View Full Version : DVL-Stripers 0, Buelgill 21

skunked again
11-06-2010, 09:37 AM
This is my second time to DVL, arrived late at 7:30. There were about 15-20 cars in line still, at 7:30 on a weekday. People must love this place, esp. since it had opened an hour earlier. I had dreams of big bass and striper. I finally launched the boat at 8:15.

After about 3 hrs, I caught one 12” bass with a scrounger/soft jerk bait, nothing on a senko. I also had a heavy hit on a 6” trout throw bait. It had followed the lure from the deep and bit almost right at boat-side…. no hook up!

I did bring a box of red meal worms just in case of a striper skunk and found some nice bluegill at 40 ft. It was non stop action for about 1.5 hours. The biggest one was 10 inches. I had released about 15, some of which were good sized ones, and kept 21. I had to poke their bladders to get them back down to the bottom.

I’m not sure what I need to do to put some striper in the boat. Thanks for any suggestions in advance.


11-06-2010, 10:52 AM
That is some good eating there! When the kids were little they would not eat fish till we fried up some gill's. When I was done frying they were all gone lucky I eat while cooking:Razz:.
Nice catch...

11-06-2010, 11:12 AM
Good eating. Too bad a 30 pound striper didn't roll up on one of those bluegill when you were reeling them in!

11-06-2010, 11:32 AM
i say u need to stay east of the marina and use BIG spoons or castmasters.....thats what my dad and my buddy uses and they caught DD stripers

11-06-2010, 05:05 PM
Nice mess of fish. Next time you find a spot with Bluegill, if you want to get the larger ones, get out your 2 or 4 lb outfits and put on a yellow or white 1/32 oz mini tube jig and butt hook a live cricket or waxworm onto it. Fish on the bottom bouncing it along and hang on!

11-06-2010, 05:55 PM
nice going on the bluegill. i like eating those and would target them but too bad dvl is a bit far....

skunked again
11-06-2010, 06:08 PM
Thanks for the tip Ramon.

Fishmounter, I bet the cricket or waxworm would be excellent. Great tip bouncing it along the bottom. That big one was on a pearl white mini-jig. That was the first time I had used a meal worm. They fit perfectly threaded into the skirt, very active and a lively presentation.

Natural Lefty
11-06-2010, 08:26 PM
Bluegills at Diamond Valley are very aggressive and often bite on lures, like your big one, but I guess having bait couldn't hurt. Looks like some great Bluegill fishing you got into.

11-10-2010, 12:31 AM
This is my second time to DVL, arrived late at 7:30. There were about 15-20 cars in line still, at 7:30 on a weekday. People must love this place, esp. since it had opened an hour earlier. I had dreams of big bass and striper. I finally launched the boat at 8:15.

After about 3 hrs, I caught one 12” bass with a scrounger/soft jerk bait, nothing on a senko. I also had a heavy hit on a 6” trout throw bait. It had followed the lure from the deep and bit almost right at boat-side…. no hook up!

I did bring a box of red meal worms just in case of a striper skunk and found some nice bluegill at 40 ft. It was non stop action for about 1.5 hours. The biggest one was 10 inches. I had released about 15, some of which were good sized ones, and kept 21. I had to poke their bladders to get them back down to the bottom.

I’m not sure what I need to do to put some striper in the boat. Thanks for any suggestions in advance.


How you guys cooking up these things. Caught a grip last week using shad this size but didnt know how to cook them so I released them all.