View Full Version : Come on... I can't get any help DVL help???

10-30-2010, 09:12 PM
I am a respectful fisherman...always will be... I will be fishing DVL this one time... Wont be there again anytime soon... Help a guy out..


10-30-2010, 09:33 PM
are you fishing from shore or a boat

10-30-2010, 11:35 PM
Target species?

10-30-2010, 11:47 PM
I am a respectful fisherman...always will be... I will be fishing DVL this one time... Wont be there again anytime soon... Help a guy out..


Dude, read the last 15 reports from DVL...it's all there.

10-31-2010, 01:57 AM
Dude just go out with a Scrounger and a fluke. The boils are there and if you can't catch any then I don't know what to tell you.

10-31-2010, 09:00 AM
i pretty much knew that info.. Just looking for some extra tips I'll be fishing from a boat and target fish are LMB and stripers.. Thanks

10-31-2010, 11:36 AM
Just go fishing or hire a guide

10-31-2010, 02:07 PM
lol i kno...u cant be all pissed about nobody giving u info on DVL... i mean there are thousands of past posts from there..prolly hundreds a day..just look for urself and not be so lazy...best advice i can give u....... just go out and fish for yourself! :p

10-31-2010, 02:37 PM
just look for urself and not be so lazy...best advice i can give u....... just go out and fish for yourself! :p

Ohh come on now. All the guy did was ask (on a fishing forum) for some tips. How's that being lazy?


10-31-2010, 07:07 PM
dude ive been on a rollercoaster of fish at DVL lately. one day im spooning in 80' and the next tossin shad baits up on the bank for good ones. the bite is pretty much one day on; one day on.

ive been out for the past 10 days solid and fished the AC tournament saturday. on the previous 7 or 8 days of pre fish my patterns were lining me up for a solid 20# bag but conditions shifted and moved my fish almost overnight and guess what? we sucked and weighed 4 fish. not saying we caught 4 the whole day as the short fish were on the prowl if you catch my drift.

diamond is a very interesting lake. interesting in the fact that it will change daily or hourly. just go with your gut instincts. if there are shad and birds up on the bank. guess what? throw to the bank. if they are on 3" pieces dont throw 5" or 7" baits. match the hatch dude.

if you see fish breaking on bait out in open water, dont throw a triple trout or a punker thinking you're going to get them. throw a bait the would mimic the forage these fish are jammin on.

if you wanna get em' play the percentages and throw a darthead with a 2 to 3" bait or a fluke or bass assasin on the surface. bingo. you'll catch a million little fish but if you play the percentages you'll heave in some nice ones. yesterday we kept waiting for my big fish to come around and they never did.

just go down the bank and have at it

10-31-2010, 08:01 PM
That my friend is some good dope right there for sure...

10-31-2010, 09:12 PM
Matt knows his stuff. It does suck that it changes so quick. Just have to get out there as much as you can. Time is money, but time is also success. (Thanks Matt!)

10-31-2010, 09:29 PM
Ohh come on now. All the guy did was ask (on a fishing forum) for some tips. How's that being lazy?


just seemed when he put come on cant get any help for dvl he wasgettin all butthurt cuz someone wasnt helping him out..lol,..and it IS good dope ;)

11-02-2010, 08:07 AM
Thanks Matt for the great information. I am heading out to DVL for my first time tomorrow. I have heard nothing but great things about this lake. I hope to learn a few things and catch some fish tomorrow. Thank you for giving up some information.

11-02-2010, 08:22 AM
Yes I agree .. please don't take my post as me being upset.. If I came accross that way I apologize...It was meant to be funny..not serious. I have fished diamond valley.. I have also fished for the last 39 years..Including tourny fishing. I was just looking for a little help since now a days I sadly don't get on the water as often as I would like.. Thats why I joined this forum so when I do go somewhere I am a little more informed. You can check out my previous posts I have no problem giving up spots and info to any and all who want it. Thanks for all the tips.

11-02-2010, 12:13 PM
Great info Matt! I agree that this site is supposed to be great for jst that. Inform less experienced folks or people that heven't fished that particular lake ever or in a while. perhaps too many of us lose site of that, or turn it into a "look at me, look at what I caught" thing.

I'm sorry, I haven't fished DVL sinece the National Bass West Night Series. Otherwise I would at least PM you what I could. good luck out there, let us know if you get on any!!!

11-02-2010, 12:39 PM
Yes I agree .. please don't take my post as me being upset.. If I came accross that way I apologize...It was meant to be funny..not serious. I have fished diamond valley.. I have also fished for the last 39 years..Including tourny fishing. I was just looking for a little help since now a days I sadly don't get on the water as often as I would like.. Thats why I joined this forum so when I do go somewhere I am a little more informed. You can check out my previous posts I have no problem giving up spots and info to any and all who want it. Thanks for all the tips.


Matt has forgotten more about fishing then I'll ever know. That was some good advice. I'd give you "my two cents worth", but it would probably result in you catching less...hehehheeheh.

ShellBack USNRET
11-02-2010, 03:36 PM

Hey shipmate salutes, you are a stand up Angler. You're that person who runs the marathon, finishes miles ahead of others, but you still tend the line to offer motivation and support for those who are still trying to reach the finish line. For some of us, our skills and knowledge of the game may not be on par as yours, but "When You Speak, We Listen."

If your trade is a guide or tournament angler I truly understand the business of keeping it a secret.

To the Sons of King Neptune, hooks up. Pollywogs need not reply…

11-02-2010, 07:12 PM
I was there last Wednesday and going to go out tomorrow. I fished all morning till 1pm I had nothing, not one bite. I never gave up, try everything (different lures, Depths, locations) till.:EyePop: I got one bite. Only one bite all day but it was all worth it. My biggest Striper ever. It might not be big compare to others but I am very happy. I hope to see you.

Good Luck

11-02-2010, 08:48 PM
i do appreciate the kind words. i try and tell it like it is. i'll give you the bait off my rod and let you take it out to the lake. i'll point you to the spot and i'll tell you how to fish the bait. when it all comes down to it, you still have to catch the fish. if nobody is willing to give you the head start you'll never become a better angler.

like everyone i have bad days on the water. i completely admit it. i have days where i pull up to a spot, backlash my first cast, pick up the next rod and the line gets wrapped around the 3 others next to it, lures getting wrapped up in the trolling motor and uncontrollable snags. it happens. no tournament fisherman will be caught dead admitting it, but it happens. i admit it. its what you learned at the end of the day that matters. every trip is a learning process.

im waiting for my time in the spotlight. it hasnt hit yet, but when it does LOOK OUT NOW!! haha.

good job on that striper buddy!

heres a bass i got yesterday. wouldnt you know it, the bite turned back on my pattern the next day!


11-04-2010, 08:23 AM
nice pig matt.
Hey bro, you're a stand up guy and Last Chance is very lucky to have you on their team.
LMK if you're ever free to fish, I would love to pick your brain out on the water.