palins on ,and i dont want to miss a lesson on, how to think properly, or people to think, i might be be leaning a little to left....SARAH PALIN ,AND JEB BUSH FOR PRESEDENT

01-11-2011, 06:18 PM
Yeah but I was watching FoxNews and they said the liberal democrat/socialists and the liberal media are destroying the country. They also said they are fairly balanced and no spinning zone and they report you decide. Therefore, they are clearly the most objective source of news you can find.

so you just think what FOXNEWS tells you to think. the Far right likes to use the word "socialist" as an insult but if anyone understood or at least look up the definition of "socialist" and "capitalism" i think if some one actually knew the definition of the two they would much rather live in a socialist governess rather the capitalist government that we do live in.

01-11-2011, 06:28 PM
they never listen to any other side wait!!!!rush is on i gotto go!!!!!!

01-11-2011, 07:43 PM
To those that didn't read the article, here is the readers digest ...

It says nothing about California directly. This study has nothing to do with MLPA.
This is not sport / weekend fishing they are referring to.

My personal issue with this link is that the article doesn't state the scope, does not appear to have any linked peer reviewed study, nor does it include enough data to form any type of scientific conclusion. Assuming we trust this ONE scientist, as the article title states "Has overfishing ended? Top US scientist says yes", (yes that's singular), and I hope he is right, this is definitely good news. I mean really if they had told you a million more fish found dead and birds fell from the sky, is that going to cheer you up? Point being, again if it's true, it means we may have redeemed the fish stock for those specific species for the time being.

So to tie into all this political non-sense being spewed in this thread, its like any other "NEWS" source. You only get to see end result of what they (insert news source) read, write, or say on the screen. Take it for face value, and expect that someone has edited the text to read the way they would like to see the information interpreted. If you don't believe me try and read / listen to the same story on say 3-4 different news sources and you will see what I mean. Facts get drowned in opinionated commentary and that is the one reason why most main stream media is biased on any side of the aisle you want to choose.


01-11-2011, 07:54 PM
Unlike the other liberal biased mainstream media FoxNews never lies and the always "you report you decide" 100% of the time and they never try to propaganize to the least educated among us to adhere to their positions so that Rupert Murdoch/NewsCorps can make more money. FoxNews is purely looking out for your best interests as a lower-middle class person, if the liberal media tells you anthing different, just rembember they are communists/socialasts.

01-11-2011, 09:38 PM
im back, but i have to hurry.ive got to see, who is looking out, for my best interest.fox is right %100 of the time .ive got to go ,and listen now, that i have a a channel, that cant be wrong.to guide me back from the darkside!!!maybe ill take that job for $12.00hr.even thuo it use to be $24.00 an hour.since im a commi i want to do the right thing......wait a sarah palin just came on.bosshog has convinced me....me bad..........

01-11-2011, 09:54 PM
If you don't believe everything on FoxNews is true why do you keep watching it 24/7 lol. You know it's the only 100% accurate source of breaking news "alerts" like when it's raining in Atlanta, etc.

01-12-2011, 09:14 AM
Unlike the other liberal biased mainstream media FoxNews never lies and the always "you report you decide" 100% of the time and they never try to propaganize to the least educated among us to adhere to their positions so that Rupert Murdoch/NewsCorps can make more money. FoxNews is purely looking out for your best interests as a lower-middle class person, if the liberal media tells you anthing different, just rembember they are communists/socialasts.

Hey ''Cheese Dick'',, we all wanna see pics of the DD's you say you have been nailing in the duct.... Enough of this political b/s !!

01-12-2011, 01:48 PM
Unlike the other liberal biased mainstream media FoxNews never lies and the always "you report you decide" 100% of the time and they never try to propaganize to the least educated among us to adhere to their positions so that Rupert Murdoch/NewsCorps can make more money. FoxNews is purely looking out for your best interests as a lower-middle class person, if the liberal media tells you anthing different, just rembember they are communists/socialasts.

lol man you are stupid. just plain Websters dictionary definition of stupid truly just stupid.

1. Lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity.
2. In a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock; "was stupid from fatigue"
3. Lacking intelligence
4. Without much intelligence; "a dull job with lazy and unintelligent co-workers".
5. Very dull; insensible; senseless; wanting in understanding; heavy; sluggish; in a state of stupor; -- said of persons.
6. Resulting from, or evincing, stupidity; formed without skill or genius; dull; heavy; -- said of things.
7. Being foolish, silly, idiotic, daft or dumb.
8. Being dull, obtuse, wooden, imbecilic or opaque.
9. Being fatuous, asinine, goofy, unwise or brainless.
10. Adjective base of the adverb stupidly.

01-12-2011, 02:27 PM
If many of you haven't noticed, BigBassHogExpert just casted his line out, and he's getting various people to bite.

Although he is a bit entertaining and it was funny for about 5 minutes, (and not surprisingly, his views do actually encapsulate a lot of people's views in this country), ignore him, and he'll go back under his bridge.

Engage him intelligently, or don't engage him at all.

Now it's time for me to go back to watching MSNBC, and posting my liberal and communist blog on the Huffington Post.

01-16-2011, 09:53 PM
To those that didn't read the article, here is the readers digest ...

It says nothing about California directly. This study has nothing to do with MLPA.
This is not sport / weekend fishing they are referring to.

My personal issue with this link is that the article doesn't state the scope, does not appear to have any linked peer reviewed study, nor does it include enough data to form any type of scientific conclusion. Assuming we trust this ONE scientist, as the article title states "Has overfishing ended? Top US scientist says yes", (yes that's singular), and I hope he is right, this is definitely good news. I mean really if they had told you a million more fish found dead and birds fell from the sky, is that going to cheer you up? Point being, again if it's true, it means we may have redeemed the fish stock for those specific species for the time being.

So to tie into all this political non-sense being spewed in this thread, its like any other "NEWS" source. You only get to see end result of what they (insert news source) read, write, or say on the screen. Take it for face value, and expect that someone has edited the text to read the way they would like to see the information interpreted. If you don't believe me try and read / listen to the same story on say 3-4 different news sources and you will see what I mean. Facts get drowned in opinionated commentary and that is the one reason why most main stream media is biased on any side of the aisle you want to choose.


You're completely right. In fact, I don't think most news articles should be taken as fact. They're sensationalist in nature. Usually the news outlets only care to put out the doomsday "humans have destroyed the fisheries" articles because people like drama. "Everything is fine and dandy" articles just aren't entertaining enough. It's when enviros use this sensationalism to create LAWS that makes my blood boil.

01-17-2011, 01:19 AM
Well said. Harold green, an Anchor for KABC-7, was caught on tape during the clinton/dole election saying "Time to get up at 6:00 am, and shock the #$%* outta everyone!" This was back in the day, when people had gigantic satellite dishes-- In those days, you could tune to a specific frequency, and catch politicians, government officials, and news anchors saying things "off the air".

This is the real reason the whole DTV thing became "mandatory"-- they feared people would learn of hidden agendas, illegal activity, and off-color remarks..