View Full Version : Point Loma - Grande 7/23-7/25

07-26-2007, 07:46 PM
Boarded the Grande Monday evening and got started off around 10 pm. Headed directly to bait receivers for a mix of 70% percent anchovies and 30% Sardines. The crew carefully transferred the bait to the tanks while the captain James himself did all the net handling from the receivers taking only small scoops to insure the best bait possible.


Tuesday morning started out with us fishing and area roughly 36 miles south of point Loma.


The captain was reluctant to fish so close to home on a two day trip but he didn’t want to overshoot the fish by going to far south. The grey bite produced nothing for us so it was off to trolling and sonaring in search of some of the larger Albacore schools. We started picking off of few fish on the troll until some of the schools begin showing on the sonar. After running a few chum circles the fish begin to surface and boil up around the boat on several bait stops. The crew used up a lot of our bait chumming and our supply started to dwindle towards the end of the day. The Galilean had just finished off its one day trip and offered up it remaining bait to us to help out with the evening bite, thanks guys.



Our first day on the water produced a total 57 fish with 14 coming on the troll and the rest on bait.


Since we were so close to home the captain decided to head back to bait receivers to net up some more of those prime anchovies. We motored back out to the albacore grounds and started Wednesday morning fishing a little further down, around 45 miles south of Point Loma. The grey light bite produced two hookups for us with one albacore caught. The albacore schools were more scattered and playing hard to get. Still managed to find a few decent schools and ended our second day on the water with around 14 bait caught fish all falling for the anchovies.

I managed only one albacore on this trip but was happy with Grande, The captain worked hard on keeping us supplied with primo bait and kept on the move finding fish for us. The chef was great and prepared some of the best boat food I’ve ever had. The deck hands were good with the gaffs and made the effort to help everyone out. The layout Of the boat is nice, it has a large Galley and the deck space is spacious allowing ample tackle storage and room to fish. The bunks are quaint but comfortable and I would recommend getting one on the side to avoid the center double rowed bunks. All in all it was a pleasant trip and I managed to get in on some decent fishing and catch up on some much needed rest.

07-26-2007, 08:30 PM
Nice pics on the slay :thumb: I noticed some of the other boats from the SD fleet at the bait barge. Looks crowded. Atleast you got in some action. Good job.

07-26-2007, 08:50 PM
I probably passed you on the loading dock. I was on the overnight 7/22 trip off the grande. We pretty much got screwed though. Was Nick cook in the galley? There's a picture of him in my report "grande ole' time" If that's the guy, I agree with you on the food being the choicest sportfishing galley food on the water.

Granny Fish
07-26-2007, 08:54 PM
Good to see you reporting again. Been a while.... nice pictures.


thanks for the fish porn too! :wink:

07-26-2007, 09:11 PM
You guys got our fish!!!
I'm sooo jealous and happy for you at the same time!!! :evil: :twisted:

Great pics!! I guess it does make a big difference between an overnight trip and a 2 day. Oh well~ :wink:

07-26-2007, 09:38 PM
the "deck level" pic of the dude standing in the fish....is truly a great shot.I saved it.

07-26-2007, 10:18 PM
Hi webfoot,

Awesome report and pics. Thanks for sharing a type of fishing I don't do but like to read about and find ideas I can use in our local and island waters.



07-27-2007, 03:42 AM
nice report webfoot...nice to get on some fish...ill be going on the galillean the 2nd weekend in august on an overnighter. great crew on that boat...

glad you got to get out again..cant wait to slay at corona in the winter again.

07-27-2007, 03:25 PM
Nice report dude. Sorry we couldn't connect to hit up San V. We'll have to get some lines wet while you're still on vacation.

07-27-2007, 03:36 PM
Sweet report and outstanding photos!

Gotta love the count of "57" fish! :lol:


07-29-2007, 08:33 PM
Nice Report Webby... I like the pics!!!