View Full Version : A huge thank you for team57 - wow you went above and beyond today!!

12-05-2010, 05:02 PM
Dear Team57 Members, the Management at Santa Ana River Lakes would like to extend a heart felt HUGE THANK YOU for all of your generous support for the Eli Home Food Drive held at the Lake today. You guys and gals went above a beyond the call of duty. Your generous donations of food and other supplies will be greatly appreciated by so many in need, especially this time of the year, and i am sure you will be greatly awarded by the fish gods :) for all you did today. The event was a huge success, a lot of fun and a bunch of real quality trout were caught by all. This was the first, for this kind of event, and we guarantee it won't be the last. 200 people signed up for the event an we actually had more than that attend, which never happens. It was very rewarding to see all of the help and support the Team57 members offered to the Eli Home families and kids that attended. You guys helped them catch their very first fish, and it was great to see them win a lot of the fantastic raffle prizes that were so generously donated by many of the members and sponsors. This was a day that these kids will remember for the rest of their life, and I'm sure they are future Team57 members. Eli Home was absolutely blown away by Team57 and so are we. Lastly, I know that Dana was with us in spirit today and i am sure that he could not have been prouder of Donna for pulling of such a fantastic event and continuing the Team57 legacy. We took a tons of great photos and lots of video and we will produce a video of the event and post it on our website, http://www.fishinglakes.com, on FNN and on our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/fishinglakesdotcom where you will be able to find your photo and print it out. Lastly, Donna and I discussed having our next Team57 event as an overnight event at Corona Lake where Team57 will have the whole Lake exclusively. If that sounds like fun let her know and we will do it.



12-05-2010, 05:19 PM
THANK YOU for hosting our event.....I can't wait to write up this report!


12-05-2010, 05:22 PM
it was a great day the fishing was a bit slow for my little group of friends but wee seen tons of fish being caught and we had a blast thanks for the good times SARL

12-05-2010, 05:28 PM
Thank you Sarl and all the sponsors . It was a nice day at the lake with Team 57 :Big Grin:

12-05-2010, 07:14 PM
I had a blast! lets do this again. Thanks to all.

12-05-2010, 07:29 PM
wow, what a great day of fishing ,my two sisters and i had a blast ,My younger sister hooked and brought in a nice 2lb tailwalker ,while i was winning a nice rod at the raffle. total 11 trout at 21lbs ,Thanks to all , cant wait for the next event, good job TEAM 57.

12-05-2010, 08:07 PM
Excellent day at Chris's Pond with Team57, saw lots of fat tailwalkers landed....thank you for a fun day fishing with friends for a GREAT cause! :Thumbs Up:


Greg Madrigal
12-05-2010, 09:12 PM
A great time out there today! Thanks for hosting! Donna did a GREAT job on this event, along with her possee. Wingy-Great seeing you-You were in your zone today-Cool to see. The list of attendees was too big to list! It was something else to see the Team 57 support out there today! There was Team 57 Garb EVERYWHERE at SARL today! Amazing support for a great cause.

I overheard Wingnut and Donna talking. I'll paraphrase: Donna, "I hope Dana would be proud of me." Wingnut, "Are you kidding? He's jealous, and pissed! (because it was such a success!)" LOL!

That pretty much sums it up!:)


12-05-2010, 10:55 PM
Great day in deed............:Surprised:

12-05-2010, 11:07 PM
What a fantastic Team 57 event. This is one for the record books and it’s only going to get BETTER from here! :Big Grin:

Craig, you and your staff were exceptionally accomodating to the needs of our members. From the extra stockings of fish, to the food preparation, to the assistance with the raffle, SARL got it right and we appreciate it very much! :Cool:

More to say when Donna put up her report of the event!

12-06-2010, 09:14 AM
Had a great time and it was a fantastic event. Look forward to going again and hope to meet more of you. Look forward to the next event.

12-06-2010, 09:17 AM
I had some last minute stuff come up and had to miss this event. Glad to see everyone had a good time! Im going to take the 10 cans of food I bought for the food drive and donate them this weekend @ the "other lake".

Props to SARL for hosting, you guys deserve a big "Thank You"! :Applause:


12-06-2010, 02:43 PM
Thank you Santa Ana Lake for hosting the event, thank you to all the sponsors. WAY TO GO Team57 on all the donations and all the people who participated. Great event indeed.

Fat Tony
12-06-2010, 03:12 PM
Thank you S.A.R.L for everything.The fishing was good from what I saw,you just had to be in the right spot.I really enjoyed the food it was good.Indeed:Big Grin:

12-06-2010, 04:20 PM
Props to SARL.. You stepped up to the plate and it won't be forgotten. Very impressed with the load you dumped for us Team 57 Members. Can't wait to get out there again ... Props

12-06-2010, 05:20 PM
Wow this was a fun event thank you Donna and wingnut and most of all Sarl did a great job cooking and stocking Chris's Pond with some great fighting fish to make this event a super event...........

12-06-2010, 07:46 PM
Craig, it was very nice to get to talk with you again and I just want to say thank you for hosting the Team 57 event. I was very happy to see that we could all come together in support of the Eli home. It was a great success!

Big Daddy
12-06-2010, 08:02 PM
Man Sarl what a great day, sorry I had to miss this one it was one for the Record Books.

Donna, Wing-Nut and the rest of the Sponsors, Donators, Team 57 member's, Future Members and of Course Craig Elliot and the rest of SARL Staff all of you did an out standing job.:Applause:

Thanks for all of the pictures.

Dana "Fisherman 57" was indeed Proud of All of you this day.:Big Grin:

12-06-2010, 09:16 PM
Donna and I discussed having our next Team57 event as an overnight event at Corona Lake where Team57 will have the whole Lake exclusively. If that sounds like fun let her know and we will do it.
Sign me up

I Would like to say thanks to SARL for hosting a great event, also thanks to the sponsors. It was a great time out with fellow T57 members. can't wait for the next event.

12-07-2010, 08:11 PM
Thank you Craig and all your staff for hosting another great team-57 event at your lake, and also that Mike for cooking up some great hamburgers for lunch.

Trout Nine
12-07-2010, 08:42 PM
Thanks s.a.r.l donna and team 57 family for this wonderful event cant wait
till the next 1.

12-09-2010, 07:19 PM
