View Full Version : Lake Mission Viejo

12-09-2010, 09:54 PM
The LMV opener was on November 20th when 8,000lbs of trout were planted that Wednesday before the opener. I didn't fish (always crowded on opening day) the opener but stopped by later on to check things out. It was pouring rain and all boat rentals were out to my surprise.

I went the following Tuesday (11/23) and landed 3, my brother landed 3, and my guest landed 4. Myself and brother missed a few fish. The fish were all caught in Market Cove and it just got hammered within the first few days after the opener. All fish were caught on green powerbait.

The lake was stocked with 4,500lbs of Mt. Lassen for our first LMV trout tourney on Saturday December 4, 2010. It took me a few hours to find the fish but I eventually caught 4. Didn't take many pictures on these outings. Tortilla Flats was the hot spot in 10 feet of water. They bit anything and everything as long as the schools of fish went by you. It was easy pickings. Some LMV friends were done in 20 minutes so they went home to eat breakfast. The fish are all awesome quality with many fish in the 2lb - 3lb weight range. Most weights in the tourney were 6.5 - 10lbs for 4 fish limit. My 4 fish weighed 7.85lbs.

Time to go back. This time took some pics of the fish quality.

Lake Mission Viejo 12/7/2010

I don’t know what it is with some of you saltwater guys! You try to go trout fishing and you can’t catch one to save your life. A friend of mine has been to LMV twice and still hasn’t caught a trout yet. Simon brought his cousin Jason along and he is more of a saltwater guy. You know a saltwater guy is in the boat because they miss every fish. I joked with Simon and said you grab the rod next time.

Simon texted me on Monday and asked if I was up to fishing Lake Mission Viejo? I didn’t plan on fishing, as looking for full time office work is my primary goal right now. My unemployment benefits will end soon. He was gonna go to Santa Ana River Lakes but that place got hammered from an FNN event on Sunday. The FNN event was for such a great cause too. I wanted to go but came down with a really bad cold on Thanksgiving day. This cold still hasn't gone away 100% yet.

The fishing was good at one point and then it died. We made a total of 6 different moves in order to find the fish. We were in the correct spot to begin with but we didn’t cast close enough to the wall. We were too far back. So we tried another spot for 1 fish and a few missed bites. Some guys were catching fish in the north swimebeach area. Not the swimbeach again!!

We went back to the Tortilla Flats area an anchored closer. It busted wide open for us on any bait used. Every time I looked over Jason was bit. The only problem was he swung and missed on every fish. Simon caught 4 fish and I caught 2 on a Kastmaster. These Mt. Lassen fish like Kastmasters of any color. My other fish came on an orange powerworm, white poweregg, #8 Owner Mosquito hook, 4lb line, on a 3 foot leader. I lost a fish (came off at the boat) that appeared to be in or over the 4lb range. It kept taking drag and the drag was not loose at all. I couldn’t budge the fish up fast enough as it wrapped Jason’s line.

All of a sudden the bite sorta goes dead. As we were catching fish on nearly every cast, some couple anchored over to our left side. They were 45 yards from us to our right but got jealous of our constant fish hooking that they moved in on us. After they started casting the cast-a-bubble- with powerbait, it was like the school got spooky. They landed about 5 fish but kept throwing over us. When they arrived I stopped throwing the Kastmaster as to not cross their lines. I would have caught a limit easily.

It doesn’t seem to amaze me what others do when it comes to trout fishing. They’ll do anything to catch a fish regardless if it inconveniences you. We were anchored 15 yards away from the wall when another boat went on by with pure ignorance. At one point Jason was on a fish when a boat with 2 older guys came along. Rather than go behind us, they pretty much went straight over our lines 15 yards away from us. Jason lost the fish (it came off) as the boat neared his hooked fish. I didn’t say anything to any of these people. They are out to fish like everyone else but they need to use their heads for once. Just when you thought stupidity was at a boat launching ramp you witness this.

The area we fished was clobbered on Sunday. My brother caught his limit in an hour but said the area had about 30-40 boats all around it. So far this season at LMV the weekend fishing has been busy. I haven’t seen it this busy in quite a long time. The lake had only a few rented boats out and it was a really quiet day on the water.

Next Wednesday December 15, 2010, LMV will have a stocking of 4,500lbs of Nebraska. The first stocking of these bad boys last year were really big fish. Most of them were 3-4lbs with many in the 5-7lb range.

Good fishing and go get em!!

David caught this largemouth bass on a jigged powermouse in the back of Market Cove.
Simon on some fish.
David on a fish.
Our fish.

This picture below was taken by Simon after he filleted them at home.

Look at the salmon color in these fillets. The meat inside of the Nebraska trout looks like this also. Doesn’t that look very tasty? The lake staff said that the first 2 stockings were from Mt. Lassen. Look at the bright red stripe on the fish fillet. Quality and great tasting fish right there!!

12-10-2010, 03:15 AM
Great report . I enjoyed the read and updates from LMV . I got to fish that place one day .:Wink:

12-10-2010, 08:50 PM
Great job BigBass777! Some of those trout pull drag like a freight train. I usually lose those ones too.
Agree on people not thinking when they fish - had several boats pull up right over where I was casting to. I think you're more polite than I am.

12-10-2010, 09:25 PM
I am headed out tomorrow 12/11 morning... I hope I do as good as you did :-) thanks for the info.

12-10-2010, 10:25 PM
Fish on the weekdays, then there's a chance you will get your spot for an hour or so. Or come up to Cachuma, where there aren't more then 10 boats on the lake most of the time.