View Full Version : Sarl 10/4/10

10-06-2010, 06:33 PM
I've been a long time lurker and have learned a lot from the members here so i figure i should start posting a little.

My dad was the one that got me into fishing when i was around 9 years old and we still try to go fishing together at least once a month. I talked to him over the weekend and he mentioned that he's been getting skunked the last 3 times he has been out. 3 different lakes. So I figured the hell with the $22. Let's go to SARL and least we'll have a good chance of catching something.

We setup to go on Moday the 4th. Leave the house at 5:00am (it's an hour, hour and half drive) we get to the lake at 7:30 (didn't account for the traffic in the rain, hell didn't even bother to check the weather). Had lines out in the water around the docks at 8:00am.

Target: Catfish
Baits: m&m combo, shrimp (dipped in hog wiled), mackerel, nightcrawlers.
rig: Hi/low (i think), Carolina rig (kinda), and something else (hehe)
hookes: bait holder/circle/octopus

Fished the area for about two hours had a few bites but nothing was landed. Decided to go over to levitz corner i think that's what it's called. On the retrieve of one of the rods baited with a night crawler got a bite a few feet from the shore, set the hook, reeled it in and had a small (maybe 6") LMB. Fish released and went to second spot.

Fished for about on hour got a few bites on shrimp but nothing solid to even attempt a hook set. switched to targeting carp and trout with nothing for about an hour. Decided to switch spots again, drove down a little to the water pump. Switched gear again at this point and started casting for LMB. Figured if we can't catch something to take home for dinner mind as well have a little fun. Dad landed a few small LMB's again which were released. Was nice to see him have a little fun at least. Rain started getting worst so we decided to pack up around 2:00 or 3:00 pm.

Total trip: around $100
Fish: nothing really worth the mention.
spending time with dad: priceless

10-06-2010, 06:40 PM
And that's what it's all about.........it's fun to catch fish but it's a life time memory to spend it on the water with family or friends..........great post......and you will get them next time......

Tight lines.............

10-06-2010, 06:50 PM
My dads 84 when he comes to town we always go we rant that great but we have great talks I thank god that he took me fishing we had no camping equipment so we slept on the ground or in the car made a fire great times as the song says these are the good times your gonna want them back,!!good luck thanks for the post