View Full Version : 12-5-2010 a great day

12-06-2010, 12:44 PM
OK so i picked up my friend veronica at 330 to head down to the lake. got in line at about 4ish and with in a few minutes koshaw (i hope i spelled that right) pulled up behind us spent a few minutes chatting with him and then it was time to go and check in and veronica was a little mad at me because she was was warm and sleeping and dint want to get up but she got over it when we got our new T57/FNN shirts. Thank you dona for the shirts.

FLash forward it is now 6:15 or so and im getting our lines in the water and veronica is still sleeping in the car. So i get our lines all set up and out i was running two power-mouse combos and two pb. One of the poll holders was really low and had the handle of the reel in the dirt so walked up to the car to get a different one to change out and my friend Eric calls me to tell me him and the guys are barely leaving our neighborhood to head to the lake ( The wussed out 3:30 am was to early for them). so after talking a bit of crap to him i go to change out the rod holder and the pole to my left starts to dance so pick it up wait for the perfect time and swing BOOOM FISH ON YEAH BABY. Just my luck my net is up the hill still collapsed siting on top of my car so im fighting the fish yelling " RONNIE GET UP........ RONNIE ........ WAKE UP DAMN YOU" lucky my neighbor to the right seen or more likely heard me and came over and did a great job netting the fish:Fishing Catch:. Thank you so much im sorry i dint get your name. The fish according to my cheap wal-mart scale was 3.5 and is a New PB for me last year i had a fish go for 3lb on the same cheap wal-mart scale

After landing the fish i it was now about 6:30ish so i gave my friend Eric a call to tell him and the guys to hurry the F up cuz i just caught a fish on one of the pole that they would of been using but since they weren't here it is my fish. After a few more minutes of rubbing it in his face:Neener Neener: one of the other poles starts dancing so i hang up on him mid sentence and run down the hill and well i farmed the fish.

Its about 730 and my friends finally show up and the first beer gets cracked at 7:30:01:Food: we spent the morning with high hopes of more fish and a lot of ish talking:Argument:. Oh and veronica finally woke up. we dint get any more hits for the rest of the morning but we got to watch the lip ripper pro staff slay them over near the outlet:Thumbs Up: and it looked and sounded like every one around the lake was get bit every now and then.

lunch time rolled around and i would like to give a big BIGGGGG THANK YOU VERY MUCH to the SARL staff for the burger chips and soda it was wonder full.

With our burgers in hand we head back to the poles and right around 12:30 my 5' ugly stick with pb on that i specially designated as Eric's pole the night before ( i told him that was his to use because know he is not a fishermen he would be embarrassed:Embarrassed: using a little pole and his embarrassment brings me joy) started to dance by the time he got down the hill the fish was gone AWWWW:Bawling: and that was our last bite for the day. how ever we were still given a great show by the Lip ripperz pro staff, they were catching fish at will.

her is a pic of my friend veronica with my new pb fish. me and the guy who took the pic for the SARL web site both agreed it would be better if she held up the fish instead of me

12-06-2010, 12:53 PM
o almost forgot at the raffle veronica got a nice ul pole and chilax gave me the ul ploe that he had won thanks very much Buddie, and my friend Emilio won the absolutely cuties lil kids pole it was great. the raffle was really fun and there was some great stuff given out thank you to all the sponsors who donated. i had a look in the back of the truck there was a ton of cans probably more like 2 tons.

It was a great event i really would like to thank every one who helped put this event together and i also would like to thank SARL and there Staff they really came through on this event for all of us and i cant wait for our next event

12-06-2010, 12:56 PM
nice report Im sorry I didnt to meet you I was fishing over by the scca motor home

12-06-2010, 01:05 PM
Glad you had a good time and thank you for coming out and hanging with our family.


12-06-2010, 01:07 PM
sounds like I was on the wrong end of the lake all day. LOL.

12-06-2010, 03:31 PM
sounds like I was on the wrong end of the lake all day. LOL.

lol yea the lip ripperz pro staff was in the spot i wanted to try to get but i probably still wouldn't of done anywhere near as good as they did if i would of got the spot. the guys who were fishing to my left ninja fished that spot while every one was up at the raffle. when he told me that's what they did i kicked my self i should of just done the same. that spot was on fire the lip ripperz guys were literally taking turns catching fish cuz they had to cast around a fence and there was only room for one guy at a time.

nice report Im sorry I didn't to meet you I was fishing over by the scca motor home

o cool how did you guys do over there. yea man to bad we did run across each other but as soon as i got funds to hit the water ill let you know

Glad you had a good time and thank you for coming out and hanging with our family.


thanks for having us it was a fun day

12-06-2010, 03:35 PM
yesterday was my first day at SARL, had no idea where the good areas were. Saw quite a few come in off the left side (as you approached from the enterance) and saw the other end getting good action. I was by the end closest to the enterance. All day long saw trout coming to the surface and even saw one jump a full foot out of the water no more than 10 ft from shore. No matter how close in I fished it didn't seem to matter. But like my sig says, a bad day fishing is still better than a good day working LOL. Plan to try that place again but first have to beat my skunk at Eldo.

12-06-2010, 03:42 PM
yesterday was my first day at SARL, had no idea where the good areas were. Saw quite a few come in off the left side (as you approached from the enterance) and saw the other end getting good action. I was by the end closest to the enterance. All day long saw trout coming to the surface and even saw one jump a full foot out of the water no more than 10 ft from shore. No matter how close in I fished it didn't seem to matter. But like my sig says, a bad day fishing is still better than a good day working LOL. Plan to try that place again but first have to beat my skunk at Eldo.

yea that was only my 3 time there and from other peoples reports i new that corner near the outlet was a good spot and it makes since cuz there is a bit of a current and where ever there is a current you can be assured the trout will be there facing in to it.

12-06-2010, 03:56 PM
yeah I should have been down on that end. Also noticed that the stocking rig is down on that end. Fish probably hadn't really moved far from that part yet. Oh well, live and learn. Was still a great day for a great cause and I'm glad the rain held off.

12-06-2010, 04:14 PM
damn... to bad i had to work... oh well i go this weekends trout derby