View Full Version : going to school(past highschool)

12-02-2010, 10:14 PM
Hey guys I was just wondering what job opertunitys are available for fishing. Like being a skipper or DFG and what schooling is needed? just wondering:Confused:

Big B
12-02-2010, 10:50 PM
Well for the DFG i would say at least a BS in Biology and courses in Criminal justice also. Your best bet is to talk to the DFG. As far as Becomming a Capitan you need to put the time in on the sportboats and work your way through every job on the boat and take the Coast Gaurd Catains exams. This article will give you a pretty good Idea what it takes for a Capitans License. http://saltfishing.about.com/od/chartersandguides/a/aa061017a.htm
Godd Luck to You!
tight Lines

12-03-2010, 07:44 PM
Go to Cal Maritime

Located in Vallejo, California, The California Maritime Academy (Cal Maritime) is a unique and specialized campus of The California State University that offers students bachelor’s degrees in international business and logistics, facilities engineering technology, global studies and maritime affairs, marine engineering technology, marine transportation, and mechanical engineering. Cal Maritime is one of only seven degree-granting maritime academies in the United States — and the only one on the West Coast.

A specialized education combining classroom instruction, experiential learning, and professional development, prepares students for successful careers in international business and logistics, maritime policy, engineering, technology, or in the maritime and transportation industries. International travel, training, and experiences — including a two-month international training cruise onboard the Training Ship GOLDEN BEAR — prepare students in fields that are increasingly global in nature.

Cal Maritime is committed to being a leading educational institution recognized for excellence in the business, engineering, operations, and policy of the transportation and related industries of the Pacific Rim and beyond.



Trout 1
12-03-2010, 08:56 PM
Im planning on being a Fish and Wildlife Tech. then going from there to a Game Warden. I already have haters on my back because i want to be a warden, but they can hate all they want! heres the link for Fish and Game Careers http://www.dfg.ca.gov/jobs/careers/

ghetto dad
12-04-2010, 12:46 PM
I hate to say it..but to be honest, I would stay away from sportfishing industry. Unfortunately, its dying out, between all the restrictions (more to come im sure), economy, etc, its VERY hard to make a living at it anymore, not like it used to be.

DRs reply about Cal Maritime is a great idea, I have had quite a few friends attend that school, and are making great money. The maritime industry, as far as I know, is still great. But be prepared to be away for 3-6 months at a time, but its a great life for the single person...make great money..travel..etc...

DFG is also a great idea....also have you ever thought of coast guard?

Good luck with whatever you do.....

12-04-2010, 06:44 PM
Im planning on being a Fish and Wildlife Tech. then going from there to a Game Warden. Andrew

I have some friend that went to Cal Maritime too. One is a boarding agent now and another is on the Scripps 300' research vessel. The thing about Wardens is demand ? Last I heard they were getting unpaid furlough days off. Might be tough getting a job. Also whats the pay ?

Googled this. Medium pay is $23 a hour ? That's not much nowadays.

You couldn't buy much a house in So Cal with that. Sounds like alot for you young guys but you could make more in other trades that have more job offers. I know electricians in thier 20's making $23 a hour. But then again you would get good benifits with the state untill Calif goes bankrupt. Not to sound negative but look at supply and demand and wages.

Fish and Game Wardens

Employment (1) Employment
RSE (3) Mean hourly
wage Mean annual
wage (2) Wage RSE (3)
7,530 0.6 % $26.42 $54,950 0.5 %

Percentile wage estimates for this occupation:

Percentile 10% 25% 50%
(Median) 75% 90%
Hourly Wage $14.87 $17.94 $23.46 $28.90 $42.85
Annual Wage (2) $30,920 $37,310 $48,800 $60,110 $89,130


Find a rich girl and marry her :Thumbs Up:
Then go fishing whenever you want.
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y26/__parishilton/paris%20hilton%20and%20nicole%20richie/4501960.png Paris Hilton is single.
Working sucks :Head Bang:

Good Luck, DR

Trout 1
12-04-2010, 09:53 PM
I have some friend that went to Cal Maritime too. One is a boarding agent now and another is on the Scripps 300' research vessel. The thing about Wardens is demand ? Last I heard they were getting unpaid furlough days off. Might be tough getting a job. Also whats the pay ?

Googled this. Medium pay is $23 a hour ? That's not much nowadays.

You couldn't buy much a house in So Cal with that. Sounds like alot for you young guys but you could make more in other trades that have more job offers. I know electricians in thier 20's making $23 a hour. But then again you would get good benifits with the state untill Calif goes bankrupt. Not to sound negative but look at supply and demand and wages.

Fish and Game Wardens

Employment (1) Employment
RSE (3) Mean hourly
wage Mean annual
wage (2) Wage RSE (3)
7,530 0.6 % $26.42 $54,950 0.5 %

Percentile wage estimates for this occupation:

Percentile 10% 25% 50%
(Median) 75% 90%
Hourly Wage $14.87 $17.94 $23.46 $28.90 $42.85
Annual Wage (2) $30,920 $37,310 $48,800 $60,110 $89,130


Find a rich girl and marry her :Thumbs Up:
Then go fishing whenever you want.
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y26/__parishilton/paris%20hilton%20and%20nicole%20richie/4501960.png Paris Hilton is single.
Working sucks :Head Bang:

Good Luck, DR

Yeah I totally see what your saying, I have done alot of research on it. Im leaning more toward the Fish and Wildlife tech. but i cant seem to fish what they make a year....


murrieta angler
12-05-2010, 07:56 AM
Hey guys I was just wondering what job opertunitys are available for fishing. Like being a skipper or DFG and what schooling is needed? just wondering:Confused:

What's Up!
Don't forget, if you did become a DFG officer, it doesn't ensure you to coastal duties. You could wind up in the middle of the desert....just saying

12-07-2010, 07:15 PM
Press Telegram Labor Shortage in good paying jobs.
Another reason for any young guy to go to Cal Maritime. Hit the High Seas and make some cash.

The truckers are hurting and costs of a green Port legal rig is high. Leases are $1000 a month for a rig + insurance, fuel.
Some of the truckers pay $2500 average for a new truck payment + insuarnce, fuel.
If you can drive for a company that furnishes a rig it's better. DR

Merchant Marine website.


Press Telegram
Where the jobs are
Posted: 12/06/2010 07:17:44 PM PSTUpdated: 12/06/2010 07:18:36 PM PST

News flash One: The national unemployment rate is stubbornly high, even higher in California, and higher yet in LA County.

News flash Two: Shipping companies are having trouble finding enough people to train for jobs, and trucking companies are having a hard time filling jobs. Which is true?

Both. Unemployment is a huge problem, and the prospects for many of those who have lost jobs isn't great. But at the same time, many jobs for highly skilled or even moderately skilled workers have few takers.

The International Maritime Organization recently said it expected a shortfall of 27,000 to 47,000 ships' officers in the near future, and the industry worldwide is having trouble training enough candidates to fill the void. Shortages are occurring in the shipping industry and international trade just as business starts to pick up again.

The trucking industry has had problems for some time. Dick Metzler, chief marketing officer of Texas-based Greatwide Logistics Service, said his trucking company is having a hard time replacing drivers who retire from its staff of 5,000.

The number of containers passing through the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles jumped 25.6 percent in September compared to a year ago, which translates to an upswing for the logistics industry.

The severe recession here and around the world caused contractions in some industries more than others, but most of all it hurt lower-skilled workers. The unemployment rate hardly rose at all for those with college educations and specialized skills.

But that point conceals another part of the picture. Even in the best of circumstances, having just any old college degree is going to mean little in the changing economy. Nations have become much more interdependent, and increasing competition will force changes in the job market here and elsewhere.

Fast-growing firms in Silicon Valley long have complained that they couldn't find candidates to fill jobs for computer engineers and other fields requiring high levels of specialized training or education. They would like to recruit in other countries, but our nation's immigration policies allow unskilled workers to sneak across the border yet choke off immigration of the skilled and highly educated.

Those immigration policies show no sign of changing soon. But students, and many of the unemployed, will have a better chance to shape their destinies if they acquire training and education and go where the jobs are.

Silicon Valley is an obvious opportunity. But don't forget the shipping and logistics businesses closer to home.
