View Full Version : Cell phone carrier feedback

10-16-2010, 05:33 PM
So who do you currently have as your cell phone provider? I am with verizon and the coverage seems very good, but in price shopping they are definitely not the cheapest. Who do you have coverage with? What do you pay for unlimited package? What is your opinion of the coverage range?

Thanks for your feeback....


10-16-2010, 06:43 PM
Sup TD!

Sprint = Garbage


Garbage > Sprint


PS - I have Sprint

old pudd fisher
10-16-2010, 07:40 PM
Trout Dog we used to have Sprint when we had our carpet and flooring store years ago and were not happy with the service, went to Verizon for a little more money monthly but it was worth it....No probs. with them and my wife and I still have Verizon and happy with them today.

10-16-2010, 08:19 PM
I have Sprint and have had zero problems. Coverage is great everywhere, and I use the data plan heavily with the phone that I'm using and rarely experience any problems. Have never had to use their Customer Service, so I can't tell whether or not that aspect of the service is good or not.

I jumped from the AT&T network, after their network wasn't able to handle the surge of subscribers due to the iPhone user increase, and the merger with Cingular a few years ago. Nothing ilke busy signals for hours on end because the particular towers around my work are over saturated.

With Sprint, I pay $69.99 for my unlimited plan, and a $10 surcharge for unlimited 4G access. 4G is absolutely ridiculous. The bandwidth is comparable to a cable connection at home, which I've canceled because now I just tether with my phone to my computers at home for internet access.

10-16-2010, 08:36 PM
Verizon all the way!

All cell companies will have their problem areas, but verizon has the fewest

10-16-2010, 09:04 PM
Lol, people calling sprint garbage then touting verizon are making me laugh.

Do you realize sprint offers free roaming? Which runs 100% off of verizon towers? With any sprint phone you simply allow the roaming feature of the phone and you can run sprint AND verizon service. FOR FREE.

Darkshadow knows exactly what hes talking about, the recent 4G coverage is unreal, we've had sprint for 11 years now. I worked for nextel and I've had EVERY local service provider (verizon, tmobile, att, pac bell) and i keep going back to sprint.

I've currently got the Samsung Epic 4G and nothing can beat the galaxy S phones right now, NOTHING.

Heres a quick rundown, With sprint you get
Free Roaming(coverage anywhere sprint or verizon have service)
Free minutes to ALL mobile phones, minutes only count toward calling landlines
Everything Data plans include unlimited EVERYTHING(aside from minutes, you get unlimited data, text, pic messaging, GPS/Navigation)

And like Darkshadow said, you get this for $69.99 if its for a single phone.

10-16-2010, 09:13 PM
Right on guys, thanks for the feedback thus far...

DS this might be a dumb question, but when you said you cancelled your cable internet...do you basically plug your phone into your PC to gain internet access? Sounds like it is pretty easy based on how you phrased it.

Thanks again for sharing your experiences.


10-16-2010, 09:17 PM
I went from sprint, to verizon, then I ended up with T-mobile & stood with them for the last 3yrs. To me verizon was way over priced. I love T-mobile & have no complaints. They have good phone coverage, good cust service, & pretty cool phones. Then again just about every phone carrier is gonna have the same phone, just a different name. I have 2 phones on my plan. (me & the wife) It is not the cheapest plan but I dont mind paying that. We pay $167 a month. 1800 when ever minutes, internet on both phones, mobile to mobile, unlimited text, my faves. At the end of the month we only end up using half of our min. due to our my faves. I know theres better phone plans from tmobile but we're fine for now with what we got. I hope this helped

10-16-2010, 09:23 PM
had verizon ,wasnt happy with the billing issues. went to (nextel) now sprint no issues with service
and i have replaced a few phones due to damage, make a call and its in the mail no problems
I have the new EVO now with the unlim. data plan,, it rocks

10-16-2010, 09:25 PM
Lol, people calling sprint garbage then touting verizon are making me laugh.

Do you realize sprint offers free roaming? Which runs 100% off of verizon towers? With any sprint phone you simply allow the roaming feature of the phone and you can run sprint AND verizon service. FOR FREE.

Darkshadow knows exactly what hes talking about, the recent 4G coverage is unreal, we've had sprint for 11 years now. I worked for nextel and I've had EVERY local service provider (verizon, tmobile, att, pac bell) and i keep going back to sprint.

I've currently got the Samsung Epic 4G and nothing can beat the galaxy S phones right now, NOTHING.

Heres a quick rundown, With sprint you get
Free Roaming(coverage anywhere sprint or verizon have service)
Free minutes to ALL mobile phones, minutes only count toward calling landlines
Everything Data plans include unlimited EVERYTHING(aside from minutes, you get unlimited data, text, pic messaging, GPS/Navigation)

And like Darkshadow said, you get this for $69.99 if its for a single phone.

Now your making me laugh.

You have to roam with sprint to use Verizon towers {service} to get your phone to work? And your proud of that?

10-16-2010, 09:31 PM
my phone never roams, im saying that you all complain about the sprint service and yet you went to verizon, when you had the service all along.

i have 4g service where i live, and have full service which never goes less than -82db in my area, going on the verizon service would only make it slower.

Right now where i'm sitting in my living room, my phone is currently powering my laptop's internet connection via tethering with 4G and my i've got a -48db signal.

10-16-2010, 10:02 PM
Have to say Sprint doesnt work for me. Ive had the service and it was horrible. Customer service was bad and again the cell coverage. Again that was for me??

What I would do is go to your local Verizon store and see if they offer a discount where you work at. Depending where you work you can save up yo 28% off your plan.

10-16-2010, 10:11 PM
DS this might be a dumb question, but when you said you cancelled your cable internet...do you basically plug your phone into your PC to gain internet access? Sounds like it is pretty easy based on how you phrased it.

Yeah, the phone becomes my internet connection, but you don't really have to physically 'connect' it to any computer, as long as your computer has either a wireless card, or is blue tooth enabled. I have an application that I turn on in the phone which makes other computers able to connect to it. My laptop connects to the phone wirelessly, and gets all data pushed from the phone to my computer, thus, the reason I canceled my internet connection i had with Time Warner. Since I have unlimited data from Sprint, I can use the phone as my internet connection at home as well (or anywhere) and if you're in an area that has 4G, it essentially becomes true 'mobile broadband.'

(Altho, with the HTC Evo, i find myself using my computers at home less and less....that thing is pretty much a computer in the palm of your hand.)

10-17-2010, 05:23 AM
Had Sprint for 10 years now on ATT for 3 weeks.

Samsung Captivate Android . Never had a I phone.

This Android phone takes insane pics. I emailed some and people don't believe it is a camera phone.

Service is good and works all around S Palos Verdes. Never wanted to get off Nextel due to the good service but this ATT service is fine.

Go Android,
I phone is so last year.:LOL:

http://i785.photobucket.com/albums/yy133/LaCookie_09/Samsung_Captivate.jpg This Phone Kicks Asss. DR

CPT. Kirk
10-17-2010, 07:55 AM
I have a Sprint wireless card on my lap top it was issued to me by the corporation that I work for it works great I'm able to get on line just about anywhere in the U.S. But I have colleagues who complain about their cell phone service.

I also have both Verizon & AT&T. I have had AT&T for a long time and get great service in the LA area but only ok service in the area that I live (Upland). With Verizon I also get great service in LA but also good service in the area that I live I have not experienced any poor service or drop calls.

The reason why I have both is that the corporation I work for just recently issued it's Sales force with new phones and choice of service.

10-19-2010, 03:16 PM
Now your making me laugh.

You have to roam with sprint to use Verizon towers {service} to get your phone to work? And your proud of that?

Apparently you may have misunderstood.

Sprint allows the use of Verizon's towers, IN CONJUNCTION with their own. So in essence, coverage for Sprint includes free use of Verizon signals as well as their own. So, if u complain about reception with Sprint, moving to a company that does not piggy backing on other carrier's towers free of charge (e.g, Verizon) you are essentially getting less coverage and ultimately worse reception.

10-19-2010, 07:23 PM
Sprint works good at Irvine Lake . LOL ! Have had sprit for years . Never any problems .

10-19-2010, 07:39 PM
I work in a refrigerated warehouse in LA and only Sprint and Verizon get service in the coolers. I used to live over in the station fire area by the mountains and had great service. Whether i go fishing in some remote area or on vacation in Mexico i have service most of the time and thats one less thing to worry about. Sprint is my choice.

10-20-2010, 11:25 PM
I have att and it works best on the south bay beachs compared to all other cell phone companies i have tried and also good coverge at most lakes even when my friends coverge wont but is a little$$$$$$$$$$$$
Had Sprint for 10 years now on ATT for 3 weeks.

Samsung Captivate Android . Never had a I phone.

This Android phone takes insane pics. I emailed some and people don't believe it is a camera phone.

Service is good and works all around S Palos Verdes. Never wanted to get off Nextel due to the good service but this ATT service is fine.

Go Android,
I phone is so last year.:LOL:

http://i785.photobucket.com/albums/yy133/LaCookie_09/Samsung_Captivate.jpg This Phone Kicks Asss. DR