View Full Version : which paid lake is best for taking a group of teens for the first time?

11-02-2010, 11:50 AM
I'm wondering if anyone has some thoughts as to where is the best place to take about 5 to 8 kids (teenager) for their first fishing trip this time of year?

I thought about the paid lakes like Irvine or Corona, If that's the case which is the BEST LAKE for first timers? Ideally it would be a bit scenic as well if the fishing is slow.

or the rivers like the San Gabriels after a stocking?

or do you think a 1/2 day boat for rockfish?

or is there still anything to catch from the piers this time of year?

I just want them to have a good experience fishing and hopefully some catching. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

thanks much ,

11-02-2010, 01:57 PM
the neverland ranch?

11-02-2010, 02:02 PM
How old are the kids and do they require licenses? If they require licenses, Corona lake would be a good choice since they do not require licenses and theres enough room for everyone to have fun. Great trout bite. 1/2 days are catching some rockfish, but fishing in 200+ ft of water with 8-12 ounces of lead tends to be more work than fun.

11-02-2010, 02:04 PM
The pay lakes charge an entrance fee of $22.00 per person. Or you can go to the DFG website and look for local trout plants in your area. The fish are on the small side but give kids something to do. All you need to pay for (unless outside free parking) is the parking fee. The pay lakes have a lot of serious fisherman. If you get in their way (some of them) you may get yelled at. I've seen it every time I've gone. The pay lakes can get expensive for a family/friends outing.

On the other hand: If you know someone who lives in Mission Viejo and has access to Lake Mission Viejo, kids 9 and under are free. Each pass after that is $10.00 per person. Each member is allowed 10 guests per day now (up from 6 a year ago). The trout season will start later this month.

11-11-2010, 08:50 PM
Try Jess Ranch. http://www.jessranchlakesnews.com/limitfishing.html I used to take kids to Whitewater but it closed. Now it's Jess Ranch if they absolutely want to catch fish. If you want to teach them patience and dealing with the "skunk" and hearing, "Better luck next time..." take them to SARL. You can do pretty well renting a boat at Irvine Lake early in the morning and top lining (trolling) some lures like spinner and spoons or plugs. Corona isn't bad either...anything but SARL.

11-11-2010, 09:05 PM
lake perris blue gill fishin

11-12-2010, 01:12 PM
.... All you need to pay for (unless outside free parking) is the parking fee.....
Be careful; everyone 16 and older needs a fishing license and those are getting pricey. Not a bad option, though. Just don't have a high expectation of catching fish.