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View Full Version : Are Aqueduct Stripers Healthy to eat?

Bassnman Mike
01-05-2011, 06:26 AM
I saw a reply to a post saying not to eat fish out of the aqueduct because of contaniments in the water and it started to make me wonder, could they be unhealthy to consume? I'm no duct expert, far from it, so the following is just my opinion.

I know there are alot of bodies of water that I would never consider eating fish out of for various reasons but I figured the water in the duct would be pretty clean due to the natural filtration of the water flowing along the cement walls. In my opinion the stripers in the duct seem to fight better than lake stripers, at least the few I've hooked. I tend to believe this is because they are constantly swiming in current. Wouldnt that mean they are healither?

I'm not attempting to "Stir the Pot" with this post so please dont take it that way, I'm just curious. Please post up your thoughts and opinions on this subject.

BassnMan Mike

01-05-2011, 07:58 AM
Duct water is used for drinking water by metropolitan water districts customers. I Can't see how you could drink it but it not be healthy to eat fish out of it?

Metropolotin does treat and filter the water. Every body of water you will find contamination of fish poop and run off. Its just the nature of it.

The state does monitor the water quality and has specific paramaters for the water quality. 70% is used for "urban" use and only 30% for ag..


01-05-2011, 08:41 AM
Mike, it's fine to eat. Driving to your favorite fishing hole is more dangerous than eating the fish.

01-05-2011, 09:23 AM
The duct is most likely some of the cleanest enviroment you will be able to take fish out of....

If the fish are bad and water quality poor......then I should be growing a third knee by now...

Ohh wait.... I do have one growing....Uhhh-oh !

This duct supplies fresh water to many regions of southern calif. I'm sure there are certain amount of additives to purify at the point when it makes transistion to pipes to feed the communities but pretty damn clean when it comes to water if you were to compare to say Long beach harbor....Puddingstone lake....etc.(just examples)

Albert Fish
01-05-2011, 11:50 AM
Im sure they are, you can eat just about anything...

trail blazer
01-05-2011, 03:13 PM
Clean healthy water for sure,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Stripers do pull harder in the duct for sure!,,,,,,,,,,,


Bassnman Mike
01-05-2011, 03:37 PM
Thanks guys, I figured they were fine to eat.

01-05-2011, 05:14 PM
DIFFERENT WATER SOURCES: The two aqueduct systems that serve the MWD differ widely in water
quality parameters. Water from the Colorado River, although typically high in TDS and hardness, is low in
“biological load” or microbe contamination. The California Aqueduct water contains a very high biological
load due to farming activities in the San Joaquin Valley, organic runoff and other sources. On the plus
side, the northern California water has a very low TDS and hardness rate. The processing costs of water
containing a high biological load are higher than their low-load equivalents.

01-05-2011, 05:19 PM
BigBass, your wrong. I saw your other post and its pure BigBassHogwash

Lucky Lager
01-05-2011, 05:20 PM
i've never gotten sick after eating fish from the duct, and i've always believed that the duct water would be some of the freshest water around. but that's strictly an opinion.

on a side note, i was told that the reason for having fish in the duct, is for early poison detection. since the duct runs much of the west coast, and has many public entry points, there is always a terrorism threat to our drinking water. and when fish start floating, flags are raised.

again, i'm not sure if there is any truth to that, but that's what i was told.

in a nut shell.......GO EAT SOME DUCT FISH!! lol

01-05-2011, 05:20 PM
Regarding the pesticide BS ofcourse

01-05-2011, 05:30 PM
DIFFERENT WATER SOURCES: The two aqueduct systems that serve the MWD differ widely in water
quality parameters. Water from the Colorado River, although typically high in TDS and hardness, is low in
“biological load” or microbe contamination. The California Aqueduct water contains a very high biological
load due to farming activities in the San Joaquin Valley, organic runoff and other sources. On the plus
side, the northern California water has a very low TDS and hardness rate. The processing costs of water
containing a high biological load are higher than their low-load equivalents.

Whats ur point ?

Please RE-READ ur text that was derived from this link BELOW (word for word-cut n paste)...study it up for a few weeks then lets pick up where U left off..Then hopefully we can discuss whether the fish are safe to eat not the differentials for costs of processing water from the colorado river as to nor-cal...I am aware there are zones of the duct that is fed from Colorado river water but thats the run that goes to DVL...thats a whole different topic altogether anyways...

[PDF] MWD's Diemer Water Filtration PlantFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
The California Aqueduct water contains a very high biological load due to farming activities in the San Joaquin Valley, organic runoff and other sources. On the plus side, the northern California water has a very low TDS and hardness rate. ... (3) Biological load is a serious problem in California Aqueduct water. ...
staffwww.fullcoll.edu/tmorris/lab/lab_manual/diemer.pdf - Similar

01-05-2011, 05:32 PM
Heres the HARD numbers on the monitoring of the Delta and California aqueduct.

Hardcore duct guys take note. Lots of info if you know what your looking for :-} Scroll down to the charts!


01-05-2011, 05:56 PM
Biological load = fish poop, decaying plant material etc..

TDS or Total Dissolved solids= sediment

All mother nature, just big words to sound SCARY

01-05-2011, 05:58 PM
Ignorance is bliss. Bon apetit!

01-05-2011, 06:13 PM
Ignorance is bliss. Bon apetit!
Why thank you....

Honestly, I felt I was a bit harsh on you in my last post, so in order to apologize, I'd like to have you over for dinner...

Please see below:

Please note that I DID create and write this recipe, not taken directly from the Julia Child handbook..

01-05-2011, 06:17 PM

Double A
01-05-2011, 06:23 PM
let him think what he wants... if he think's eating duct stripey's is harmfull, so be it

at least he releases ALL those DD's he's been rackin'

Bassnman Mike
01-05-2011, 07:03 PM
Please see below:

Please note that I DID create and write this recipe, not taken directly from the Julia Child handbook..

That looks tasty, I'll have to give it a try the next time I cook some up.

BTW, I know duct stripers are very tasty thanks to Yolo, thanks again buddy!

01-05-2011, 07:14 PM
No problem man. Enjoy them. That batter does look good.

01-05-2011, 07:48 PM
You need to remove those bloodlines, that's disgusting.

trail blazer
01-05-2011, 09:08 PM

BBHE,,,,,,,,,C,MONN ,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,are you really that sure of your info?,,Hope not




01-05-2011, 10:44 PM
That looks tasty, I'll have to give it a try the next time I cook some up.

BTW, I know duct stripers are very tasty thanks to Yolo, thanks again buddy!

Hmm, just Yolo huh? See if I give you any more duct striper or catfish :Rolls Eyes:

Bassnman Mike
01-06-2011, 05:41 AM
Hmm, just Yolo huh? See if I give you any more duct striper or catfish :Rolls Eyes:

DOH! I hadnt seen you post for awhile so I spaced it, sorry buddy.

Yes, thanks to Marine_Michael as well, I know that Aqueduct Fish are very tasty!

As to removing the red blood line, I always do, I also remove all of the red coloring in the meat because I always heard that is what your supposed to do.

01-06-2011, 06:02 AM
I remove as much as I can without spending a great deal of time on it.

Sometimes I don't remove it. Its really not that bad.

Others swear if you cut the gills on the striper there will be no bloodline.

Haven't tried it only because the mess it makes isn't worth the extra 20 seconds a fish it takes to cut the bloodline out IMHO

Bassnman Mike
01-06-2011, 06:08 AM
Others swear if you cut the gills on the striper there will be no bloodline.

Haven't tried it only because the mess it makes isn't worth the extra 20 seconds a fish it takes to cut the bloodline out IMHO

Thanks, I have to agree with you. I remember 1 time at Pyramid I tried bleeding out the stripers before throwing them in the ice chest. By the end of the day both my boat and I looked like a sceen from a horror movie, HA!

01-06-2011, 09:20 AM
I remove as much as I can without spending a great deal of time on it.

Sometimes I don't remove it. Its really not that bad.

Others swear if you cut the gills on the striper there will be no bloodline.

Haven't tried it only because the mess it makes isn't worth the extra 20 seconds a fish it takes to cut the bloodline out IMHO
Most times I DO cut the bloodline out, depends on the mood I’m in, the red meat really is very good for your body, it just tastes a bit gamey….

Like I say, depends on the mood I’m in…and also who may be eating with me..

Most Women do not like gamey things so when they eat with me I’ll remove it religiously…

Having a few cold ones with the boys….I’ll leave it in as they’ll devoure anything coming outa that deep fryer.

I’ve found that splitting the fillet down the middle lengthwise then trimming the red meat out works fairly easy….

Man, I’m getting hungry talking about it…

I tell you…beer battered then make a taco out of it with a little tarter and avocado….

Damn, I’m salivating…not to be confused with Cutbait’s lactating

01-06-2011, 09:37 AM
I suppose I should supply this step by step instructional too…for another species:
I guess I have the order reversed...catch fishee..then cook

Albert Fish
01-06-2011, 05:35 PM
I'd like to have you over for dinner...

Is that invitation open to all...? Because i could cook one hell of a roast.

trail blazer
01-06-2011, 06:18 PM
Most Women do not like gamey things so when they eat with me I’ll remove it religiously…

LMAO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,When yo say it like that it sounds like your doing an exorcism over your feesh to get the bloodline out!.


01-06-2011, 06:58 PM
I dismissed as a B.S. story as soon as I read women at his place!

01-07-2011, 06:42 AM
I always cut the gills. In does not remove the blood line but it does reduce the amount of blood in the meat and you don't get those black lines running through your now pure white fillets. Who cares if it makes a mess in the dirt. If your duct fishing your fish will be taking a dirt bath anyways, BLEED IT OUT!

01-07-2011, 12:13 PM
I dismissed as a B.S. story as soon as I read women at his place!LOL!

BigBassHogExpert... Stripers don't tolerate poor water quality. I always laugh when you worryworts warn me about this crap.. And even if the water WERE polluted, so effing what? I've eaten hundreds of huge croaker in my lifetime. I'm just fine. America worries to damn much. Some of you guys need to stop watching the news. :LOL:

01-07-2011, 10:00 PM
Stripers don't tolerate poor water quality? Wow, that's amazing considering the San Francisco Bay and San Joaquin/Sacramento River Delta - some of the most polluted water you will find anywhere - are literally infested with stripers. In fact, the California state record striper - 70.6 pounds - was caught in 2008 in the O'Neill Forebay which is fed by the Delta.

01-07-2011, 10:30 PM
ur all off striper are instant death even if u touch them dont waste ur time catching them, in fact they arent even real just photoshoped fakes,,, haha sorry im being a hater but this is one of the most retarded run ons ever... look at it like this gary lives on striper if it was bad to eat he would be dead,, sure he isnt much to look at but i dont blame the fish, if it was any worries they wouldnt allow fish to be taken from the duct,, they have enough bs pushing us out as it is,, lift the damn 2 fish 18 inch and let us eat some fictitous poisonous fish

01-07-2011, 10:33 PM
Dude, give it a rest already. Your pesticide/fertilized/ polluted BS theories just are annoying at this point. Noone believes a word your sayin and your just makin yourself look foolish.

Like smoke says, don't believe all the garbage you hear

01-07-2011, 11:15 PM
Stripers don't tolerate poor water quality? Wow, that's amazing considering the San Francisco Bay and San Joaquin/Sacramento River Delta - some of the most polluted water you will find anywhere - are literally infested with stripers. In fact, the California state record striper - 70.6 pounds - was caught in 2008 in the O'Neill Forebay which is fed by the Delta.Some of the most polluted water you'll find anywhere? Well in a sense, because of the sheer size of this river (the largest in california) by default it will obviously contain more pesticides, etc. HOWEVER, at the same time, these contaminants are heavily diluted to the point of posing very little threat towards humans.. Just like any other watershed.

You're acting like the sanfran delta and river are like the New-River. Lol.

01-07-2011, 11:26 PM
You're the one who said stripers "don't tolerate poor water quality," yet you admit the Delta "by default it will obviously contain more pesticides, etc." Which one is it? To all the hyper-defensive striper eating aqueduct advocates, all I can say is eat up.

01-07-2011, 11:44 PM
You're the one who said stripers "don't tolerate poor water quality," yet you admit the Delta "by default it will obviously contain more pesticides, etc." Which one is it? To all the hyper-defensive striper eating aqueduct advocates, all I can say is eat up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_of_quoting_out_of_context

You blatantly ignored this portion: "HOWEVER, at the same time, these contaminants are heavily diluted to the point of posing very little threat towards humans.. Just like any other watershed."

You've lost ALL credibility with this action. That was possibly the most dishonest thing i've seen on this forum.

01-08-2011, 12:15 AM
I didn't ignore anything. Your factually unsupported statement regarding "these contaminants are heavily diluted" etc., is just that - your specious allegation which has no basis in fact. By the way, I respectfully suggest to you that using all caps and bold font adds absolutely nothing to the cogency of your so-called "argument."

01-08-2011, 01:03 AM
I didn't ignore anything. Your factually unsupported statement regarding "these contaminants are heavily diluted" etc., is just that - your specious allegation which has no basis in fact. By the way, I respectfully suggest to you that using all caps and bold font adds absolutely nothing to the cogency of your so-called "argument." That's merely a means to make it easier to read. Akin to using a highlighter to point out certain sentences. But since it bothers you so much...


01-08-2011, 10:42 AM
Indeed, obfuscation is a very convenient, albeit spurious, scapegoat for lack of substance.

01-08-2011, 04:58 PM
Indeed, obfuscation is a very convenient, albeit spurious, scapegoat for lack of substance.Your masturcation is testicallent. I prolapsify your mammarity.


01-08-2011, 05:12 PM
Your masturcation is testicallent. I prolapsify your mammarity.


:LOL: Nice reference.

Die thread die...:Death2Above::Dead Horse::Spank:

Bassnman Mike
01-09-2011, 06:42 AM
Well now, this thread certainly got a little out of hand didnt it? Honestly, that was not my intention.

For the people that posted up answers to my original question, thanks, I appreciate the feedback.

Bottom line, I do know from personal experience that duct striper and catfish are tasty and I will continue to consume them.

01-09-2011, 10:03 AM
Well now, this thread certainly got a little out of hand didnt it? Honestly, that was not my intention.

For the people that posted up answers to my original question, thanks, I appreciate the feedback.

Bottom line, I do know from personal experience that duct striper and catfish are tasty and I will continue to consume them.

Careful, if you eat enough of them, after eating them for 10-15 years you might mutate slightly and develope a striper sense like Yolo.

01-09-2011, 10:50 AM
Caveat emptor.

Albert Fish
01-09-2011, 11:38 AM
i eat children for dinner......and it hasnt killed me so far....

01-09-2011, 11:47 AM
As long as the toddlers don't swim in the Bako/AV aqueduct, you should be fine.

01-09-2011, 12:14 PM
As long as the toddlers don't swim in the Bako/AV aqueduct, you should be fine.


Hey wait, Albert Fish might be serious :EyePop:

Who the heck names himself after such a disgusting character..................

Hamilton Howard "Albert" Fish[1] (May 19, 1870 – January 16, 1936) was an American serial killer. He was also known as the Gray Man, the Werewolf of Wysteria, the Brooklyn Vampire, and The Boogeyman.[4] A child rapist and cannibal, he boasted that he "had children in every state,"[4] and at one time put the figure at around 100. However, it is not clear whether he was talking about rapes or cannibalization, less still as to whether he was telling the truth. He was a suspect in at least five murders in his lifetime. Fish confessed to three murders that police were able to trace to a known homicide, and he confessed to stabbing at least two other people. He was put on trial for the kidnapping and murder of Grace Budd, and was convicted and executed by electric chair.[5][6]

By 1890, Fish had arrived in New York City, and he said he became a male prostitute. He also said he began raping young boys, a crime he kept committing even after his mother arranged a marriage.

In 1910, Fish committed what may have been his first attack on a child, Thomas Bedden, in Wilmington, Delaware.[13] Later, he stabbed a mentally challenged boy around 1919 in Georgetown, Washington, D.C..[14] Consistently, many of his intended victims would be either mentally challenged or African Americans, because he believed they would not be missed.

At the age of 55, Fish began to experience delusions and hallucinations that God commanded him to torture and castrate little boys.[10] Doctors said he suffered from a religious psychosis.

---I left out the worst of it. It's too sick to mention on this forum.:Rolls Eyes:


01-09-2011, 02:39 PM
Just as healthy and good as any other waters i would say.

01-09-2011, 08:34 PM
The things you learn on FNN. I need to make popcorn, too.

For BBHE, we get beaten to death every day by mainstream media over health threats and similar concerns. MANY of these "studies" are later found to be flawed or skewed to serve an agenda. Most people are SICK TO DEATH of being proselytized over water quality/health concerns from all quarters, myself among them. I don't believe much of it, anymore. Beliefs are touted as facts, wishful thinking is pimped as science, and agendas rule the day. Sick of it. BS--all of it.

01-10-2011, 09:48 AM
Oh god i ate a stripey from the duct up by my house now i have a third leg,,,,,man i wanted a third arm so i could reel two rods at one time,,,,,,,,,lol,,,,,,,,

01-10-2011, 09:53 AM
Oh god i ate a stripey from the duct up by my house now i have a third leg,,,,,man i wanted a third arm so i could reel two rods at one time,,,,,,,,,lol,,,,,,,,
Aawww come on Bob…we really know what U mean…

U want to hold Ur…

AND juggle YOUR....

With the third hand

01-10-2011, 11:09 AM
There is always ample support for the stick-your-head-in-the-sand philosophy since it is the path of least resistance.

01-10-2011, 11:15 AM
There is always ample support for the stick-your-head-in-the-sand philosophy since it is the path of least resistance.
Theres also one other GREAT philosophy..

"open mouth...insert foot"

01-10-2011, 05:09 PM
Jean-Paul Sartre right?

01-10-2011, 05:14 PM
Jean-Paul Sartre right?
born in Paris in 1905, studied at the École Normale Supérieure from 1924 to 1929 and became Professor of Philosophy at Le Havre in 1931. With the help of a stipend from the Institut Français he studied in Berlin (1932) the philosophies of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. After further teaching at Le Havre, and then in Laon, he taught at the Lycée Pasteur in Paris from 1937 to 1939. Since the end of the Second World War, Sartre has been living as an independent writer.

Sartre is one of those writers for whom a determined philosophical position is the centre of their artistic being. Although drawn from many sources, for example, Husserl's idea of a free, fully intentional consciousness and Heidegger's existentialism, the existentialism Sartre formulated and popularized is profoundly original. Its popularity and that of its author reached a climax in the forties, and Sartre's theoretical writings as well as his novels and plays constitute one of the main inspirational sources of modern literature. In his philosophical view atheism is taken for granted; the "loss of God" is not mourned. Man is condemned to freedom, a freedom from all authority, which he may seek to evade, distort, and deny but which he will have to face if he is to become a moral being. The meaning of man's life is not established before his existence. Once the terrible freedom is acknowledged, man has to make this meaning himself, has to commit himself to a role in this world, has to commit his freedom. And this attempt to make oneself is futile without the "solidarity" of others.

The conclusions a writer must draw from this position were set forth in "Qu'est-ce que la littérature?" (What Is Literature?), 1948: literature is no longer an activity for itself, nor primarily descriptive of characters and situations, but is concerned with human freedom and its (and the author's) commitment. Literature is committed; artistic creation is a moral activity.

01-10-2011, 05:19 PM
Your masturcation is testicallent. I prolapsify your mammarity.

Dayam...I must have missed this part while trying to skip through the commercials as I watched this comedy feature..


I wish I could have used those 50 cent words so elequently......Touche'...

Well Done....well done !

More...PLEASE !

01-10-2011, 05:23 PM
I'm more of a Nihilist myself.

01-10-2011, 05:37 PM
I'm more of a Nihilist myself.

awwww...come ON !

MORE Google Please....more !

But this time PLEASE goggle up some pertinent fishing info....such as:

Hey guys....I caught a fishee once....!

I used a hook...

It pulled and tugged.....and I ...I.....I....I Caught it !

Oh yeah....I used a....a....a....a....long bendy thing....I think it's a ...a...a....a....a...a....Pole...

Can U please google me up some info on downrigging...I thinking of buying a downrigger setup....

I cannot think of a better person to turn to to look for information on the internet...

Maybe U can find someone elses article on how to use them......

Or wait.....Maybe you've used them for those bass-hoggs ?

On a serious note: what the hell are you doing on a fishing site anyways ?

01-10-2011, 05:39 PM
The things you learn on FNN. I need to make popcorn, too.

For BBHE, we get beaten to death every day by mainstream media over health threats and similar concerns. MANY of these "studies" are later found to be flawed or skewed to serve an agenda. Most people are SICK TO DEATH of being proselytized over water quality/health concerns from all quarters, myself among them. I don't believe much of it, anymore. Beliefs are touted as facts, wishful thinking is pimped as science, and agendas rule the day. Sick of it. BS--all of it.

Preach mutha' flower...Preach !

So true...so true !

Man this is the case for quite some time

01-10-2011, 06:24 PM
There was once a man who liked ta fish
There was also an internet troll….who lika’ ta Biatch

The fisherman casted
The other one internet blasted

Till one day:…… the internet went out………………

And then:……

The fisherman went and fished as he stood in the sand !
The other one stood at home…..with his *%$# in his hand

The fisherman used his lures as tools
The other individual just simply acted the fool

As he dug himself deeper…………………..and deeper and deeper

One day:……
……on came a light.. (insert light bulb over the head photo)

The internet troll who had previously dug his own hole
Wanted to try and catch some of those fish…rather than…Biatch

He suddenly wanted satisfaction….
But where to go..? where to go? to get in on the action ?

The fish were on the bite
But with all that previous internet spite
No one would help that poor poor lil ol’ troll

One of the two who previously acted the fool, asked bout the bite but was returned simply with internet spite..

So a fishee’ he did not catch…..


01-10-2011, 07:04 PM
Actually, I caught a pig cabezon on my lunch break today at MDR. I was going to post up a glory shot in front of my garage until I realized it was out of season, so I had to let it go.

01-11-2011, 06:36 AM
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c177/smokehound/DCFC0063jpg.jpgOMG! Guyz itz troo! Look at this striperlol! The pollutions! PHEAR THEM!

Check out my new sig, guyz

01-11-2011, 07:05 AM
Yeah but he can't post pics or reports cause he said he doesn't want to get spot burned. Yeah that spot on the couch with the laptop must be a heck of a honey hole?

01-11-2011, 08:11 AM
Yeah but he can't post pics or reports cause he said he doesn't want to get spot burned. Yeah that spot on the couch with the laptop must be a heck of a honey hole?

Rumor has it that his bait of choice is raisins and cashews from between the cushions.

01-11-2011, 08:21 AM
Oh post the link to that drama will ya smoke?

01-11-2011, 08:26 AM

01-11-2011, 08:35 AM
Its a Fight, its a fight, its a ,,,,, ah never mind.........

01-11-2011, 09:04 AM
Begin here...


Then look over the last 5 or so threads...


01-11-2011, 09:18 AM
Actually, I caught a pig cabezon on my lunch break today at MDR. I was going to post up a glory shot in front of my garage until I realized it was out of season, so I had to let it go.
Ohhh Please...thats the BEST you can do......why don't you drill in deeper and post some bat ray shots too.....you better try harder cause you don't even mildly amuse....

How bout posting a couple pics of those fingerlings your are catching at that local golf course....or wait a minute...

I got a GRAND idea...how about posting ANY fish that you've caught...

Come on man...POOR attempt at intelect....google up some more...PLEASE !

Albert Fish
01-11-2011, 10:45 AM

I wouldnt eat you if you were the last pigeon breathing,

probably too polluted with search engines and cholesterol.

01-11-2011, 11:10 AM
I'm more of a Nihilist myself.

A Nihilist, and a preservationist simultaneously. Sounds very conflicted.

01-11-2011, 02:28 PM
Actually, I caught a pig cabezon on my lunch break today at MDR. I was going to post up a glory shot in front of my garage until I realized it was out of season, so I had to let it go.

Does anybody here know you? Maybe you could find someone to vouch for you.

01-11-2011, 02:30 PM

01-11-2011, 08:03 PM
Albert Fish - you really seem like a mentally and physically disturbed individual, so I just want to let you know that nothing I've said is personal in regards to you. Fair enough?

01-12-2011, 12:26 AM

01-12-2011, 09:56 PM
I don't know Albert, all that smoking has probably done enough damage. Also, all the ink was probably done with some dirty needles, so a latent case of hepatitis is always a possibility.

01-13-2011, 08:00 AM
DIFFERENT WATER SOURCES: The two aqueduct systems that serve the MWD differ widely in water
quality parameters. Water from the Colorado River, although typically high in TDS and hardness, is low in
“biological load” or microbe contamination. The California Aqueduct water contains a very high biological
load due to farming activities in the San Joaquin Valley, organic runoff and other sources. On the plus
side, the northern California water has a very low TDS and hardness rate. The processing costs of water
containing a high biological load are higher than their low-load equivalents.

Ok,,, What are the odds this ''Donkey'' doent even fish ???

01-13-2011, 11:31 PM
Ok,,, What are the odds this ''Donkey'' doent even fish ???100/100 :LOL:

It's fishingnewbie back for more douchetardedness. Ninja-Flatheading the duct :LOL:

01-14-2011, 12:04 AM


i want me some stripey now. who wants to navigate my boat around Castaic/Pyramid and put me on some feeshies?

01-14-2011, 12:24 AM


i want me some stripey now. who wants to navigate my boat around Castaic/Pyramid and put me on some feeshies?Go on, hogexpert, show him where the stripers are :LOL:

01-14-2011, 11:55 AM
Go on, hogexpert, show him where the stripers are :LOL:
Make sure U use a blindfold so U don't give up all those internet hot spots....oop's I mean hot spots on the water....

01-15-2011, 10:45 AM
Aren't you late for a Marijuana legalization rally somewhere Dopehound?

01-15-2011, 12:55 PM
Aren't you late for a Marijuana legalization rally somewhere Dopehound?I'm a little drained after last November's. I think we ALL are. Phew.