View Full Version : Turkey Bowl 3 @ "the Vine" - 11-20-10

11-20-2010, 11:15 PM
In spite of the bad weather forecast for the day I was anxiously awaiting the Turkey Bowl 3 all week. I arrived at the lake around 5am to a light drizzle. Got everthing ready and waited for the pedestrian gate to open. When it did Thisfool and I headed for the tackle shop and ran in to Hitts, TD, Frenchy, and others having some breakfast. Said our good mornings and headed back out to wait for the mains gates to open.

The rain was steady for most the morning. We braved the rain and it payed off as I ended the day with a nice crappie (1lb 4oz) and 2 trout and Thisfool with 3 trout all caught trolling various colour Rapala CD03 & CD05's dipped/soaked in Bite-On Garlic.

1lb 4oz slab
Our fish for the day

We had had enough of the cold, wet weather and everyone must have been feeling the same way because all the Team57 members started gathering early to fill our cold bellies with some hot food.

Thanksgiving Team57 style!!!

Chilax Famous Ceviche with Tapatio of course!!!


Iron Chef Maverick!!!

Award time!!!

I really like this one...

and now on the the BIG award!!!

and the winner is...

and now on to the raffle. Heres a few pics of all the winners...

Mav ended up winning a real nice Phenix rod but decided Christmas would come early for one happy angler this year!

Best pic of the day!!!

Big thanx to all those that showed up and made this event possible and a special thanx to "the Vine" for being host to another epic "unofficial" Team57 event. Hope to see you all @ the Turkey Bowl 4 next year!


PS - a few of the pics came out alittle blurry for some reason, guess my camera didn't like the moisture or something. Christmas is coming soon! Hope my Wife reads this. :Wink:

11-21-2010, 02:20 AM
Man I really wish I had made it out to this! Next time for sure. Glad you guys had a good time.

11-21-2010, 06:27 AM
Great report Steve! Im still tired as hell.I didnt get tire until like 8:30pm after I got home.
So much fun in the rain. I didnt think the rain was so much fun besides when I was a kid.
Great grub,great raffle,great people,great team ! Fishing was tuff from shore,but it all evened out at the end!! Thanks for everyone who made it out and held thier post in signing up !! See you guys on the 5th !!:Singing In Rain::Singing In Rain:

El Capo
11-21-2010, 06:56 AM
Man I really wish I had made it out to this! Next time for sure. Glad you guys had a good time.

Same here, I really had no idea it was going on, that tells me I am not paying attention.

11-21-2010, 08:17 AM
Looks like those of you that showed up had a good time. Congrats to all the winners . Nice going Omar & Armondo . That turkey looks great

11-21-2010, 11:05 AM
Great report steve! it was a great event i knocked out right after i got home and showered. Food was great!!! whoever couldn't make it I'm sorry you had to miss out on all the great food!

11-21-2010, 12:54 PM
Steve you did it again fishing was tuff but you found us fish
:UDaMan:YOU DA MAN:UDaMan: thanks for the good fishing Steve.

it was great to see every one and that was a really good raffle i think every one won something. The food was just incredible Chilax'es cevihce was off the hook like always. 2quick's deep fried turkey just made all the great turkey i had in the past look bad. BOberboys pulled pork was incredible.

now after all that food talk im going to go cook my trout. once again thanks steve YOU DA MAN

11-21-2010, 12:55 PM
o i almost forgot.

thank you Donna for our awesome Team 57 shirts that shirt was the best it was so nice to have something dry to wear home.

See Chris Fish
11-21-2010, 05:38 PM
That was a lot of fun.
The campfire in the rain on friday night. Good friends, cold beer, TroutDog pizza delivery service when the hunger set in.
The sounds of nature and tires skreeching and car parts smashing.

TEAM 57-----RESUCE 911!!!!!!!!
Did you fellows see the size of the rabbit?!?!?!?! LMAO

Weather was cold and rainy. Some moments of downpours. Rental boat had about 4-5 inches of water build up.
Fishing was tough, but eventful. Only able to land one, but was getting lots of bumps, hits with immediate surface head shake, and hook spits.

Food was great. My first taste of a fried turkey. Thanks Omar.
Prizes were awesome and thanks to Donna for the shirts.
The rod that Bob made/donated was incredible.

11-21-2010, 07:06 PM
Man am I bummed I missed this event but it was my daughters birthday party and sometimes those things take priority. Glad everyone had a blast and good job to everyone for braving the weather! Sounds like it was another quality outing for Team 57 with good food and friends. Hope I can make the next event.

11-22-2010, 06:38 AM
Man sorry i missed it. Ended up working.Thanx hits for puting on a great event,wont miss the next one hopefuly.Man that food looked good. happy thanxgiving everybody.

11-22-2010, 07:19 AM
cool report Steve! like trollmeister says, happy TDAY!!

11-22-2010, 08:41 AM
Way to capture the moment Steve, great report buddy....keep on doing what you're doin and multiple DDs will be yours this season. Thanks to everyone for coming out to brave the elements, after all it's not a Team57 gathering wiothout a little rain! :LOL:

I've got some pictures I'll try and get up this afternoon as well....


11-22-2010, 09:58 AM
Was a great event, I had the best time and have not laughed so much in years.. Thanks to everyone for making a day i wont forget... Cant wait for the tourney this Saturday... Hope 2 see many Team 57 representing

11-22-2010, 10:28 AM
Awesome report and pics, Steve! Congrats to Bobber Boy for the win!! Anyone who braved those conditions is a champion in my eyes. It was a great turnout and was fun bonding (talking trash) with all the Team 57 Peeps.

Rooster, get me a DD on that new stick!!! As if I need to tell you that ;)

11-22-2010, 11:31 AM
I want to start off by telling those who weren't able to make... MORE FRIED TURKEY and PULLED PORK for me!!! HAHAHA! I'm just playing, you guys missed out on a great 'wet' event. I want to thank the Turkey Bowl III coordinators, I want to thank Donna and Wingnut for donating the Team57 shirts, we all left that day with a new 'dry' shirt. But who I want to thank the most is all you 57 members who made this event possible. It was a few of us and it was perfect. We were able to get everyone into the same conversations, Hitts was there, Troutdog, TaperSteve 'aka' TrollerSteve, Thisfool, 2quick, Bebop, Maverick, I finally meet Rooster, Candyman and this years Turkey Bowl winner, Bobberboy. Even Kewly stopped by real quick but was too cool for us and took off, HA! I think I meet See Chris Fish, but not sure. Who was that guy with Bobberboy? I tried to introduce myself to everyone, so if I didn't write your name I guess we haven't officially meet... or I was too drunk to remember. HAHAHA! I'm already looking forward to Turkey Bowl IV. Till next time. :Big Smile:

11-22-2010, 12:06 PM
Also, this deserves a separate post....THANK YOU DONNA!! Thank you for your continued support of our events, bit official and unofficial. We appreciate it! The shirts were a very nice gesture! I think Dana would be thankful and proud that you continue to carry the torch!!


See Chris Fish
11-22-2010, 04:13 PM
I want to start off by telling those who weren't able to make... MORE FRIED TURKEY and PULLED PORK for me!!! HAHAHA! I'm just playing, you guys missed out on a great 'wet' event. I want to thank the Turkey Bowl III coordinators, I want to thank Donna and Wingnut for donating the Team57 shirts, we all left that day with a new 'dry' shirt. But who I want to thank the most is all you 57 members who made this event possible. It was a few of us and it was perfect. We were able to get everyone into the same conversations, Hitts was there, Troutdog, TaperSteve 'aka' TrollerSteve, Thisfool, 2quick, Bebop, Maverick, I finally meet Rooster, Candyman and this years Turkey Bowl winner, Bobberboy. Even Kewly stopped by real quick but was too cool for us and took off, HA! I think I meet See Chris Fish, but not sure. Who was that guy with Bobberboy? I tried to introduce myself to everyone, so if I didn't write your name I guess we haven't officially meet... or I was too drunk to remember. HAHAHA! I'm already looking forward to Turkey Bowl IV. Till next time. :Big Smile:

Yep, that was me with my best friend, John, aka Bobberboy.
Besides being soaked to the bone, it was so much fun.
It shows who the "hardcore" anlgers of Team 57 are!!!!!

See ya on saturday for the first qualifier!!!!

11-22-2010, 04:35 PM
Yep, that was me with my best friend, John, aka Bobberboy.
Besides being soaked to the bone, it was so much fun.
It shows who the "hardcore" anlgers of Team 57 are!!!!!

See ya on saturday for the first qualifier!!!!

Cool man, it was nice meeting you. See you soon, peace.

11-22-2010, 08:53 PM
It wouldn't be a true Team 57 event without a downpour. It was great seeing many of you again and meeting some new folks. Candyman, shoot me a message and I'll get you out there on the tube.

I regret that I couldn't hang around for the pot luck; it looks like you guys had some good eats. Killa, thanks for keeping me company out on the water. Next time, put the rain jacket on BEFORE your base layer gets soaked. Although it was nice of you to cover Trout Dog's cooler with your jacket. Good call on protecting the beverages.:LOL:

Special thanks to Hitts and TD for organizing this event.

Tight lines!

the killa fish taco
11-22-2010, 09:12 PM
It wouldn't be a true Team 57 event without a downpour. It was great seeing many of you again and meeting some new folks. Candyman, shoot me a message and I'll get you out there on the tube.

I regret that I couldn't hang around for the pot luck; it looks like you guys had some good eats. Killa, thanks for keeping me company out on the water. Next time, put the rain jacket on BEFORE your base layer gets soaked. Although it was nice of you to cover Trout Dog's cooler with your jacket. Good call on protecting the beverages.:LOL:

Special thanks to Hitts and TD for organizing this event.

Tight lines!

lol... maybe i should do that next time.. yeah it was fun tho being the only 2 knuckle heads out there on a float tube...

thanks top everone who donated. i believe everyone left with something in their hands. cant wait for the next one.....

sucks that i forgot my net at home and had to try to lip them.... stupid lead head kept poking me... went 3 for 6... not bad...

Bobber Boy
11-23-2010, 06:31 AM
First off, sorry for the late post!

I want to thank Hitts and TD and everyone involved with putting this event together. Many thanks to all of those who showed up and endured the not so pleasant weather. Again, it was nice to see familiar faces and to meet some new members. The food was awesome and I'm glad I was a part of it. Thanks to Omar for the deep fried turkey. Maybe next year we can a couple more. That was the best turkey I've had in a while. Congrats to all who caught fish and to all of those who picked up some nice gear in the raffle. That rod that Bob donated was sweet!!

Thanks to Donna for donating the Team 57 shirts!! It wasn't something she needed to do, but it in my mind, it goes a long way and is a reflection of what this team is all about.

Looking forward to our next event and seeing all of you again!

Thanks for a great time!


11-23-2010, 10:17 AM
It wouldn't be a true Team 57 event without a downpour. It was great seeing many of you again and meeting some new folks. Candyman, shoot me a message and I'll get you out there on the tube.

I regret that I couldn't hang around for the pot luck; it looks like you guys had some good eats. Killa, thanks for keeping me company out on the water. Next time, put the rain jacket on BEFORE your base layer gets soaked. Although it was nice of you to cover Trout Dog's cooler with your jacket. Good call on protecting the beverages.:LOL:

Special thanks to Hitts and TD for organizing this event.

Tight lines!

LoL Killa was so cold he started to cramp up, haha actually alot of guys started to cramp up front the cold some guys are just getting too old lol. I am looking forward to getting out on the tube! just gotta go pick up those rod holders you were telling me about this friday. Good luck with your outing this friday I unfortunately have a thanksgiving thing to go to that day. Ill shoot you a pm and hopefully we can set up something in the future.

11-23-2010, 08:05 PM
Im glad everyone had fun ! I hope I can make it out this weekend.If not,see you on the 5th !